A powerful energy was surging back and forth in his body, rioting inside his body.


The Utopian Hybrid, unable to maintain, had its feet softened and knelt directly in front of Lu Li.

"Oh? Are you wishing me a happy new year so early? You are not young anymore, and I don't have any lucky money."

Lu Li chuckled and patted the head of the Utopian Hybrid, his purple eyes full of teasing.

The Utopian Hybrid, feeling that he could not move his whole body, raised his head with difficulty and looked at the golden knight in front of him in disbelief.

"You... what kind of ability is this? Why... why can't I absorb it?!"

At this moment, all his strength was drained out, and even speaking was very difficult.

This is the consequence of being backlashed.

The ability of the Utopian Memory is indeed very good, but it is not invincible.

It can absorb, but whether it can withstand it is another matter.

"You didn't absorb it. You should be able to feel your power increase.

The reason for this is that the power of the Utopia Memory is also limited. My ability has exceeded the limit of the Utopia Memory.

You absorb and transform my ability, which will naturally cause your body to be unable to bear it.

How is it? Are you surprised or surprised?"

The tone was full of ridicule. Lu Li had already expected this situation.

It just happened that the Utopia doped body thought that he was very smart and could absorb Lu Li's ability and transform it for his own use.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was actually backfired by the powerful force.

At this moment, the Utopia doped body also completely understood that he was fooled by Lu Li.

From the tone of the other party's speech, it can be known that the other party has understood from the beginning that once he uses the ability of the Utopia Memory to absorb the other party's power, he will be backfired.

Only he was still silly and complacent, but in fact he took the initiative to jump into the pit dug by others in advance.

"Damn it--!"

Full of unwillingness, the combat effectiveness of the Utopia doped body at this time was almost zero.

The backlash brought by the powerful force has an impact no less than the effect of the eternal extreme drive on the failure of the memory.

At this time, the Utopia doped body has not yet been transformed, which is a blessing in disguise.

Seeing the Utopia doped body kneeling in front of him, Lu Li gently patted the relief on his body.

Five golden awakening cards automatically fell into his hands.

These five awakening cards are not from 10 to ace, but from 2 to 6.

The ultimate move Lu Li wants to perform is a straight flush, not a royal flush.

The reason why he did not perform the most powerful ultimate move, the royal flush, is because Lu Li still needs the Utopia memory, not to directly destroy the Utopia memory.

The power of the royal flush is too great. If the Utopia memory is directly destroyed, Lu Li will have nowhere to cry.

Even if he wants to create a new one, it will take a long time, which is completely unnecessary.

The five cards from the 2 to the 6 of the clubs automatically enter the reawakening stick.


The shadows of five golden cards merged into the reawakening staff in Lu Li's hand.

The purple eyes lit up instantly, and the huge reawakening staff in Lu Li's hand exuded an incomparable strong sense of oppression.

Because of the blizzard polar region of the 6th of the plum blossom, the entire reawakening staff exuded bursts of biting cold air.

Staight.Flush (straight flush)!

Waving the reawakening staff from his hand, Lu Li aimed at the Utopian doped body that had lost its resistance at this time and chopped it down fiercely.

During the process of the reawakening staff chopped down, the cold air burst reached its peak.

The surrounding space seemed to be frozen under this terrifying cold air.

Faced with this terrifying attack, the Utopian doped body still wanted to grit its teeth to dodge, but found that it could not dodge at all.

The surrounding space has been frozen by this terrifying power, and the body of the Utopian doped body is naturally frozen as well.

It's over!!

Watching the huge axe falling, only two words flashed through the Utopian dopant's mind.

The axe blade, which exuded a biting cold, came into close contact with his body.

There was no huge explosion as imagined, but the Utopian dopant's body suddenly froze the moment the axe blade of the reawakening stick slid over it.

That's right, the body was completely frozen on the spot, and the whole process took less than a second.

A perfect ice sculpture kneeling on the ground appeared in front of Lu Li.

"It's over."

As Lu Li's voice fell, the frozen Utopian dopant ice sculpture exploded instantly.


The huge ice sculpture suddenly shattered, splashing ice chips and ice flowers all over the sky.

And in it, there was a small glittering golden object.

Grab it, this is one of Lu Li's goals this time, the Utopian memory.

The Utopian dopant, who was kneeling on the spot just now, now has nothing.

Only ice chips all over the sky are left, falling to the ground.

