Lu Li raised his finger and shook it left and right, saying indifferently.

"Of course I will take the Utopia Memory, but... I am not looking for you just for the Utopia Memory.

And your... life!"

When he heard about his life, Jia Toushun's eyes widened and his face changed suddenly.

He quickly stepped back, not daring to keep close contact with Lu Li.

After all, this matter was related to his own life, and he dared not and could not be careless.

One careless move could cost him his life, and Jia Toushun did not want to die young.

Holding the Utopia Memory tightly in his hand, Jia Toushun looked at Lu Li with a vigilant face.

"Lu Li! I'm giving you a chance to cooperate with our consortium X, don't be ungrateful!

Do you know how many people want to cooperate with our consortium X? This is a cooperation that many people beg for.

I took the initiative to cooperate with you, and even agreed to any of your requests, which has brought great trouble to the consortium! Don't make a mistake!"

At the end, Jia Toushun even brought a hint of threat.

He was threatening Lu Li, don't underestimate Consortium X.

A very large organization hidden in the dark is impossible without some means.

Offending such a large consortium X will indeed bring a lot of trouble.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li didn't care about the threat from Jia Toushun at all.

Consortium X is indeed a very large underground organization with influence all over the world.

But Consortium X is a very smart organization, and it is absolutely impossible to offend a more powerful existence for someone.

It is even more impossible to offend the other party for a dead person.

"No, no, no, I don't look down on Consortium X, I just don't want to cooperate with Consortium X.

Similarly, I am not afraid of Consortium X taking the initiative to cause trouble, and I even want it.

And Jiatou, do you think...if you die here, will anyone know that I did this?

Obviously not! You will be forgotten, Consortium X will continue to do its own things, and you will only be ruthlessly abandoned."

Consortium X, which puts interests above all else, will never avenge Lu Li even if it really knows that Lu Li is related to Jiatou Shun's death.

There is no need.

Dead people cannot bring more benefits to the consortium. Dead is dead, just bury them peacefully.

After Lu Li's words, Jiatou Shun's face became extremely ugly.

As a member of Consortium X, he naturally knows what kind of character Consortium X is.

It is indeed as Lu Li said just now, even if Consortium X knows about this, it will never avenge him.

Consortium X will never do anything that is not in the interests of the company.

Gnashing his teeth, Jia Toushun didn't want to sit and wait for death. He became an important figure in the consortium x, and he would not die here easily.


Using the power of the Utopia memory again, he turned back into a Utopia doped body.

But even after turning back into a Utopia doped body, he still felt a sense of fear in his heart when facing Lu Li.

This was pure fear.

He was afraid of Lu Li's incomparable power.

Seeing Jia Toushun who had turned into a Utopia doped body again, Lu Li knew that he would not surrender.

"Resistance before death? Then... come on."

Surrender means death, and not surrendering is also death, so why not give it a try!

The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

The Utopia doped body immediately launched an attack after the transformation was completed.

The cane was aimed at Lu Li.

Lightning bolts fell from the sky and hit Lu Li accurately.


Bursts of terrifying lightning struck Lu Li, splashing a lot of sparks.

But even so, Lu Li still stood there motionless.

It seemed that this terrifying lightning had no effect on him at all.

Seeing that the lightning had no effect, the Utopia Dopant immediately changed other attack methods.

Waving the cane in his hand, a tornado instantly struck.

Wrapped in the tornado, Lu Li's surroundings were already full of leaves under the influence of the tornado.

He suddenly inserted the cane into the ground, and there was a feeling of shaking the earth.

Starting from the place where the cane was inserted, the ground cracked, and at a very fast speed, it quickly spread to Lu Li.

Lu Li, who was in the tornado, looked at the fallen leaves swept by the wind and felt the trembling of the earth.

But he was not affected much.

This little power was not enough to threaten him at all.

Lu Li opened his hand and pointed in a direction, which was the place where the reawakening cane was inserted before.

The reawakening staff, which was originally deeply inserted into the ground, trembled slightly.

The next second, it broke free from the earth's shackles and instantly returned to Lu Li's side.

Holding the reawakening staff, Lu Li jumped up and raised the reawakening staff in his hand.

He chopped it down fiercely from top to bottom.


The tornado covered with leaves was instantly cut open by the unmatched force.

