
The Nazca doped body was hit hard on the ground by this punch, and felt dizzy for a while.

It was not the intense pain that made him sure that he was still alive. He even thought he was dead.

"Speed ​​can indeed greatly improve your combat effectiveness, but if your attack has been predicted by me in advance, will your speed still have any effect?

In battle, speed alone can never decide everything. It's over."

After the voice fell, Lu Li threw the iron ball aside and picked up the enhanced awakening stick again.

He drew out two awakening cards and swiped the enhanced awakening stick.

"Stab (bee)!"

"Blizzard (polar bear)!"

They are the stinging bee of the 2 of clubs and the blizzard polar of the 6 of clubs.

The phantoms of the two awakening cards merged into the enhanced awakening stick.

When the Nazca doped body barely stood up, Lu Li suddenly stabbed the enhanced awakening stick.

Blizzard.Stab (blizzard stab)!


The plum blossom-like tip of the enhanced awakening stick instantly pierced into the abdomen of the Nazca dopant.


Feeling the intense pain in his abdomen, the Nazca dopant grabbed the enhanced awakening stick.

However, his body movements were gradually becoming stiff.

It was then clear that his body was being frozen bit by bit.

In an instant, his body was completely frozen.

What Lu Li wanted was the Nazca memory, not to kill the Nazca dopant.

One carelessness might destroy the Nazca memory, which was not what Lu Li wanted to see.

Pulling out the enhanced awakening stick, Lu Li punched the frozen Nazca dopant in the chest.


Ice chips were flying all over the sky, and under the sunlight, they looked very beautiful.

And the Nazca dopant was also knocked away by this punch, and a lot of ice chips fell from his body.

It can be clearly seen that there were cracks on his chest.

In the middle of flying out, the Nazca doped body emitted a faint golden light.

Then it turned back to Sudo Kirihiko's appearance, but the body was still frozen.

As for the Nazca memory, together with the Gaia drive, they fell to the ground one after another.


Sudo Kirihiko, who was frozen into an ice sculpture and fell to the ground, was undoubtedly broken into pieces in an instant under the strong impact.

Zuo Xiangtaro and Philip, who witnessed this purpose, saw Sudo Kirihiko being broken into pieces.


Faced with this situation, the shock in their hearts could not be added.

Whether it was the uncle or Tsumura Marina, at least they did not lose their arms and legs when they died.

But now Sudo Kirihiko, there is no intact place on his body, really just like a pure ice sculpture, broken into pieces.

Even though he knew that Lu Li and Sudo Kirihiko were both members of the organization, this was a contradiction within the organization, which was a good thing for them.

Seeing this situation, Zuo Xiangtaro couldn't feel happy at all.

"That guy! ‖!"

He and Sudo Kirihiko had met at the Wind Barber Shop before, and learned some things from him.

Even the symbol of peace in Wind City, Fengdu-kun, was created by Sudo Kirihiko.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was sure that Sudo Kirihiko was not bad deep down.

Maybe... he just went astray.

If such a person could be guided back, he might be able to find out the secret of the organization.

But now, the other party was beaten into ice fragments and there was no possibility of saving him.

Za Shotaro was full of anger, but Philip was obviously not in good condition now.

If he impulsively attacked the terrifying guy, he might suffer in the end.

Za Shotaro, who had matured a lot, did not take action even though he was full of anger.

At this time, he could only endure it first.

A little impatience will ruin a big plan!

If he couldn't hold back now, he might drag down his partners, and he was not completely brainless.

Isaka Shinkoro, who had been observing everything here with a telescope, witnessed Sudo Kirihiko being beaten into ice fragments, and he was very afraid of Lu Li.

Slowly putting down the telescope in his hand, Isaka Shinkoro's face was a little solemn.

"Lu Li, worthy of being an opponent that even Sono Saki Ryubei is very afraid of, he is really strong.

With my current strength, it may be difficult to deal with him, and I must become stronger.

However, this time the goal has been achieved. The ultra-high-speed data of the Nazca memory has been imported into the weather memory by me.

It's a bit of a pity that I couldn't get more powerful data."

There was a little regret in his tone. When he saw that the Nazca dopant evolved to Lv3, he wondered if he could get some more data from the Nazca memory.

But now it seems almost impossible.

The Nazca memory will inevitably fall into Lu Li's hands. Can he still rob it?

