Reclaim the museum he founded and get everything back on track.

"Saiko, it's not my wish to get to this point, but you're too disobedient. I don't need a disobedient daughter."


On the other side, Shotaro Sae finally arrived at the hospital on his Tough Guy.

When he arrived here, he saw Akane Esako coming out of the hospital.

She looked dazed and worried.

Shotaro Sae immediately called out.


Akane Esako raised her head when she heard the call and saw Shotaro Sae getting off the motorcycle.

"Where's the memory that guy gave you just now? Don't use that dangerous thing anymore!

If you continue to use it, you'll be in danger! Listen to me and give it to me quickly."

As he said that, Shotaro Sae stepped forward and was about to take Akane Esako's memory.

But after seeing Shotaro Sae, Akane Esako's face was full of vigilance.

She quickly took two steps back and shook her head vigorously.



Looking at Jiang Caoqian in disbelief, Zuo Xiangtaro felt that he really couldn't understand.

She had already seen how miserable the other two boys were now, but she still wanted to keep this memory.

"Why?!" Zuo Xiangtaro asked with a frown.

He really couldn't understand why Jiang Caoqian refused.

Logically speaking, she should have realized that this thing was very dangerous.

Looking down at the bird memory in her hand, Jiang Caoqian shook her head vigorously.

"No! I need it! I need its power!"

Walking forward, putting his hands on her shoulders, Zuo Xiangtaro shouted loudly.

"How could it be? Don't you know its harm? You must use the power of the memory, you will get more and more out of control!"

Now two people have been injured because of this memory, and he doesn't want to see the little girl he once knew being affected by the memory again.

At this time, Jiang Caoqian, perhaps because she had just used the bird memory again, had a faint black on her eyes.

The power of the memory is affecting her, making her gradually lose control.

She pushed Zuo Xiangtaro to the ground fiercely, lifted her sleeves and pressed the bird memory in her hand.


"No! This is my power. With it, I can fly again!"

As she said that, she immediately inserted the bird memory in her hand into the interface in her hand.

A burst of data enveloped Jiang Caoqian, and then she transformed into a bird dopant again.

But this time, it was much crazier than before.

"Hahahaha! It's great! I feel full of power, I can fly again!"

Before the voice fell, the bird dopant immediately flew into the sky.

Seeing the people he knew being persecuted by the power of the memory, Zuo Xiangtaro clenched his fists tightly.

"Damn it! Why did things turn out like this?! Lu Li! It's all because of you!"

He had no choice now, and could only find a way to stop the bird dopant.

He could only find a way to defeat the bird dopant and destroy the bird memory in it.

Putting on the dual drive in his hand, Zuo Xiangtaro apologized.

"Philip! Please!"

After all, Philip is still injured, and he suddenly has to fight again at this time.

After wearing the dual driver, the two can communicate directly.

Philip and Ming Hai Ya Shuzi, who have not yet returned to the detective agency, are on the way.

Hearing the voice echoing in his mind, Philip smiled and shook his head.

"No! It's nothing to trouble you, but I'll leave the battle to you."

"I know."




W completed the transformation, and Philip, who was able to walk with difficulty, was now completely pressed on Ming Hai Ya Shuzi.

Feeling the sudden increase in weight on her shoulders, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi shouted in despair.

"Ah hey! I haven't heard of such a situation! Philip!"

She is a weak woman, how could she possibly hold Philip!

But now Philip's consciousness is not in his body, and has been integrated into W.

Afterwards, W immediately started a chase with Jiang Cao Qian.

"Shotaro, you'd better be careful. We don't know to what extent she is controlled by the bird memory. If we fight rashly, she may die."

"But we are the only ones who can stop her now. Think of a way to save her."

He couldn't just watch the bird doping body on the verge of a rampage.

After all, Jiang Caoqian grew up under his watch. How could he just ignore her?

This kind of thing would naturally be handed over to Philip, the think tank. He would try to stop the bird doping body first.

