Its extremely sharp claws were actually tightly grasped by a blood-red hand.

The saber-toothed tiger hybrid looked at the blood-red arm that suddenly stretched out from the strange dark red energy, and was very alert.


It roared, trying to break free from the strange blood-red arm.

But the arm that tightly grasped its claws did not move at all.

Can't break free!

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the saber-toothed tiger hybrid.

Obviously, the current situation was somewhat beyond its expectations.

"Mick, what a naughty little cat."

A voice came from the strange dark red energy.

It was because of this voice that all the hair on the saber-toothed tiger hybrid stood up.



Then, an extremely terrifying energy burst out instantly.

The blood-colored arm that originally grasped the saber-toothed tiger hybrid immediately loosened.

Faced with this extremely terrifying energy, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid was immediately blown away.


The agile saber-toothed tiger hybrid did a backflip and landed, sliding far away on the ground before stopping.

When the saber-toothed tiger hybrid looked at its target again, it saw a hybrid that felt very familiar, yet very strange.

Forbidden hybrid!

Compared with the forbidden hybrid that had just gained full power, Sonosaki Saeko has now developed her power to the top.

The half-red and half-black skirt around the waist of the forbidden hybrid swayed constantly under the pouring of energy.

The breath exuded from the body was not inferior to that of the fear hybrid, which made the saber-toothed tiger hybrid very uneasy.


The saber-toothed tiger hybrid roared.

From the forbidden hybrid, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid felt a huge threat similar to that of the old man.

Its body also slowly retreated, staring at the forbidden hybrid tightly, not daring to leave at all.

It was because it was worried that once its eyes left the forbidden hybrid, it would be solved by the forbidden hybrid in the next second.

The opponent is still within its sight. In the eyes of the saber-toothed tiger hybrid, it is temporarily safe.

"Mick, do you want to escape?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, which made the spirit of the saber-toothed tiger hybrid tense to the extreme.

Chapter 128 The embarrassed executioner, the reward-Quetta pterosaur!

Just when the saber-toothed tiger hybrid was about to turn back, a very strong force hit its chest directly.


A painful wail.

The saber-toothed tiger hybrid was blown away by the terrifying force again.

Unlike the previous energy burst, this time it was real physical damage.

At the position of the saber-toothed tiger hybrid just now, the taboo hybrid still maintained the posture of swinging a fist.

That's right, the taboo hybrid now not only has a stronger long-range combat ability, but also has a strong melee ability.

In the past, almost all the combat power of the taboo hybrid came from the energy ball, and the melee ability was a mess.

Once the opponent gets close, it is easy to be at a disadvantage.

But after completing the enhancement of the taboo memory, her melee ability has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Hehe, this is the first serious battle after the taboo is enhanced. Mick, can you make me...happy a little bit?"

It was like a lip with the biggest crack, and now it was smiling very strangely.

The saber-toothed tiger hybrid has not come back to its senses yet.

How come the taboo hybrid that was clearly in front of it just now suddenly ran behind it?

Is this a clone, or is this an illusion?

Even though it has become a saber-toothed tiger hybrid, Mick does not have a strong thinking ability and can only act according to orders.

It can't understand how the taboo hybrid does it.

With a hint of fear in its eyes, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid instinctively wants to escape.

Its intuition tells it that the taboo hybrid in front of it is no longer the taboo hybrid before.

With its current state, it can't deal with it. If it continues to fight, it will definitely lose.

However, the Taboo Dope had already seen through the thoughts in the Sabre-toothed Tiger Dope's mind.


The Sabre-toothed Tiger Dope, ready to escape, ran in the opposite direction without stopping.

"Want to escape?"

The Taboo Dope smiled slightly, and a terrifying figure instantly appeared in the sky.


Behind her, ten strange dark red energy balls condensed instantly.

This was much stronger than her previous time.

Not only that, the energy balls she condensed were also much more powerful than before.

