
Suddenly, there was an explosion not far ahead.

Not far away, there is a group of buildings that look like ruins.

Lu Li walked over slowly. He was also a little curious as to why there was an explosion here.

At this time, in this ruin-like building complex.

A large group of terrorists armed with firearms are fighting a group of foreign invaders.

This group of foreign invaders is very strange. They don't even wear body armor or anything like that.

But the terrorists' bullets hit them, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

It seems that these people cannot be killed, which is very strange.

Facing this group of people who couldn't be killed, they couldn't understand.

The combat capabilities of both sides were hardly at the same level. Facing the battle-hardened invaders, the terrorists suffered heavy casualties.

This group of invaders is a group of mercenaries.

They are not ordinary supply soldiers, they are a very special group of mercenaries, mercenaries with immortality.


That's right, they were abandoned by Consortium X and are products of the Never Immortal Project.

Chapter 112: First meeting with superpowers, Mina, target superpower

The leader, named Dao Keji, was also the first successful immortal.

As for the companions around him, they were all resurrected by him in the later stages.

The reason why he became a mercenary was to raise enough funds for research.

At the same time, it is also to show their power to Consortium X.

Let the self-righteous guys of Consortium X take a look at their immortality, which is more useful research.

The so-called Gaia Memory Project is nothing compared to them.

There are only five people in the undead team, and in addition, there is one person as support.

This person who serves as a supporter is Daido Katsumi’s mother, Daido Maria.

The so-called support is mainly to provide enzymes that maintain the activity of the undead body at all times.

Once this enzyme that maintains body activity is lost, the undead will die again and the body will ulcerate.

After a hard battle, they don't feel too tired.

But the body needs to take in enzymes, and it feels very uncomfortable to crave enzymes crazily.

They all took out the injections. The green liquid contained in them is the enzyme that maintains body activity.

It can be clearly seen that the skin surface of their bodies is beginning to dry out and cracks appear.

This is a sign that the body lacks enzymes. If enzymes cannot be injected in time, their bodies will not last long.

Quan Jingshui, who looked like a man but behaved very effeminately, inserted the syringe in his hand into his arm.

With the injection of enzymes, the comfortable feeling of green liquid entering the body instantly made Quan Jingshui cry out in relief.

"Here we come! It's so refreshing!"

Once the enzyme is injected, people will feel very comfortable, especially the feeling of heaviness in the body, which suddenly disappears.

Hahara Lai, the newest member of the undead team, immediately took out an injection of enzyme and pierced his thigh.

The moment the enzyme was injected, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared instantly.

Domoto Gozo, who looked the strongest physically, patted his chest and explained to Hahara Lai that he was a new member of the team.

"Although we become mercenaries to raise funds, our real purpose is to allow the undead to accumulate enough practical experience."

Quan Jingshui, who had already injected the enzyme on the side, interrupted.

“Or let those investors who look down upon us see what we are capable of.”

Ken Ashihara, the sniper in the team, checked the firearm in his hand and echoed.

"Let those guys bow to us again! 06"

After hearing everyone's conversation, Katsuki Daido, the leader of the team, turned around.

"I will never allow myself to lose to such a childish thing. Clean it up quickly. The mission is not over yet."

After saying that, he immediately walked to the other side.

Others quickly followed, their purpose was to find the leader of the terrorists.

So far, they haven't found it.

at the same time.

On the other side of the ruins, Mina looked at the man in front of her with fear in her eyes.

Her eyes were full of intolerance, but there was no way she could disobey Dr. Prospect.

The terrorist leader looked at the woman in front of him who could even block bullets, his eyes full of horror.

Seeing that the other party didn't make any movement, he immediately turned around and ran away.

He didn't know whether this woman was a human or a ghost, but he knew that this woman was definitely not someone he could handle.


Just run away without your life!

Looking at the figure who was escaping in a hurry, Mina's eyes flashed with a hint of unbearability.

