And through the keywords, they also found clues about the woman related to this incident.

While searching for the woman they had locked as a suspect, Terui Ryu vaguely saw the person he wanted to see the most at the moment.


Following the traces left by the other party, Terui Ryu left Shotaro Sae and Akiko Narumi and chased after him all the way.

Finally, he successfully caught up with Shroud in a forest.

"It's you, Shroud!"

Shroud, who seemed to be looming, did not answer Terui Ryu, but just pointed.

A ball of fire burned in front of him out of thin air, and the next second, a suitcase appeared under the flames.

When Terui Ryu saw the suitcase, his first reaction was that this should be his driver.

With excitement, he opened the suitcase.

When he saw the driver inside, Terui Ryu's face suddenly showed surprise.

"My driver is finally completed!"

However, when he looked up, Shroud had disappeared.

After successfully getting the driver, Terui Ryu immediately rushed back.

He was finally able to become a Kamen Rider and avenge his family with his own hands.

In his opinion, the instigator of this freezing incident must be the same person as the one who killed his parents and sister.

He avenged his family with his own hands and put an end to that hateful guy!

When he rushed back to Fuuto Garden, he happened to see W who was fighting with the impurity at this time.

Dragging the engine sword, Terui Ryu walked step by step.

He has now gained power and has enough power to avenge his family.

Even though he still looked down on W in his heart, Terui Ryu still recognized their efforts.

"Thank you for your hard work, let me do it next."

As he said that, he immediately inserted the engine sword in his hand deeply into the ground.

At the same time, he took out the Accel driver he had just obtained.

When he saw the driver, W was stunned.

Up to now, they have not figured out where the driver on them came from and who made it.

And now Terui Ryu has taken out another driver.

This kind of W has to wonder who is behind the driver.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time!

The time to get the most powerful power and kill this guy has finally come!"

His eyes were filled with vengeful anger and murderous intent.

At this moment, he had already regarded the Ice Age dopant in front of him as his own murderer and was ready to take revenge personally.

Put the drive on his waist and take out the acceleration memory.

"Transform~! (Very~good)!"

Insert the acceleration drive and twist the handle next to it.

The scorching temperature seemed to burn and distort the surrounding space.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

Like the sound of a locomotive, Zhao Jinglong, who was covered by red flames, immediately transformed.

With a fiery red body and blue eye armor highlighted, his eyes were fixed on the Ice Age dopant.

Easily pulling out the engine sword inserted in the ground, the police rider felt the powerful force of the sprint in his body.

"Okay, let's do a big fight!"

As soon as the voice fell, the police rider, full of anger, immediately rushed towards the Ice Age dopant.

Facing the police rider who made his debut and had the attribute of restraining himself, the Ice Age doping body chose to escape directly.

The user of the Ice Age doping body was extremely cunning. After escaping, he submitted this memory to his mother.

As a result, Terui Ryu almost killed ordinary people.

He was full of anger and didn't care about these at all.

As long as he recalled the tragic death of his family, he couldn't calm down.

Fortunately, with the help of Shotaro Zuo and Philip, Terui Ryu was successfully stopped.

Then they found the real murderer.

After a battle, Terui Ryu was influenced by Shotaro Zuo and Philip, and did not attack the person who removed the doping body because of his anger.

However, the opponent he solved was not the real enemy. His real enemy has not been figured out yet.

He will continue to work hard to find his enemy, but because of what Shotaro Zuo and Philip said to him, he no longer looks at this city with hatred.

Fuuto, therefore, has another Kamen Rider.


The next day.

At the company.

This morning, Sonosaki Saeko was suddenly woken up in the president's office.

When she heard her subordinates report the news, they said that a group of people attacked Sonosaki Saeko's men.

The other side was also mixed, and there were quite a few of them.

Faced with the sudden attack, they were also beaten in a panic, and suffered heavy casualties for a while.

When she learned the news, Sonosaki Saeko's face immediately turned cold.

