W, who released his special move at close range, was completely unable to resist the terrifying energy outpouring and was blown away.


Flying dozens of meters away under this explosive energy, W finally released his transformation after falling heavily to the ground.

Philip rolled on the ground for several rounds, and after stopping, he looked at the location of the Nazca doping body with reluctance.

But soon, he fainted.

And Shotaro Sae, who was originally taken to the side by Akiko Narumi to hide, also returned to his own body.


As Kamen Riders with one heart and one mind, they naturally knew the other's situation very well with the dual drive.

Just before releasing the transformation, he had clearly felt that Philip's current condition was not good.

Shotaro Sae, who stood up, ran towards Philip in a hurry.

Seeing that Shotaro Sae actually rushed out at once, Akiko Narumi shouted immediately.

"Hey! Shotaro!"

She wanted to remind Shotaro Zuo to be careful, but Shotaro Zuo only had Philip in his eyes now, so he didn't care about anything else.

At this time, the Nazca doped body in an unstable state saw W who had been defeated by him, and shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha! I won! I finally won!

W's strongest tusk ace form is not my opponent! Hahaha! President, I didn't let you down this time! Uh...!"

But his happiness lasted only two seconds, and the terrifying energy in his body burst out again.


The energy in his body burst out again, and the orange-red energy poured out crazily, causing the Nazca doped body to roar crazily.

Under the crazy pouring of orange-red energy, the ground around the Nazca doped body cracked.

"Crack, crack, crack!!"

It seemed that the earth could not bear this force.

Witnessing the Nazca doped body pouring out energy crazily, Lu Li was extremely calm in his heart.

"Is it at the limit? But... it's good this way. After I recover it and make adjustments, it should be the Nazca memory at its peak state."

Although I don't know who strengthened the Nazca memory to this extent, it just fulfilled Lu Li's idea.

W has failed, and the next thing he can rely on is himself.

Walked out from the dark, Lu Li walked steadily towards the Nazca doped body.

Facing the terrifying energy, Lu Li still walked in steadily.

This energy seemed to be completely isolated outside Lu Li's body, and it couldn't get close to him at all.

As if sensing someone approaching, the Nazca doped body suddenly turned around, his eyes full of fierceness.

"Lu Li! You... are also an enemy!"

The Nazca doped body is now completely addicted to the dark side of his heart. Anyone who is recognized as an enemy will be attacked crazily by him.

"Has the heart also been eroded?"

Seeing that the Nazca doped body also regarded himself as an enemy, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

Even if the Gaia drive blocked the toxins, it still couldn't prevent the toxins from penetrating into Sudo Kirihiko's body under the energy explosion.

This toxin can drive the user crazy, gradually twist his heart, and infinitely magnify the dark side of his heart.

"Forget it, since you have reached this point, it is time to recycle.

I will take over the little white mouse arranged by the old man."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li immediately took out the transformation buckle and the plum ace awakening card,



Passing through the purple light curtain with spider patterns, Lu Li appeared in green and gold armor.

Kamen Rider Leangle!

At this moment, Nazca's memory body didn't care so much, and flew up with a roar.

"Ah! ! Die!"


The speed was very fast, and only afterimages could be seen.

What happened next made Nazca's doped body silent.

"Clang! Clang!..."

The blade slashed out at super high speed, each sword has extremely strong power.

But Lu Li seemed to be able to predict the position of his attack. Every time he just started to attack, Lu Li had already made a response in advance.

After the awakening stick and the Nazca sword blade collided several times in a row, the Nazca doped body felt something was wrong at the first time and retreated instantly.

Looking at the Nazca doped body that was staring at him very vigilantly from a distance, Lu Li turned the awakening stick in his hand.

Then, Lu Li's calm voice came over.

"What, is it not okay? Didn't you say you wanted to kill me just now? I'm here now, won't you come?"

At this time, the Nazca doped body had no ability to think calmly.

He only knew one thing now, that is, to tear the enemy in front of him into pieces.

"Shut up!!"

"Super high speed!!"

With a roar, the Nazca doped body pounced on him again.

The speed was obviously faster than before, so fast that it was almost invisible.

With such speed, he didn't believe that his attack couldn't hit Lu Li.

And Lu Li quickly took out an awakening card and swiped it across the awakening stick.


It was the smoke squid of the 9 of clubs!

The shadow of the awakening card merged into the awakening stick, and the next second, a very thick smoke was sprayed out of the awakening stick.

The thick smoke enveloped Lu Li in an instant, and it was completely unclear where Lu Li was.


The Nazca dopant, who was moving at a high speed, saw the thick smoke billowing around him. For a moment, he was also confused.

There was thick smoke everywhere, and he couldn't even see people clearly, so how could he attack Lu Li.

But now he couldn't just sit there and wait for death. He couldn't find Lu Li, but it didn't mean that he couldn't attack the smoke.


Energy balls condensed in his hands, and he threw them into the smoke one after another.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Each energy ball exploded when it touched the surface of an object.

As long as one of them touched Lu Li, it would be enough for the Nazca dopant0......

Bursts of roars sounded, and looking at the thick smoke, the Nazca dopant was not sure what was going on inside.

Suddenly, a voice came from the smoke.

"It's just right, I can use you to experiment, little white mouse."

When the voice was heard, the Nazca dopant was startled.


He just released so many energy balls, did he really not hit any of them?

Not really.

Some of the energy balls he released just now almost hit Lu Li head-on.

It's just that Lu Li counterattacked more quickly and hit the energy balls on the ground with the awakening stick.

In the smoke, Lu Li took out two awakening cards.

These two awakening cards are advanced undead awakening cards belonging to the plum series.

Plum Jack's fusion elephant and Plum Queen's absorption tiger.

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

After swiping the two cards, a dazzling golden light bloomed on the awakening stick.

Under the effect of Plum Queen's absorption tiger power, Plum Jack's fusion elephant power was released.

A golden elephant appeared in front of Lu Li, with golden light on its body.

With strong limbs, silver-white fangs, and a long golden nose, it looked very weak and powerless.

The golden elephant glanced at Lu Li and plunged directly.

The golden power instantly poured into Lu Li's body, and his body burst into dazzling golden light.

In this dark and smoky environment, such dazzling golden light seemed like light in the darkness.

The Nazca dopant didn't know what was going on, but he knew it must be related to Lu Li.

"I found you!!"

The purple light wings behind him burst out instantly, and the Nazca dopant used this power to rush out of the range of the smoke.

When it reached a certain height, the Nazca dopant stopped.

He lowered his head and clearly saw the location where the golden light bloomed in the thick smoke.


He burst out with powerful energy and fell rapidly, and the Nazca sword in his hand was attached with terrifying energy.

He... wanted to kill with one blow!

He instantly inserted into the smoke and stabbed towards the location of the golden light.

At such a high distance and such a fast speed, he didn't believe that Lu Li could still block it.

The next moment, a dull metal collision sound suddenly came from the smoke.



Then, a figure burst out from the smoke.


The figure that flew out of the smoke hit the wall beside it.

The tiles on the wall shattered into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

The dust covered the figure that hit the wall.

Shoutaro Zuo, who had successfully found Philip and was hiding with him, was watching the battle seriously.

He was very curious about who the winner of this battle was.

Who was the person who was just beaten out?

For some reason, he was more inclined to Lu Li's victory.

As for the reason, it was because he had never taken advantage of Lu Li.

Every time, he was the one who was beaten.

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