Knowing that the drive was about to be completed, Teruiji Long clenched his fists tightly.

"Soon... I will be able to get the power, and I will definitely avenge you personally!"

In fact, Shroud came just now to see if Teruiji Long had enough hatred in his heart.

If so, then he would still be a useful chess piece. If he lost the hatred in his heart, it would not be of much significance to her.

And Teruiji Long did not disappoint her, and his heart was still filled with the flame of revenge.

That was enough.

The two of them were so similar, both wanted revenge.


Time came to the afternoon.

The flight that Lu Li took finally arrived in the territory of Southeast Asian country S.

However, since it was not a private plane, the place where the plane was parked was naturally in a certain city.

It was not an easy task to find the location of Jia Toushun and the superpower soldier experiment.

But this was not a big problem for Lu Li.

Consortium X, superpower soldier project, quark, these keywords were enough for Lu Li to find the research site of the superpower soldier project.

The consciousness directly entered the Earth Library. Through these keywords, Lu Li easily found the location of the destination.

After a while, Lu Li opened his eyes.

"Found it."

The place is indeed in Southeast Asia S country, but it is in a very remote place.

To conduct such an experiment, even if the power of Consortium X is huge, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact, and it is naturally impossible to do it in a crowded place.

That place is called the Experimental Village.

In the Experimental Village, people with high quark indexes from all over the world are collected.

These people will be trained here and become super-powered warriors Quarks, similar to biological weapons.

And these super-powered warriors will be controlled by a doctor named Prospect.

At the same time, this doctor is also the executor of this plan, similar to the existence of the Suppressed Memory Plan and Sonosaki Ryubei.

The experimental village built by Dr. Prospect is actually a closed place.

Anyone with a high quark index imprisoned here has almost no chance of escape.

There are electromagnetic pulse protection walls everywhere, and these imprisoned people can only listen to Dr. Prospect obediently.

Otherwise... the final outcome can be imagined.

Dr. Prospect is not only the developer of the superpower soldier Quark, but also the monitor.

With the eye Gaia memory, he can create a revived eyeball and monitor all targets anytime and anywhere.

Of course, the eye memory was naturally given to him by Consortium X to facilitate his research plan.

There is still a certain distance from Lu Li's location to the experimental village.

After all, it is in the deep mountains and forests, and there is no regular transportation to reach that place.

So, Lu Li very kindly borrowed an off-road vehicle from a local friend.

Driving the borrowed expensive off-road vehicle, Lu Li sped towards the direction of the experimental village with sparks and lightning.


At the same time, in the experimental village.

Dr. Prospect and Jia Toushun were in a luxuriously decorated room at this time.

The content of the conversation was naturally about the research progress of the superpower soldier Quark.

Just as Dr. Prospect was talking about his research progress, Jia Toushun seemed a little absent-minded.

A figure involuntarily emerged in his mind, and that person... was Sonosaki Saeko.

For some reason, he always felt that the woman had a special temperament that deeply attracted him.

As for why he had such a feeling, he himself could not explain it clearly.

Anyway, the feeling that the woman gave her was different from other women.

Because of this, the other person's appearance would appear in his mind from time to time.

Prospect on the opposite side frowned slightly when he saw Jia Toushun who did not listen carefully to his research progress.

He did not like others to be distracted and not listen to him when he was talking.

You know, he is very hard in the research of superpower soldier Quark. In order to complete his research, he needs to drop a lot of eye drops every day.

Just because of using the eye memory, his eyes will be very tired.

Over time, he has developed the habit of carrying eye drops with him.

Prospect called out.

"Mr. Jiatou?"

The first call did not bring back Jiatoushun, who was distracted. Prospect was a little unhappy and raised his voice slightly.

"Mr. Jiatou!"

Finally, with this call, Jiatoushun finally came back to his senses.

When he saw that Prospect, who was sitting opposite him, had a slightly gloomy face, he immediately understood that it must be because he was distracted just now and made the other party angry.

Although he was the project leader of the superpower soldier project Quark, the other party was a research and development personnel after all, and he also had a cooperative relationship with Consortium X.

Knowing that he was rude, Jiatoushun nodded slightly.

