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Chapter 110 Pretending to be ignorant when knowing the truth, what a rebellious girl! Heading to Southeast Asia

Perhaps... that man really loves this city.

It's just a pity that he went astray and ended up like that.

How Sudo Kirihiko died, Shotaro Sa saw it clearly.

I couldn't help but feel a little pity in my heart, a person who loves such a city, died like this.


Night falls.

Sonosaki's house.

At the dining table, the family is enjoying dinner quietly.

At this time, Sonosaki Ryubei put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and looked at Lu Li with cold eyes.

For the old fox's eyes, Lu Li is now accustomed to it and doesn't take it to heart at all.

Just look, can you let yourself be looked at and lose a piece of meat?

Then, Sonosaki Ryubei asked.

"Lu Li, do you know about Sudo Kirihiko?"

He wanted to get the Nazca memory back.

But he couldn't take the initiative to snatch it, so he hoped that Lu Li would hand it over himself.

Wakana Sonozaki, who was eating dinner in small bites, looked at her father with a puzzled look.

[Sudo Kirihiko? ]

She didn't quite understand what her father meant by the so-called Sudo Kirihiko.

Since she had met Sudo Kirihiko once before, Wakana Sonozaki had never seen him again.

The two of them had almost no contact. Anyway, she only knew that the guy seemed to be just so-so in doing things, not too outstanding or anything.

I really don't know why my father would like that guy in the first place. He didn't do things as well as imagined.

In her opinion, it was a complete waste of a golden memory, and it was not worth giving it to such a guy.

But Lu Li knew very well what the old fox meant by this.

It must be that the old fox knew that Sudo Kirihiko was killed and wanted to take the Nazca memory back from him.

But unfortunately, Lu Li didn't have the Nazca memory at all, and what he had was... just the Nazca awakening card.

"Old man, I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

Anyway, the old fox didn't dare to show his cards. What he could say at this time was what he said.

Originally, Sonosaki Ryubei wanted to warn Lu Li and let him hand over the Nazca memory.

After all, it was a Nazca memory that had reached Lv3. Even if Sonosaki Ryubei couldn't use it, he could give it to someone he trusted.

It would be enough to give him another big help, and he would have a greater chance of winning against Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko.

But Lu Li didn't accept it at all, and had no intention of handing it over.

Why should I hand over something I got myself to the old fox?

Don't daydream at night!

Sonosaki Ryubei's eyes twitched slightly, and he unconsciously clenched his fists under the table.

Seeing Lu Li's indifferent attitude made him feel very unhappy.


With a cold snort, Sonosaki Ryubei also realized that he might not be able to get back the Nazca memory.

The other party was unwilling to hand it over voluntarily, and he couldn't snatch it away. What could he do?

The atmosphere at the table dropped to freezing point. Sonosaki Saeko still didn't know what happened, but she stood on Lu Li's side from beginning to end.

"Father, since Lu Li said he didn't know, then he definitely didn't know."

She didn't care when to show her cards now.

If Sonosaki Ryubei really didn't want the last dignity, then everyone would tear their faces apart.

Once it really came to the point of tearing their faces apart, let's see who can bear it and who can't.

Sonosaki Saeko was confident in her current strength, plus Lu Li, even if she faced her father who once frightened her, she would definitely win.

Now she was not worried about tearing her face apart, the person she should be worried about was her father.

Looking at the daughter she had raised with her own hands, now standing on the opposite side of herself, Sonosaki Ryubei took two deep breaths.

Rebellious son! No, she's a rebellious girl!

He saw that Sonosaki Saeko was ambitious, but he didn't expect that because of his confidence, he would be in such a dilemma.

Fall out?

Definitely not!

He is not fully prepared yet. Once he falls out, there will be no turning back.


A little intolerance will ruin a big plan!

He is already this old, and he has long passed the time of youth and vigor. There is no need to fall out when he is not ready.

"You guys eat slowly, I'll go back to my room first."

After saying this coldly, Sonosaki Ryubei got up and walked towards the room.

He felt that he had less and less say in this family, and he had to do it as soon as possible.

Even if they didn't fall out this time, the time for both sides to fall out was approaching.

Now, it's just a matter of opportunity.

