There is no time to think so much, Akane Eso. After saying thank you quickly, he immediately took the bird memory.

"`ˇThank you!"


When she pressed the button on the memory, a memory connection port appeared on her wrist.

On the side, Narumi Asukiko could see it clearly, and his mouth opened wide in surprise.

"Ah!! It's you!"

She never expected that the real memory holder was Akane Eso.

Shotaro Zuo, who was running towards this side, also saw this scene.


He never expected that the little sister, the obedient girl before, would now be the holder of the memory.

Before he could step forward to stop her, Jiang Caoqian immediately inserted the bird memory in her hand into the interface.

The data entered her body and instantly caused her body to change.

The figure gradually grew taller, and finally turned into a bird-doped body.

Picking up Tong Ma beside him, the bird hybrid instantly jumped into the air and flew towards the hospital at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at the bird hybrid that had flown away, Lu Li had a smile on his face.

"Okay, the test continues, the recycling work has been completed, and it's time to make adjustments."

Since the Nazca memory is currently in an unstable state, some adjustments are needed before it can be successfully transformed into an awakening card.

Now, Lu Li was preparing to go to his research laboratory.

At this moment, a burst of scolding suddenly came.

"Stop! Lu Li!"

Lu Li, who was about to leave, stopped.

He has met Zuo Shotaro many times, and he can naturally recognize the other person's voice.

Turning around and looking at Zuo Xiangtaro behind him, Lu Li smiled lightly.

"What? This time I indirectly saved your life. You (the king) must not want to repay kindness with hatred."

If it weren't for him this time, W might really have to get a box lunch.

After all, they have not yet reached their limit. It is extremely difficult to deal with the Nazca dopant that has reached the third stage.

This sentence immediately made Zuo Shotaro speechless.

Just because there was nothing wrong with what Lu Li said just now, it was really thanks to Lu Li that he and Phillip were able to save their lives this time.

Narumi Ajuko, who was standing with Zuo Shotaro, carefully poked his waist and whispered in his ear.

"Shoutaro, Lu Li said there was nothing wrong with him, he really saved you two.

If it weren't for his sudden appearance, I'm afraid you would have all been killed by that guy just now. "

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

He glared at Narukiya Shuko fiercely, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute."

Then, turning his attention to Lu Li, Zuo Xiangtaro said sternly.

"Lu Li, even if you accidentally saved our lives just now, I still won't just watch you do bad things.

You obviously had a chance to rescue Sudou Kirihiko, why did you kill him? !

Why did you give the bird memory to Akane Eso again? She is just a child! "

The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic he became. Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes widened in anger, and he stared at Lu Li closely with his big eyes.

He was venting his unhappiness.

"How I do things...does it have anything to do with you?"

After speaking, Lu Li turned and left.


Shotarou Zuo wanted to catch up, but was grabbed by Asukiko Narumi.

"Shoutaro! Don't go! If you catch up at this time, what if he turns against you?

Phillip must have been injured. You may not even be able to transform at this time, so what are you going to do? "

The harsh reprimand instantly made Zuo Shotarou wake up.

PS: Thank you————Feng Zhuoman for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————仮麺ライダー for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————Tian Zhi Yu Long’s monthly ticket!

Thanks——Xia Yan for your monthly ticket! Roar.

Chapter 109 I am a weak woman! The old man's preparation, Jiantou must die!

Watching the receding figure disappear from sight, Shotaro Zuo punched the fence beside him with unwillingness.

"Damn! This guy is killing people right in front of me, but I can't do anything!

Fortunately, I said I would not let this city shed tears, but when something like this happened, I was powerless.

Damn it! ! "

He really wanted to protect this city, but facing the powerful Lu Li, he was a little frightened.

At first, they thought that after successfully helping Phillip master the power of the fangs, they would be able to fight Lu Li.

But I didn't expect that the reality is still so cruel.

There is still a big gap between them and Lu Li.

At this time, Shotaro Zuo suddenly thought of Akane Eso, and said immediately.

"By the way! Xiaoqian! Yashuzi, Philip is over there. Please go and take him back. I want to go to the hospital immediately."

After saying that, Shotaro Zuo rushed directly towards the hospital.

"Hey! Shotaro! You idiot! I am a weak woman, how do you want me to send Philip back?!"

