Once Lu Li awakens his superpower, his strength will far exceed that of the current superpower soldiers.

Just how strong it was, Prospect couldn't estimate at all.

He really wanted to know how Lu Li had such a high quark index.

If you want to measure it with any precision instrument, you can always figure out the reason.

But he didn't dare to do this.

The terrifying monster was still staring at him, showing no intention of leaving.

He knew very well that as long as he made the slightest move, the other party would tear him apart with those sharp claws.

His eyes were full of regret.

There is such a perfect person in front of him, but he cannot explore the mystery of why he has such a high quark index.

This is a huge torture for him, the executor of the Quark Project.

I really want to understand the mystery, but the risk factor is too high.

Compared to my own life, I feel that my own life is more important.

Only if you have a life can you continue your research. If your life is gone, then there is nothing.

Meanwhile, outside the villa.

A weapons-06 helicopter is landing slowly.

Three people dressed in white stepped out of the armed helicopter.

One look at these clothes and you can tell that they are all typical standard outfits and they are all from Consortium X.

The ice fragments that were broken by the previous Ga Tou Shun explosion have melted, and now there are scattered fragments all over the ground.

It was obvious to them that some of the debris was Consortium X's clothes.

Apart from the three of them, there is only one person wearing this kind of clothes here, and that is the project leader Jia Toushun.

Looking at the debris on the ground in disbelief, one of the men widened his eyes and said.

"This is Mr. Kato...?!"

He really couldn't understand that Ka Tou Shun not only had powerful superpowers, but also mastered the golden memory.

With such a powerful force, who on earth beat him into a pile of debris, without even leaving a complete body.

"We are late. Mr. Gartou is dead. What should we do now?" the woman in white asked.

Hearing the questioning, another man immediately urged the two of them.

"We must leave here quickly. I don't know whose hands Mr. Gartou died. We must pass this news back to the consortium headquarters!"

The man who had just looked shocked came to his senses and uttered a word with difficulty.


He was a subordinate of Ga Tou Shun, so he was naturally very sad about the sudden departure of his boss.

But there was also a hint of joy in his heart.

Without Ga Toushun's suppression, he might be able to be promoted immediately and become the new person in charge of the project.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether all this will go as he wishes.

Afterwards, the three people immediately boarded the armed helicopter and quickly left the scene.

They must report this news to the consortium headquarters.

Regarding the sudden death of Ga Tou Shun, the consortium must know as soon as possible so that it can assign a new person in charge of the project he was responsible for.

Just as the gunship left, Mina arrived here.

After a lot of running, Mina was exhausted and panting.

As a person with superpowers, her physical strength may be a little stronger than that of ordinary people, but she won't be much stronger.

After running such a long distance, of course you will feel tired.

When she arrived, she happened to see an armed helicopter flying away in the sky.

At the same time, she also noticed the messy land.

A pair of eyes widened, full of surprise.

"What exactly happened here? Why did it cause such horrific destruction?!"

Mina is still very clear about her superpowers. Even if she tries her best to release her superpowers, it will be difficult to destroy the ground into what it is now.

Moreover, Mina obviously noticed that the surrounding trees were bare, all the way to the trees far away.

It proves that there was a terrifying explosion of energy that left not a single leaf on these trees.

Still seeing no trace of Lu Li (not visible), she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, worried that something might happen to Lu Li.

But when she noticed that the villa was still intact, Mina couldn't help but feel strange.

The ground outside the villa has become so damaged, but the villa seems to be intact.

It was obvious that whoever was fighting deliberately avoided damaging the villa.

Could it be that... people are in the villa?

With this idea suddenly popping up in her mind, Mina walked towards the villa door in an unexpected way.

She decided to go inside to see the situation first, maybe she could find relevant clues here.

As Prospect's target, she naturally came to this villa on a regular basis.

She knew almost everything about the situation inside the villa.

Upon entering the villa, the first thing is the lobby. There are slight traces of battle, but not much.

She walked cautiously towards the villa.

Now, Mina is going to go to the research room to take a look. There might be something to gain in the research room.

