Being lifted up by the neck, Mina felt that it was very difficult to breathe.

She kicked back and forth with both feet and tried her best with both hands, but such attacks were useless to the wolf undead creature.

He would not allow anyone to pick up Lu Li, and would protect Lu Li from any harm during the awakening of super powers.

But the enemies he identified would be wiped out.

As for Mina, she was an enemy in the eyes of the wolf undead creature.

Lu Li, who had consciousness, immediately transmitted his thoughts to the wolf undead creature through telepathy.

[Stop, let her go. ]

Other voices suddenly appeared in his mind, and the wolf undead creature's eyes flashed with doubt.

He turned his head to look at Lu Li in confusion, and he wanted to confirm whether the voice just now was Lu's.

[No need to look at me, it was indeed me. I am currently in the ideological state, the girl just now.

The person you need to supervise is Prospect, just don't let him do anything. 】

After confirming that this was Lu Li's order687, the wolf undead creature immediately loosened the hand that was pinching Mina's neck.

Mina fell to the ground suddenly without support.

And the wolf undead creature quickly returned to Prospect.

If this guy made any move, Prospect would kill him at the first opportunity.

Originally, Prospect thought he had a chance to escape, but facing the wolf undead creature's swift speed, he decisively gave up.

He couldn't run away.

Waiting here for Lu Li to wake up and accept his treatment, there is still a possibility of survival.

If he suddenly chose to escape at this time, the sharp claws would definitely tear his chest without hesitation.

He didn't want to feel the taste of being disemboweled often. That feeling was terrifying just thinking about it.

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough!..."

Mina fell to the ground, holding her neck and coughing violently.

Just now, she almost felt that she was about to suffocate.

The other party really wanted to kill her just now, but she didn't know why he stopped later.

She felt inexplicably that this wolf monster might be related to Lu Li.

Suddenly, Lu Li's voice echoed in Mina's mind.

[Mina, don't worry, I don't have any problems. ]

Raising her head in surprise, Mina looked at Lu Li in the instrument in disbelief.


She herself has the superpower of telepathy, so she naturally understands that Lu Li is talking to her through consciousness.

[Then why are you...? ]

Mina tried to communicate with Lu Li through telepathy.

Sure enough, Mina got a response the next second.

[I'm just activating my superpowers, don't worry, help me keep an eye on Prospect.

That wolf undead creature is my man, I've told him that he won't hurt you again. ]

Hearing this, Mina nodded slightly.

She already understood what was going on, and she also knew that the monster that almost killed her just now was actually protecting Lu Li.

Slowly standing up, Mina looked at Prospect, who was being stared at by the wolf undead creature.

"Doctor, I didn't expect that this meeting would be in this way."

In the past, Mina had thought of countless ways to resist Prospect, but unfortunately, those ways did not work.

It was the first time she saw Prospect in such a mess.

It seemed that the previous worries were unnecessary. Dr. Prospect did not defeat Lu Li, but was controlled by Lu Li.

Hearing this, Prospect turned his head slightly to the side, feeling very unwilling.

Of course, he did not want to meet Mina in this situation, but he could only think about it.

Now he is a prisoner, and how he will be dealt with is still unknown.

Everything will have to wait until Lu Li wakes up to know.

His mood is quite complicated at this time, with happiness, melancholy, and worry.

The reason why he was still happy was because a unique superpower would be born in his hands.

Chapter 123 Paranormal Crime Investigation Class, warning from sister, awakening completed

Time flies.

Three days passed in a flash.

Fuudu Police Station.

Today, Fuudu Police Station welcomed a very special newcomer.

Although he is a newcomer, he is actually an experienced police officer.

And in order to deal with the frequent doping incidents in Fuudu, the Paranormal Crime Investigation Class was specially established.

The location is located on the third floor of Fuudu Police Station.

The classroom established for the frequent doping incidents in Fuudu recently can be said to have a very high risk factor.

Naturally, many police officers do not want to join the Paranormal Crime Investigation Class.

After all, when a police officer only makes that little money a month, why risk his life for this matter.

No need!