"Sorry, Doctor, I suddenly thought of something just now, so I was distracted.

Let's go back to the topic just now, about the progress of Quark..."

Just as he was about to continue speaking, Jiatoushun suddenly felt a chill on his back.

This feeling made him squint his eyes immediately.

It gave him a creepy feeling for no apparent reason, which was definitely not normal.

But for a moment, he couldn't figure out why he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out for the time being, so he didn't care too much and could only put it aside for now.

Continue to discuss the progress of the superpower soldier project with Prospect.

After hearing the other party's report, Jia Toushun nodded from time to time.

Compared with the slow progress of Gaia memory research at the museum, the research progress of the superpower soldier project here at Prospect is still quite smooth.

It's also a good explanation. After all, if the progress of one research is slow, it's okay. If the progress of multiple research is slow, even Consortium X will be unhappy.


Inside the experimental village.

The living environment here is very bad.

It's very difficult to survive here.

There is only one way to leave this bad environment alive.

That is to increase your strength as much as possible, improve your quark index, and master more superpowers 0......

Only in this way can you be favored by Dr. Prospect and become a court warrior.

That is the so-called superpower soldier quark.

The people imprisoned here may quarrel and make trouble when they first come in, but as time goes by, they have gradually accepted the living conditions here.

It is very difficult, but as long as there is hope to survive, they will not give up.

And if you want to survive here, you have to be prepared to kill each other every day.

Only in life and death can you increase your quark index as much as possible and make yourself stronger.

In addition to some people with high quark index who are extremely talented, if you want to become a superpower warrior, you must go through many battles of life and death.

Those who survive can naturally become strong, even superpower soldier quarks.

Those who cannot survive can only be buried in this place.

Every once in a while, a group of people will be sent here.

These people are the people with high quark index collected by Consortium X based on Dr. Prospect.

There is no telling how many people have died in this place, but people are still being sent here.

Mina, who is also one of them, is a superpower.

She has a very high quark index and has mastered many superpowers, making her extremely powerful.

She is also a test subject valued by Dr. Prospect.

She once thought about resisting and didn't want to become a biological weapon that only knew how to kill.

But unfortunately, facing Dr. Prospect, who has extremely strong control, Mina has no power to resist at all.

The eye memory can create a revived eyeball and attach it to the forehead of the object. It not only has the function of monitoring, but also can control the other party's will.

Looking at the people around her who are imprisoned here like herself, Mina knows very well what the final outcome of these people will be.

Either they will become Dr. Prospect's lackeys, or they will become stepping stones for others, that's all.

It's not that she didn't think about resisting, but she can't resist at all.

"Mina, it's time to go out on a mission."

At this moment, a huge eyeball suddenly appeared on Mina's head, staring at her.

Even though the eyeballs can't speak, Prospect's will was clearly conveyed to Mina.

"No! I don't want it!"

With her eyes full of rejection, Mina certainly knew what the so-called mission Prospect was talking about.

It was nothing more than killing people to exercise her powerful superpowers.

"Don't resist my will. You should understand that it's meaningless."

The next second, an eye-like mark suddenly appeared on Mina's forehead.

Mina, who was originally full of rejection in her heart, felt a will descending into her brain.


Helplessly, Mina could only be forced to agree.

What if she disagreed?

Facing Dr. Prospect's will, no one in the experimental village could resist.


They drove at lightning speed for several hours.

Before the off-road vehicle was about to be scrapped, Lu Li had not yet arrived at the location of the experimental village.

Now here, 1.9 is still some distance away from the experimental village.

The experimental village is not only built in a remote area, but also built in the middle of several mountains for absolute concealment.

After the jamming system is built here, even through satellites, it is impossible to observe the ground conditions.

It is also possible to choose such a hidden location, which is indeed difficult to be discovered.

Conducting experiments here, even if someone dies, the worst case scenario is to bury them on the spot, which will not affect anything at all.

In such a remote place, it is impossible to expect anyone to find this place, let alone those who died in the deep mountains and forests.

Looking at the off-road vehicle with smoke coming out of the engine, Lu Li shrugged helplessly.

It seems that this borrowed thing cannot be returned. It has been scrapped by himself, so what is there to return?

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