"Where is this...?"

He was confused as to where he was now.

Suddenly, he recalled what happened before he fainted.

He was blown away by that terrifying punch, and kept flying out after breaking many trees.

In the end, he hit the wall hard, and fainted from the strong impact.

"That guy... his strength... is too terrifying!" Da Dao Keji said hoarsely.

He deeply experienced what terrifying power is.

Feeling that his right arm still seemed unable to move, Da Dao Keji pinched his right arm with his left hand and pushed it hard.

Under the action of enzymes, the fractured arm had actually recovered a long time ago, but it was just in a dislocated state.

Da Dao Keji didn't feel this pain at all.

At this time, Da Dao Keji looked down at the lost drive on his waist.

There was nothing wrong with the drive, but the eternal memory inserted into the drive was damaged at this moment.

The eternal memory itself was just an experiment and was still in the experimental stage.

In the previous full-strength fight with Lu Li, the Eternal Memory also responded to Da Dao Ke Ji with all its strength.

It was already overloaded, causing irreversible damage to the Eternal Memory used in the experiment.

But when Da Dao Ke Ji was flying out, the Eternal Memory used its last strength to protect him until it hit the wall and then lifted the transformation.

Pulling out the Eternal Memory from the Lost Drive, Da Dao Ke Ji could clearly feel that the Eternal Memory had no response to him.

It was enough to show that the Eternal Memory was completely damaged and could no longer be used.

In this situation, Da Dao Ke Ji did not think about going back to fight Lu Li.

For some reason, he had a feeling in his heart that he was able to survive because of Lu Li.

As for why he had such a feeling, he himself could not explain it clearly.

"Where are the experimental subjects here? Have they all run away? Where is Yuyuan Lairen?"

Hearing this, the other three looked at each other.

When they came, they did not see any experimental subjects, nor did they see Yuyuan Lai.

The main reason was that the direction they came from before was different from the direction Mina fled with the experimental subjects.

The two sides did not meet head-on. Well, that's why they didn't see Yuhara Lai.

"No, we didn't see anyone when we came." Ashihara Ken said coldly.

Standing up, Odaichi Katsumi no longer looked injured.

"Really? Then maybe they just fled in other directions.

Let's go! Hurry up and find Yuhara Lai. She gave me the only remaining backup enzyme. The situation must not be good now."

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of ————☆....!

Chapter 121 Choice, bad ideas... just think about it

Odaichi Katsumi still remembers that Yuhara Lai gave him the only remaining backup enzyme so that he could deal with Prospect.

For the undead, the backup enzyme is the last resort.

This thing is only a very small one, so it is convenient to carry with you.

That is, in case of an emergency, injecting this backup enzyme can make him barely hold on and not die immediately.

Now that so much time has passed, Odaichi Katsumi is naturally worried about Yuhara Lai's current situation.

He still values ​​his companions very much.

Then, several people drove the jeep to find Yuhara Lai immediately.

Fortunately, they had positioning, and it didn't take them long to find Yuhara Lai.


Outside the messy villa castle.

Prospect walked out from behind the tree tremblingly.

He had deeply experienced Lu Li's terrifying and powerful strength. Even if he used the eye memory, the possibility of defeating Lu Li was almost zero.

This was the final result after many considerations and calculations.

The eye memory can indeed predict the opponent's attack, but it does not mean that he can definitely block the opponent's attack.

It's like the Utopia dopant, which can absorb Lu Li's ability, but because it is too powerful, this ability backfires on him.

In the end, it ended up in such a miserable end.

Prospect, who still has his own ideas and plans, doesn't want to die here.

He must be alive!

Only by being alive can he continue his plan and continue his experiments.

It doesn't matter if there is no electronic pulse protection wall, and it doesn't matter if there is no experimental subject.

All of these can be recreated, but the premise is that he must be there.

As long as he is there, everything can start over again.

Lu Li was not surprised to notice that Prospect did not transform into an eye-doped body.

He had already killed Jia Toushun, and if this guy "Six Eight Seven" still couldn't recognize the gap between them, he would really be looking for death.