Jia Toushun, sudden attack!

Lu Li, who has reached a certain stage in memory research, naturally understands how powerful an attack will destroy the memory.

When he released the Flush Kill just now, Lu Li also held back a little, otherwise the Utopia memory would have turned into ice chips along with Jia Toushun.

Jia Toushun, who has turned into ice chips, cannot be resurrected using the technology of the undead in this situation.

As for resurrection using other technologies, Lu Li finds it hard to imagine that Consortium X has mastered this power.


It has been broken into this state, and there is no possibility of reorganization.

If it is a broken hand or foot, Consortium X may find a way to reinstall a hand or foot, and then resurrect using the technology of the undead, no problem at all.

But it has become ice chips now, even if God comes, it will not work.

And this horrible scene was naturally witnessed by Prospect, who had been hiding nearby.

Even if he thought he was very strong, he was at most evenly matched with the Utopian mixed body (he thought so).

The terrifying golden knight in front of him actually solved the Utopian mixed body so easily, which made Prospect feel that his future was worrying.

If it was the Yongqi before, he still had the confidence to fight.

But facing Lu Li, he didn't even have the courage to fight.

The gap in combat power between the two sides was too big, and they were not at the same level at all.

It is almost self-evident what the end result will be if you force yourself to rush up and fight the other side.

The possibility of death is too high, there is no need.

Just when he was struggling with what to do, Lu Li had already put away the Utopia memory he had just obtained and turned his head to look at him.

"Come out, you have been watching the show for such a long time, is it time to charge?"

There are only a few people left, Yongqi was knocked out, and Jiatoushun was also killed.

Apart from Lu Li, he was the only one left.

Prospect walked out from behind the tree trembling.

Even if he thought he was strong, he would feel scared in his heart when facing the terrifying Lu Li.


On the other side.

On the wall of the wide wall of the experimental village.

A person in the shape of a big character was embedded in the wall at this time.

A black leather jacket, tight pants and leather shoes all indicate his identity, the undead.

Yes, it was Da Dao Keji who was knocked out by Lu Li's punch before.

After flying far away, he crashed directly into the thick wall.

It was like being punched into the wall, and he couldn't get out even if he tried!

0 ······Please give me flowers· ·········

After being hit hard, Daodao Katsumi fell into a coma.

At this moment, a jeep rushed in from the open door next to it.

The three undead who had walked with Daodao Katsumi before were driving the jeep.

They found this position based on the positioning in their hands.

"Hey! There! Little Katsumi is on the wall!" Quan Jingshui was the first to find Daodao Katsumi, and he shouted excitedly.

Domoto Tsuyoshi, who had the strongest muscles, touched his head in confusion.

"Huh? On the wall?!"

Looking in the direction of the other party's finger, he also saw Daodao Katsumi embedded in the wall.

"Oh my god! It's really on the wall! How much strength does it take to embed it on such a high wall?"

He was full of sighs in his heart. How strong a force is needed to embed a person on the wall.

It feels... inhuman!

Ashihara Ken, who was driving the jeep, immediately turned around and drove towards the wall.

They had to rescue Dadao Keji first.

When they came to the bottom of the wall, they found that Dadao Keji was embedded in such a high wall. It was really difficult to deal with.

For a while, they fell into a dilemma.

"Let me do it."

Quan Jingshui, who was good at whipping, immediately pulled out the whip on his waist and threw it at Dadao Keji on the wall.

The whip was accurately wrapped around his feet. Everyone worked together to pull Dadao Keji out of the wall.

At such a high distance, Dadao Keji fell straight down.

Even if the undead fell from such a high place, if their heads hit the ground, it would probably not be good.

"I'll catch it!!"

...... ........ .......

Domoto Tsuyoshi immediately opened his hands, ready to be a human cushion.

Under his precise aim, he finally succeeded in catching Dao Keji.

Of course, it was not without a price.

The price was that he spit out two mouthfuls of blood fiercely. At such a high distance, Dao Keji was not light, and the weight of the fall was enough to cause internal bleeding.

But because he was an undead, even internal bleeding would not have any effect at all.

"Hurry up and inject enzymes into Xiao Keji!"

Before he finished speaking, Quan Jingshui immediately took a tube of enzymes and injected it into Dao Keji's body.

Perhaps due to the impact of the impact, coupled with the effect of the enzyme, Dao Keji slowly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he found that several companions were around him.

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