He must wait for the right opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

The atmosphere at the table just now became tense, so Sonosaki Wakana didn't dare to speak at all.

She was eating alone, and she was worried that her father and sister would fight over this.

But fortunately, her father didn't do it in the end, which made Sonosaki Wakana sigh with relief.

She really didn't want to see her father and sister fighting.

Before, Lu Li once asked Sonozaki Wakana to choose which side to stand on.

It has been a while, but Sonozaki Wakana still has no answer in her heart.

She doesn't want to see her sister and father really stand on the same team, or even fight for it.

No matter which side she stands on, she will hurt the person on the other side.

No matter what the result is, she will always be sad.

Faced with such a dilemma, Sonozaki Wakana can only remain silent.

"Sister, you and Lu Li... must stand on the opposite side of father?

What irreconcilable contradictions have occurred between you? Why do you have to make it so tense?"

The voice was a little low, and Sonozaki Wakana really wanted to go back to the way it was before.

But it is obvious that it is impossible to go back to that.

Sonozaki Saeko saw Sonozaki Wakana looking depressed, but she was not angry. Instead, she walked over and patted her shoulder gently.

"Wakana, you are not me, and you have not experienced what I have experienced. I don't blame you for not understanding.

But it's not that I want to do this, but my father has suppressed me for too long, and now I want to take it all back."

Unlike Sonozaki Saeko, who has always worked for the museum, Sonozaki Wakana has hardly been involved in any work in the museum.

She doesn't understand the things involved, and she doesn't know that her sister grew up in the shadow of her father.

Although she lives under the same roof with her, the environment is completely different.

Sonozaki Wakana also understands that she may not be able to dissuade her sister by herself.

She raised her head and set her eyes on Lu Li.

"Wakana, I told you before that it's time for you to choose which side you are on.

Of course, you can choose not to stand on either side and remain neutral, which...may be the best."

Lu Li's voice sounded, making Sonozaki Wakana silent again.

Seeing Sonozaki Wakana's embarrassed look, Lu Li also knew that this matter made her very embarrassed.

After all, it is not easy to make a choice between the only two family members you have.

Sonosaki Wakana, who really has no appetite, has no intention to continue eating.

"I... go back to the room first."

Then she went upstairs.

Seeing Sonosaki Wakana so lost, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but think of the past.

That time was after the visitor left, and Sonosaki Wakana's situation was similar to now.

"Dear, what choice will Wakana make in the end?"

In the past, Sonosaki Saeko was always suppressed by her father. Seeing her sister free, she naturally hated Sonosaki Wakana in her heart.

Why did she have to work so hard, while her sister could be free?

Now she has become the queen of the museum, and she has no resentment towards this naive sister.

"I don't know, let it go."

Lu Li couldn't predict the future, so how could he know what Sonosaki Wakana would choose.

After all, everything has changed because of the arrival of his butterfly.

Many things have become unpredictable now.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko nodded slightly and stopped worrying about this issue.

At this time, Lu Li had almost finished eating, put down the tableware in his hand, and continued.

"By the way, Saeko, I will be away for a few days and will not be in Fuuto for the time being."

When she learned that Lu Li was going to leave Fuuto temporarily, the first thing Sonosaki Saeko thought of was that it was related to Katoshun.

During the day, Lu Li also specifically asked her to pay attention to the news of Katoshun.

"Is it... related to Kato?"

Lu Li nodded.

"Yes, it is indeed related to him. I am going to Southeast Asia S country. Katoshun, it is impossible for him to return to Consortium X alive."

Hearing Lu Li's words, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but feel a sweet feeling in her heart.

During the day, she just told Lu Li that Katoshun looked at her strangely.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li was leaving so soon.

But she still had some concerns.

"Honey, will this anger Consortium X? What if they find out that it was us who did it? Will they... withdraw their investment?"

At present, the museum still needs the support of Consortium X, and the research on memory still requires a lot of funds.

Lu Li naturally understood the concerns of Sonosaki Saeko.

Once the investment is withdrawn, the museum's memory research and production will be in trouble.

As far as the current situation is concerned, this situation cannot happen.

"Don't worry about me doing things, Consortium X won't know."

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