Even if the other person may not be a good person, at least he is a living life.

But she wanted to end this living life with her own hands.

She was struggling in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

She thought about committing suicide many times, but she did not have enough courage to commit suicide.

Every time I mustered up the courage to commit suicide, I would give up at the last moment.

Raising her hands with a slight trembling, she was about to end the life of the person who was running away.

But at this moment, she suddenly noticed something unusual.

Immediately turned his head and pointed his hand at the position where he felt something unusual.

But he found that there was a man standing opposite him, a handsome young man.

Looking at the clothes on the other person, it seems that he is not from this country, and he can't help but be alert.

The other person actually came to him quietly not far away, which is very unusual.

At this time, the person standing opposite Mina was none other than Lu Li.

He just came here following the explosion, and saw some terrorists with hoods lying on the ground.

Before these terrorists died, they seemed to have seen something that frightened them.

Then he found this place, and just happened to see Mina preparing to kill the leader of the terrorists.

"It turned out to be her."

Lu Li naturally knew Mina, a very powerful superpower.

Possessing many superpowers in one person, he is a superpower that Prospect values ​​very much.

After searching everywhere, it is easy to get it.

Even though the location of the experimental village has been found in the Earth Library, there is no mention of which road to take to get there.

Mina's appearance at this time is actually a good thing for Lu Li.

With a smile on his face, Lu Li approached Mina little by little.

Seeing Lu Li approaching her, Mina, who was instinctively alert, immediately scolded.

"Don't come over!"

Mina's eyes suddenly shone.

A powerful force came instantly, and Lu Li experienced the power of telekinesis for the first time.

Very strong!

Of course, that is only strong for humans.

For Lu Li, who is an undead creature, such power is only good.

The pace of progress was stopped, and Mina wanted to repel Lu Li.

But no matter how she used telekinesis, she could not repel Lu Li.

Lu Li, who was standing opposite, did not move at all, and still looked at this side with a smile on his face.

[How could it be? ! ]

Mina really couldn't understand why her telekinesis had lost its effect on the other party.

Was she too tired? Did her telekinesis not keep up?

Thinking of this, Mina suddenly turned her head and looked at a huge stone beside her.

She pointed her palm at the huge stone and waved towards Lu Li's position.

This huge stone flew towards Lu Li in an instant under the influence of a certain force.

"Oh no!"

Seeing the huge stone hit Lu Li, Mina realized that she seemed to be too excited just now.

In order to prevent the other party from getting close to her, she actually threw such a big stone.

If such a big stone hits the other party, it might smash the other party into a meat paste.

If possible, Mina really doesn't want to hurt anyone.

The reason why she killed those terrorists before was because she was forced to do so.

But now this person was suddenly involved. What if the other party is a good person?

If she hurt a good person for no reason, she would probably feel guilty for the rest of her life.

But it's too late now. Telekinesis is indeed very powerful, but it also has a lot to do with the distance of the target and her own ability.

The huge stone had already flown so far under the force that she couldn't control it.

Facing the huge stone that was heading straight for him, Lu Li raised his eyebrows.

Taking a step forward with his right foot, Lu Li suddenly exerted force and turned around to kick.

This kick accurately kicked the huge stone.


It looked huge, but it was actually fragile and was instantly kicked into pieces by Lu Li.

Lu Li is still in human form, but his strength is not comparable to that of humans.

With the power of Calis and Joker, as well as part of the sealing stone slab, Lu Li's human strength is not even inferior to that of a monster.

It is not difficult to kick such a stone.

But this is only limited to Lu Li. Mina, who was using telekinesis just now, was stunned.

She has never seen such a powerful person.

Even superhumans with high quark indexes can only awaken superpowers at most, and their physical fitness is far from being so strong.

The man in front of him doesn't look like a human at all!

It gave people the feeling that it was just like a... monster! Its power was terrifying!

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