At this time, Lu Li, who was inside the instrument, was still in a dormant state.

Even though his body is in a dormant state, his consciousness is very clear.

The energy of different bands is stimulating your body regularly, especially your brain.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to help awaken superpowers.

But only people with a high enough quark index can accept this special activation method.

Once the quark index does not meet the standard, or it is just an ordinary person who awakens this superpower, the biggest possibility is to become a fool directly.

There will even be more serious consequences, and he will die directly.

If other people with high quark indexes awaken, they will still feel severe pain when stimulated by different bands of energy.

But Lu Li not only did not feel pain, but felt quite comfortable.

These energies felt like tickling him.

In the laboratory.

Looking at Lu Li who seemed to have no feeling in the instrument at all, Prospect couldn't help but frowned.

It was just because Lu Li at this time didn't seem to have any superpowers to activate.

When he thought of Lu Li's terrifying and powerful strength and super high quark index, Prospect couldn't help but feel that he might have used too low energy.

The different bands of energy he used just now were used to activate people with general quark index targets.

The quark index in Lu Li's body has far exceeded his estimate. Perhaps it is because of this that there is no way to activate his superpowers.

Thinking of this, Prospect was about to adjust the energy output.

As a result, the moment he stretched out his hand, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the wolf undead creature, and it disappeared in the next second.

When Prospect reacted, he found that his hand had been pinched by a terrifying claw.

He was so focused on thinking about the problem just now that he forgot that there was a terrifying monster guarding next to him.

Feeling the increasing strength in his hand, Prospect hurriedly explained.

"I'm not trying to hurt him! I just want to adjust the energy output. The current energy can't help him awaken his superpowers!"

Fearing that his hand would be useless if he spoke a little slower, Prospect was very nervous.

He couldn't help but curse himself for being too careless just now.

He was also full of doubts in his heart. He didn't even see the movement of the wolf undead creature clearly just now, and the other party had already appeared in front of him.

This speed is outrageous!

The wolf undead creature did not speak, but stared straight into Prospect's eyes.

The next second, the wolf undead creature slowly loosened its claws.

Feeling that the claws on his hand had left, Prospect let out a long breath.


If he hadn't explained it quickly, I'm afraid his hand would have been gone.

Carefully adjusting the energy output, without being blocked, Prospect kept adjusting the energy output to the maximum.

Lu Li, who was lying in the instrument, felt just itchy, but suddenly felt that the output had increased a lot.

A series of tingling sensations came from his body, causing him to frown slightly in his dormant state.

But it was just a tingling sensation, and it didn't make Lu Li unacceptable.

As the energy output increased, all the energy supply of the entire experimental village poured in here.

For a while, the lights that were originally on in the villa suddenly dimmed and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

And it was relying on this powerful energy that Lu Li's brain finally had a sense.

He seemed to be in a strange space.

Here, you can do whatever you want and control everything at will.

Mina, who was heading to the laboratory, noticed that the lights in the corridor were flickering, and she felt something was wrong.

She quickly rushed to the outside of the laboratory, looked at the closed door, and used her superpowers to force it open.


The door of the laboratory slowly opened, revealing the inside.

“Lu Li!”

Mina called out impatiently.

When she rushed in, she saw Lu Li who seemed to be tortured by energy in the instrument.

Her face was shocked, and she was ready to rush up to rescue Lu Li.

She thought Lu Li had failed and became Dr. Prospect’s research material, so she was naturally anxious.

Faced with this sudden change, Prospect hurriedly shouted loudly.


The most outstanding masterpiece will be born in his hands, and he will never allow anyone to stop it.

Even if his most outstanding masterpiece is a guy who threatens him, he doesn’t care about it at all.

What he really cared about was whether he could create this most amazing masterpiece.

The wolf undead creature flashed in an instant, turned into a black shadow and appeared in front of Mina, grabbing her neck.

The sudden situation made Mina at a loss.

The powerful force lifted Mina up from the ground.

Only then did he see clearly that there was a monster in front of him.

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