Lu Li didn't know about the battle here.


On the other side, in Lu Li's research room.

He was adjusting the Nazca memory at this time.

Through his analysis and investigation of the data inside the Nazca memory, he found that someone had indeed adjusted and modified the memory.

The power of the Nazca memory was enhanced, but it would also cause some uncontrollable situations.

It's just that it's not clear who did it.

After knowing the problem, Lu Li immediately adjusted and modified the memory, which was similar to the previous taboo memory.

The whole process still takes a little time.

After completing the adjustment and calibration of the memory, Lu Li can turn the Nazca memory into the corresponding awakening card.

While adjusting and calibrating the memory, Lu Li suddenly received a call.

This call was from Sonozaki Saeko.

After answering the phone, Lu Li asked directly.

"Saeko, what's the matter?"

"Dear, I have already investigated the things you asked me to investigate before.

Not long ago, Jia Toshun of Consortium X and his two assistants have now taken a special plane to Southeast Asian country S."

That's right, before that, Lu Li also asked Sonozaki Saeko to keep an eye on Jia Toshun's movements for him.

After all, this is the capital of wind. If there is any movement or something you want to know, the museum will know it.

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded thoughtfully.

"I know. Thank you for your hard work, Saeko."

"No, it's just a little thing, but I don't understand why you want to know their whereabouts?"

Lu Li only asked Sonosaki Saeko to pay attention to their whereabouts, but he didn't tell Sonosaki Saeko what his purpose was.

"Nothing, just... I don't like a certain guy very much, and I want him to... disappear from the earth."

He said the terrifying words calmly.

But Sonosaki Saeko felt very sweet in her heart.

She knew very well what Lu Li had said to her before.

I didn't expect Lu Li to act so quickly and was ready to take action.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Li continued to focus on the things at hand.

Let's deal with the things at hand first.

Jia Toushun...must die!

But the Nazca memory in his hand is obviously more important.

To Lu Li, none of Jia Toushun's memories are valuable.

Lu Li didn't just want to kill Jia Toushun, but also wanted to get the Utopia memory in his hand.

Having adjusted the forbidden memory once, it was relatively easy to adjust the Nazca memory this time.

The only thing that was a bit complicated was that the inside of the Nazca memory seemed to have been modified, and Lu Li needed to adjust the changes back.

For Lu Li, who was already familiar with the production of memory, this matter was quite simple and not complicated to operate.


W here.

After a difficult battle, he finally relied on the power of the trigger memory to successfully destroy the memory in the bird dope's body.

The whole process can be said to be very dangerous. Not only do you need to face the attack of the bird dope, but you also need to find the exact location of the bird memory.

If it is not handled properly, it may lead to the death of Jiang Caoqian.

After successfully solving the bird dope and destroying the bird memory, Jiang Caoqian also fell into a coma.

Seeing the intact Jiang Caoqian, Zuo Xiangtaro was in a very complicated mood.

He didn't expect that Jiang Caoqian would be so deeply affected by the power of the memory.

It was almost impossible to save her, and the instigator of all this was Lu Li.

When thinking of Lu Li, Zuo Xiangtaro gritted his teeth.

He clenched his fists, wishing he could find Lu Li right now and rush up to give him a punch.

But he soon calmed down after being angry. His current strength was not enough, and it was very difficult to defeat Lu Li with his own strength.

This was a problem he had to admit and face at the moment.

An opponent he could not defeat at the moment made him feel very embarrassed.


The tightly clenched fist loosened, and Zuo Xiangtaro sent Jiang Caoqian to the hospital.

This matter came to an end.

After walking out of the hospital, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly saw a poster posted on the side.

He was not unfamiliar with the pattern drawn on it, it was Fuudou-kun.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of Sudo Kirihiko.

He recalled that when he was in the barber shop before, Sudo Kirihiko said that Fuudou-kun was drawn by him when he was a child.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Shangshan Ruoshui!

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