Needless to say, it must be that her father attacked her.

I didn't expect that he couldn't sit still so soon, and he directly thought about attacking her. He was really a cold-blooded father.

But she had already anticipated this situation and immediately gave orders.

"Gather all the people we have. Isn't the other side going to fight? Then fight them!

You don't have to defeat the other side, just hold them back. Do you understand?"


The subordinate responded hurriedly and immediately went to arrange the matter.

"Father, if you take action so quickly, let me see how many trump cards you can bring out!"

Sonosaki Saeko also left the president's office immediately.

Staying here is not an option, the other party will definitely come to you.

Since you will encounter it sooner or later, it is better to take the initiative yourself.

That's right, Sonosaki Saeko decided to take the initiative.

She didn't need to defeat Sonosaki Ryubei herself, she just needed to stall for time.

Before resting last night, Lu Li had a phone call with her.

At that time, Lu Li had just boarded the plane to Fengdu.

Today, he will definitely be able to come back.

Once Lu Li returns, nothing will be a problem.

Today, a major incident occurred at the museum.

Both forces come from museums, but the two forces are fighting each other.

Fights between adulterants occurred in many places throughout Fengdu.

For a moment, the whole wind suddenly became chaotic.

After learning the news, Shotaro Zuo and Philip immediately transformed into W, and Ryuu Terui transformed into a police cavalry and went to the place where the riot took place.

None of them figured out what was going on. The incident happened too suddenly.

All I know is that this incident is very serious, and if it cannot be stopped in time, it is likely to have very serious consequences.

After arriving at the scene, W happened to see two doping bodies fighting each other.

The place where they fought had become a mess.

Seeing this scene, W of course could not sit still and wait for death, and immediately rushed forward to stop the two adulterants.

"By the way, what is going on?! Why do so many adulterants suddenly appear? Are these guys trying to make the wind chaotic?!"

Zuo Shotaro was full of doubts.

Philip on the other side, even though he was smart, didn't understand what huge changes had taken place in Fengdu.

But it is certain that this change should have something to do with the organization.

"I don't know, but this matter must be related to the organization. The specific situation will be known after we defeat them all."

Now they are all blind, and they can only think of ways to suppress the fighting taking place in various places, and then try to pry out useful information from the mouths of these adulterants.

The police cavalry in another part of Fengdu were also fighting with all their strength at this time.

It was obvious that he had just become a Kamen Rider, but he suddenly encountered this kind of thing.

Everything happened so suddenly.

After successfully repelling one dopant, he still had to face another one. Even the tough guy Terui Ryu was in a hurry.

Fortunately, these adulterants themselves can't deal with each other. Otherwise, if they attack him together, the trouble will be even greater.

Not long after Sonosaki Saeko left the company, she met an uninvited guest on the road.


To be precise, it's Mick who has transformed into a saber-toothed tiger dopant.

The saber-toothed tiger hybrid stood in front of him, but Sono Saki Saeko's expression showed no change.

"Mick, it seems that you chose to side with your father. If so, don't blame me."

Before she finished speaking, Sonosaki Saeko took out the taboo memory.


Release the taboo memory in your hand and see the taboo memory fall freely. When it gets closer to the Gaia drive, it is automatically inserted into the interface.

The dark red energy of Weird 703 instantly enveloped Sono Saki Saeko, and a terrifying sense of oppression came over her.

The saber-tooth tiger hybrid transformed by Mick has powerful intuition.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko who had not yet completely transformed, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid body felt a great sense of oppression.

It didn't hesitate at all and pounced on it as quickly as possible.

The extremely fast speed left a trail of afterimages on the spot.

He planned to strike first before Sono Saki Saeko's complete transformation.

A flash of cold light flashed, and the extremely sharp claws attacked the strange dark red energy.

Just when the saber-toothed tiger hybrid thought his attack would be successful, a sneer suddenly came from his ears.


The sudden sneer immediately made the saber-toothed tiger's heart tighten.


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