Unfortunately, in the face of Narumi Yasukiko's call, Zuo Shotaro didn't even think about turning back.


Stomping her feet fiercely, there was no choice but to find Phillip.

Then, with her great strength, Philip was easily lifted up by her.

This is what Ming Hai Ajuko said about "weakness"!

Obviously, Zuo Xiangtaro had already guessed that this would happen.

"Ajuko, I'm sorry to bother you." Philip, who was being held next to him, said apologetically.

His current condition is indeed not very good. He can't move freely and can only rely on Ming Hai Ajuko's help.

Hearing this, Ming Hai Ajuko shook her head vigorously.

"It's okay! Anyway, you are a member of our detective agency. I can't just leave you here and not care about anything."

The two walked towards the detective agency with difficulty.


Sonosaki family.

Just now, Sonosaki Ryubei received a call from Isaka Shinkuro.

From the phone, he also learned that Lu Li had successfully killed Sudo Kirihiko and got the Nazca memory.

The most important thing is that he learned from the description of Isaka Shinkuro that the current Nazca memory should have evolved to Lv3 and possessed quite powerful power.

But the problem is that the current Nazca memory has fallen into Lu Li's hands.

Even if it has evolved to Lv3, it has nothing to do with him.

To get back the Nazca memory, and to get it back from Lu Li, is simply harder than climbing to the sky.

The old man felt very unhappy when he thought that a powerful golden 657 memory was obtained by Lu Li.

It was obviously Nazca Memory that he gave away, and Gaia Driver as well.

Even Sudo Kirihiko was found by him.

As a result, now he has not gained any benefits, and even Nazca Memory has fallen into Lu Li's hands.

In this case, it would be strange if he was not depressed.

"Damn it! Lu Li!"

He clenched the cane in his hand. If it were not in human form, the cane would have been useless.

He was furious, but he couldn't do anything to Lu Li.

From what Isako Shinkuro just said, Lu Li could easily deal with the Nazca doping body that evolved to Lv3.

This strength made the old man very afraid.

And he knew that Lu Li would not be affected by the power of fear.

In other words, the only means he could use to threaten Lu Li was probably the Fear Dragon Beast.

But he didn't know whether the Fear Dragon Beast could defeat Lu Li.

It would be fine if he won, but what if he lost?

What should he do if he lost?

Because of the last virtual doping body incident, the relationship between him, Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko has become worse and worse.

Especially recently, Sonosaki Saeko has been more and more active, and it seems that she is not satisfied with just taking half of the museum.

The people from Consortium X just came, but they didn't mention the withdrawal of investment, they just came to ask about the progress.

The old man naturally knew about this matter.

He had hoped to use Consortium X to put some pressure on Sonosaki Saeko, but now it seems that this pressure has not been exerted.

He became irritable inexplicably.

How could he feel at ease when things gradually became unsuccessful.

Although Isaka Shinkuro was a good guy, Sonosaki Ryubei did not intend to put all his weight on him.

For this reason, he... contacted an old friend.

At the same time, the other party was also a partner of the museum.

And this partner was not ordinary, and he also had the strength of a cadre.

The partners of the museum were nothing more than responsible for providing the site to build the memory factory and covering up the existence of the memory factory.

Sonosaki Saeko did control half of the museum, but many of the museum's partners were old pioneers, and these people would not obey Sonosaki Saeko's rule.

This is why, even after a period of time, Sonosaki Ryubei still controlled the remaining half, and Sonosaki Saeko could not shake his position.

If he really wants to replace Sonosaki Ryubei and completely control the museum, he has to kill Sonosaki Ryubei directly.

Only by showing strong strength and skills can he intimidate those partners and maintain the stability of the museum.

Those old partners are already quite old, and each of them is quite strong, which is why Sonosaki Ryubei still has the confidence.

But the partners are just partners after all, and the things between him and his daughter are family affairs.

At the same time, this is also embarrassing.

As the emperor of the museum, he can't handle his family affairs well, and he needs others to help him handle his family affairs. How can he convince the public?

Therefore, he only contacted one partner, who is considered a relatively trusted person.

The other party will not betray him, nor will he expose this matter.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who is slowly accumulating strength, is ready to find a suitable opportunity to kill with one blow.

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