When the Paranormal Crime Investigation Class was first established, many people thought that it would not even be possible to recruit people.

Unexpectedly, this new police officer became the chief of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division.

At the same time, two other police officers also joined, namely Chifu Hasano and Shun Makura, who were transferred from the Criminal Police Division.

At present, there are only three people in the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division.

Ryu Terui, wearing a red leather jacket and leather pants, came to Fuuto Police Station.

Today, his transfer order finally came down, and he became the head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section of the Fuuto Police Station.

Even if it was just a temporary classroom, in Terui Ryu's eyes, all this was nothing.

Even if he was the only one in this classroom, he would continue to persevere.

Just because of his identity, he could directly participate in cases related to doping.

In order to find the murderer who killed his family, he would do his best to avenge his family.

When he came to the classroom of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, he found that the office space inside was very empty.

There were only two people in such an empty place, and there were only three people including him.

And these two people didn't seem to be very smart.

Of course, Terui Ryu didn't take this matter to heart.

Even if he was alone, he would still continue to investigate until he found the murderer who killed his family.

It was beyond his expectation that two people joined the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section.

Chifu Hatano, who was dozing off, finally opened his eyes and saw Ryu Terui standing at the door. He stood up immediately.

"Senior, what are you doing?"

Makura Shun on the side looked at Chifu Hatano with confusion in his eyes.

Wasn't this senior with average ability dozing off well? How did he suddenly wake up?

"Welcome to the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division, Chief Ryu Terui!"

Chifu Hatano had done his homework in advance, and of course he knew that the young-looking guy in front of him was actually their chief.

Makura Shun thought Chifu Hatano was joking with him, so he was too lazy to pay attention to him and waved his hand.

"Senior, stop joking, I'm still busy looking at these cases."

He didn't want to come to the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division at all, but since he was already here, he had no choice.

It would be best if he could make meritorious deeds. As long as there were meritorious deeds to make, he could quickly leave here and return to the Criminal Case Division.

Terui Ryu still had an expressionless face and said coldly.

"Well, you came quite early."

And Makura Shun, who was looking up the information, was about to stand up after hearing other voices.

As a result, his feet slipped and he sat down on the ground.


Holding his old waist, Makura Shun quickly raised his head and saw Terui Ryu walking towards him.

He really came!

They thought the senior was just joking with them, but they didn't expect that what the senior said was true.

"Hello, Section Chief!" Makura Shun immediately stood up and shouted loudly.

The pain from his waist made him frown fiercely.

"Well, you guys go about your business first. If there is any situation, please notify me as soon as possible."

After saying that, Terui Ryu turned around and left the office.

They came and went in a hurry, leaving only the two people looking at each other.


During these three days, the museum seemed to have fallen into an unprecedented tranquility.

To be precise, it was a little abnormally quiet.

Sonosaki Saeko was keenly aware that something major might happen.

The current calm is just the calm before the storm.

For this reason, Sonosaki Saeko has been very careful during this period, firmly grasping the half of the country in her hands.

There must be no problems at this time, especially now at this critical period, Lu Li is not by her side.

It is normal for her to have such concerns.

It looks very calm on the surface, but in fact, it has been turbulent in the dark, and it may erupt at any time and anywhere.

Peace is only on the surface, and it is unknown how long such peace can last.

Sonosaki Saeko now only hopes that Lu Li can come back earlier.

With Lu Li by her side, Sonosaki Saeko will feel particularly at ease.

Even if she really faces an extremely powerful enemy, Lu Li will face it with her.

It has been a long time since I have experienced the taste of Lu Li going out, especially in such a sensitive matter now.

Sonosaki Saeko was still a little worried that her father would confront her immediately.

She was mainly worried that she could not handle all the problems by herself.

But when she was in the company, Sonosaki Saeko was still very happy, at least she would never see that guy she hated again.

Sudo Kirihiko.

Last time, Lu Li solved him personally and took back the Nazca memory.

This was also indirectly taking away some of the power in her father's hands, which was a good thing for Sonosaki Saeko.

The power of the golden memory was not weak, and one less golden memory opponent meant one less potentially powerful opponent.

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