The Sabre-toothed Tiger Dope's running speed was indeed quite fast, but compared with the flying speed of the Taboo Dope, it did not have any advantage.

"Mick, take it well, my... good intentions!"

Swish, swish, swish! !

The energy ball behind him was instantly launched, and the target was Mick who was escaping quickly below.

The Sabre-toothed Tiger Dope, who was running fast, intuitively felt the crisis coming.

When he turned around, he saw the terrifying energy balls falling down.

Each energy ball has a terrifying power.

The pupils suddenly contracted, and the saber-toothed tiger hybrid ran as fast as it could.

With its flexible body, it barely dodged the attacks of energy balls one after another.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Each energy ball exploded, and the terrifying power left a big hole on the ground.


A painful wail came from the smoke and dust splashed by the explosion.

The next second, a swift figure rushed out of the smoke and dust.

The saber-toothed tiger doping looked very embarrassed.

The explosions just now were too dense, and the forbidden doping had reached a very familiar level of controlling the energy balls.

It was not difficult to hit the target accurately.

The wounded saber-toothed tiger doping continued to flee without a trace of hesitation.

But compared to just now, the speed was obviously reduced a little.

The forbidden doping was not in a hurry to destroy the saber-toothed tiger doping, but played with it in the sky.

She wanted to let her father know that it was not possible to deal with her by sending a cadre casually.

Don't be too self-righteous!

She was no longer the same as before.

Running away all the way, the accumulated scars on the saber-toothed tiger doping body increased, and the running speed became slower and slower.

But it was getting closer and closer to the Sonozaki family.

As animals, when they encounter an unbeatable opponent, they will always think of looking for their owner first.

At this moment, the Sonozaki family.

Compared to the harmony and quietness of the past, two guests were welcomed here today.

One of them was Isaka Shinkoro, who was wearing a suit, holding a cane, and wearing an original hat on his head.

As for the other person, it was an old lady who looked very old.

When I saw this old lady again, the first impression was that she was a very kind old lady.

However, the fact is not so. Her true identity is not just an old lady.

Kagino Kiku!

She controls a memory processing factory, and has a long-standing cooperative relationship with the museum.

The cooperative relationship between the two parties can even be traced back to more than ten years ago.

It is precisely because of this that the memory in Kagino Kiku's hand is not an ordinary selling item, but a high-grade silver memory.

Alcohol memory!

It is of the same specification as the weather memory held by Isaka Shinkoro.

Don't underestimate Kagamino Kiku because she is just an old lady. Once she transforms into an alcohol-doped body, her combat power is extremely strong.

Due to the effect of the alcohol memory, the alcohol-doped body will not feel any pain on the body.

In other words, any battle will not cause pain to the alcohol-doped body.

The alcohol-doped body will ooze alcohol on the surface of the body, and it can currently detonate high-temperature rays towards the target contaminated with alcohol.

Although it is only a silver high-level memory, it is a little bit worse than the combat power of the high-level memory alone.

But Kagamino Kiku has already developed the alcohol memory to the extreme in the past ten years.

Even she herself has certain special abilities without transformation.

This is the impact of Gaia memory.

The long-term use of Gaia memory has led to changes in herself.

The reason why Sonosaki Ryubei has used the fear gold memory for so many years and has already developed it to the extreme, but still has no special abilities.

The biggest reason is that Sonosaki Ryubei has been using the Gaia driver.

Kagamino Kiku is different.

She has always been using the memory interface.

The silver advanced memory was modified by Shroud, that is, Sonosaki Fumion.

It is slightly inferior to the gold advanced memory, but it does not have as strong toxins as the gold advanced memory.

This is why both Kagamino Kiku and Isaka Mikuro are still normal after so many years of use.

At this time, the three of them were sitting in the hall.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who was sitting in the main seat, had cold eyes behind his sunglasses.

"Today, I will regain control of the museum, and I will still be the emperor of Fuuto.

My useless daughter actually wanted to replace me. She is really too young and overestimates her own abilities.‖!"

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