At this time, taking the initiative to find Lu Li is tantamount to seeking death.

Before he became strong enough, he didn't want to take the initiative to contact Lu Li, this terrifying opponent.

If possible, he even hoped that Lu Li and Sonosaki Ryubei could collide in advance.

And he could just take advantage of it.

But such an idea is only a thought at present, and the possibility of realization is almost small.

Even if Sonosaki Ryubei is very afraid of Lu Li's incomparable power, he probably won't take action immediately.

After all, Lu Li alone is enough for Sonosaki Ryubei to drink a pot, not to mention Sonosaki Saeko.

"Lu Li... I am really curious about your power. Is it a card?"

Putting the telescope back in the car, Izaka Shinkuro put on the gentleman's hat again and drove away.

This time, part of the goal has been achieved.

Unfortunately, he has no way to recover the Nazca memory, so things can only go this far.


Looking at Sudo Kirihiko who has turned into many ice fragments, Lu Li also closed the buckle and lifted the transformation state.

He turned his head and glanced at a certain place in the distance.

He just felt that someone seemed to be staring at him in that direction.

But the feeling was not strong, and the other party did not show any killing intent, so Lu Li naturally found it difficult to detect.

Then he looked at the Nazca memory and the Earth drive, and walked over to pick up the two things.

The recovery work was completed.

It was not much different from what he expected. Sudo Kirihiko still had some strength.

If it weren't for the fact that his body couldn't withstand the overspeeding, and he couldn't control the power of the Nazca memory Lv3, he might be able to compete with Lu Li's Jack.form.

After recovering the Nazca memory, Lu Li set his sights on the pile of ice chips.

Among them, there was a more conspicuous thing, a red memory.

This memory was the bird memory that Sudo Kirihiko recovered before.

Unexpectedly, this thing was still there and was not damaged, which was rare.

Picking up the memory casually, Lu Li also knew that this memory was the latest experimental research of the museum.

Noticing that Lu Li had picked up the bird memory, he obviously felt something was wrong.

"That's... the bird memory! What else does that guy want to do?"

He was about to get up to stop Lu Li, but he couldn't leave at all, and Philip's current condition was not good.

"Damn it! Philip, wait here for a moment."

Zuo Xiangtaro quickly put Philip gently on the ground and immediately rushed to Ming Hai Ya Shuzi and the others.

His intuition told him that Lu Li would never simply take away the bird memory.

That's right, Lu Li naturally couldn't simply recycle the bird memory.

It's still under experimentation, and he will continue the museum's experiment.

So you can see that Lu Li gradually walked towards the owner of the bird memory, Jiang Caoqian.

Noticing Lu Li walking towards this side, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi mustered up the courage to stand in front of Jiang Caoqian.

"Yes...I'm here! Don't think about doing anything to her!"

The voice was righteous, as if she could protect Jiang Caoqian.

Lu Li put his hand on Ming Hai Ya Shuzi's head and pushed her aside directly.


Ming Hai Ya Shu Zi, who was pushed aside, obviously didn't understand what was going on.

Did the other party just ignore her?

This was too much!

Ming Hai Ya Shu Zi's cheeks bulged slightly, and she didn't like the feeling of being ignored.

But facing the angry Ming Hai Ya Shu Zi, Lu Li didn't care about her gaze at all.

Lu Li came to Jiang Cao Qian on his own and squatted down slightly.

Jiang Cao Qian had seen that Lu Li had terrifying and powerful power just now.

If she didn't cooperate with Lu Li honestly, she could imagine what would happen in the end.

She didn't want to become an ice sculpture like that person at such a young age, and then be smashed into pieces.

When she thought of that situation, she trembled all over.

Noticing Jiang Cao Qian's slightly trembling body, Lu Li handed over the bird memory in his hand.

"You should really want to save your friend, so use its power.

With its power, you can send your friend to the hospital as soon as possible, how about it?"

The voice sounded quite gentle, and Jiang Caoqian, who had been frightened and closed her eyes tightly, felt a little incredible.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw the bird memory quietly placed in front of her.

This person who looked like an older brother in front of her was so cruel before, why is he so peaceful now?

It doesn't feel like the same person.

She didn't dare to guess so much now, because she noticed that Tongma, who was standing next to her, had a pale face and was sweating all over.

If he continued like this, something big might happen.

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