The leaves in the sky were flying everywhere, and the reawakening staff's terrifying axe blade smashed hard on the ground.

The earth, which was still cracking and spreading towards this side, suddenly became quiet, and everything returned to calm.


The Utopian mixed body looked at Lu Li, who was intact, and there was not even a speck of dust on the golden armor on his body.

He couldn't understand, was he really that weak?

As a Utopia memory in the golden memory, his power should be terrifying.

It was okay that he was weak in front of the Eternal Memory before, and he could still find an excuse to say that the Eternal Memory, although it was an experimental product, was indeed the king of memory.

But now Lu Li was not using the power of memory at all, and he had no way to face him.

"Jiatou, your power... is it tickling me?"

Holding the reawakening stick, Lu Li walked towards the Utopia doping body step by step.

The extreme oppression and gratitude invaded the Utopia doping body madly.

Seeing Lu Li approaching, the Utopia doping body unconsciously took two steps back, and fear was born in his heart.

Immediately stretched out his hands and aimed at Lu Li.


The powerful telekinesis was instantly launched.

Since there was no way to use the power of memory to defeat Lu Li, he was going to try again with other powers.

Superpowers should always be effective!

Lu Li, who was moving forward, did feel a strong repulsive force.

This powerful repulsive force is preventing him from moving forward and getting close to the Utopian Dopant.

But this power is not very useful to Lu Li, and it is not even as powerful as the power displayed by the Utopian Memory just now.

Under this huge repulsive force, Lu Li still moves forward step by step, and his speed of movement is not even affected at all.

"How could it be?!"

Seeing Lu Li getting closer and closer to him, the Utopian Dopant was filled with horror.

Even his own superpowers could not play any role on Lu Li.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Xiao Wu!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of 15736..! .

Chapter 120 Hope? Can you bear my power? On the wall!

Under the effect of telekinetic repulsion, the Utopian Dopant's body kept sliding backwards.

"No! I can't hold on!"

The Utopian Dopant was panicking at the moment, and he had almost used all the means he could use.

Except for absorbing the other party's ability and converting it into his own ability, other means simply could not work.

The Utopian dopant, who was originally full of panic, suddenly thought that he could transform other people's abilities for his own use.

In this case, can't he transform Lu Li's power?

Not necessarily!

The power of the Utopian memory is not only for the memory, as long as the other party has the ability.

If he can successfully transform Lu Li's power, then he can also obtain this powerful power.

With this powerful power, is he still worried about not being able to defeat Lu Li?

Thinking of this, the Utopian dopant immediately gave up using telekinesis and rushed over pretending to be helpless.

He had to get close to Lu Li first and find a way to touch Lu Li's body.

Once he could touch Lu Li's body, he could transform the other party's power for his own use.

The Utopian dopant, who was originally trying to stay away from him, suddenly approached him in the opposite direction. This clearly showed that there was a problem.

Lu Li certainly knew the ability of the Utopian memory, which could transform the other party's ability into an ability suitable for his own use.

But this ability has a prerequisite, that is, the other party cannot be too powerful.

Obviously, the current Utopian dopant did not realize this problem.

He blocked his cane with his hand, and the Utopian dopant immediately took the opportunity to punch Lu Li in the face.

Seeing that the other party was so eager to use the special ability of the Utopian memory, how could Lu Li not help him?

If you want to absorb my ability, just absorb it.

He blocked the fist of the Utopian dopant with his hand, and the two hands touched.

Seeing Lu Li blocking his fist, the Utopian dopant suddenly felt happy.

[Touched! ]

He seemed to have seen the dawn of his victory and the hope of his victory.

But he did not see what would happen if he could not absorb this power.

The Utopian dopant turned around and pressed Lu Li's arm, "tightly" locking Lu Li's arm.

Instantly activated the power of the Utopian memory, began to absorb Lu Li's ability, and transformed it into his own ability.

The golden light shone on Lu Li's body, and this golden light was affected by the Utopia memory, as if it was pulled by some force, and was gradually transferred to the Utopia doping.

Feeling the terrifying power emerging from the body, the Utopia doping body was overjoyed.

It really worked!

However, this process did not last for more than five seconds, and the Utopia doping body felt that its body seemed to be unable to maintain.

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