"You have two paths to choose now. The first path, holding on to that little possibility, take the initiative to fight me, I... will kill you.

The second path, I want you to help me awaken superpowers, and after awakening superpowers, I will consider how to deal with you.

Now, make a choice."

The purple eyes stared at Prospect, and Lu Li immediately asked him to make a decision.

There was no time for the other party to think.

Faced with these two paths, does Prospect have room for choice?


There was only one way from the beginning, and that was to help Lu Li awaken his superpowers.

Only by helping the other person awaken his superpower can he have the slightest chance of survival.

But at least...there is hope!

As long as there was any chance of survival, Prospect would never give up.

"I choose the second path!"

His voice was very firm and he spoke very fast, and he was even worried that he might speak a little slower.

“Smart choice.”

Lu Li closed the belt buckle at his waist.

The golden light gradually withdrew, and Lu Li turned back to his human appearance.

As for whether Prospect would suddenly attack Lu Li, he wasn't worried at all.

The knight's power is only a part of his power, not all of his power.

If he were to attack him, Prospect's lifespan would be over.

Afterwards, Lu Li followed Prospect towards the villa.

"How to awaken superpowers?"

Lu Li asked the doubts in his heart.

Upon hearing the question, Prospect did not dare to hesitate at all and responded quickly.

"To awaken superpowers, you must have a high quark index. After measurement, you can determine what the quark index is.

With a high quark index, superpowers must be awakened after activation. "

Prospect walked in front, his eyes dark.

He felt very unhappy because it was precisely because of Lu Li's arrival that everything was messed up.

Of course, those undead who are not here are also one of them.

At this moment, an idea suddenly came into Prospect's mind.

To awaken superpowers, the entire process takes time.

And during this awakening process, it was impossible for Lu Li to maintain his transformed state, right?

If he made some small moves during this awakening process, he might be able to get rid of Lu Li directly.

Prospect doesn't like to put his destiny in the hands of others. He just wants to control his own destiny.

As long as there was a small possibility, even if there was a certain risk, Prospect could accept it.

Following behind, Lu Li couldn't see what Prospect was thinking, but as the ancestor of mankind, Lu Li's powerful soul allowed him to sense that Prospect's thoughts were definitely impure.

This guy is probably thinking about how to solve himself in the process of awakening his superpower.


Lu Li smiled coldly.

How could he give Prospect such a good opportunity? It was all a dream.

After a while, the two came to a spacious research room in the villa.

There is an instrument here that can accommodate a person standing in it.

Prospect restrained his sinister eyes and turned around.

"Sir, if you want to awaken your super powers, you must go in."

It was as if he had really succumbed to Lu Li's terrifying and powerful power.

Whether this is the case, I am afraid only he himself knows.

He could hide it from others, but he couldn't hide his telepathy from Lu Li.

Telepathy is also a type of superpower.

However, Lu Li's telepathy does not come from superpowers, but from the abilities possessed by the ancestors of mankind.

"No problem, but before that, doctor, I don't want you to do anything behind your back, so... wait a moment."

As he spoke, the Awakening Device appeared from Lu Li's waist.

Seeing the awakening stage suddenly appear on Lu Li's waist, Prospect suddenly looked panicked.

He thought that Lu Li had noticed his intention and wanted to kill him.

The fear in his heart made him take two steps back unconsciously, and Prospect felt a cold feeling in his heart.

Prospect, who has a very strong desire to survive, said impatiently.

"Wait! Sir! Only I can use this instrument! If you kill me, no one will be able to use it!"

Seeing his panicked look, Lu Li couldn't help but sneer.

"Haha! Why are you panicking? I know that only you can use the instruments here, so I didn't kill you.

Don't worry, I did this... just in case. "

With that said, Lu Li pulled out two awakening cards.

These two awakening cards are the remote tapir of the 10 of clubs, and the fusion wolf of the jack of hearts.

Lu Li swiped the 10 of clubs in his hand across the Awakener component, and at the same time threw out the Jack of Hearts in his hand.

"Remote (tapir)!"

A ray of light was released from the Awakener component, instantly hitting the Jack of Hearts.

The golden wolf in the card suddenly came to life.

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