The forbidden mixed body sneered after stopping the sharp and piercing cry.

"Father! Let me see if you can take my...anger!"


This is the strongest attack she can currently brew.

With such an attack, she thinks she has a 50% chance of winning.

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

The terrifying dark red energy balls all over the sky smashed into the fear mixed body.

The most important thing is that these dark red energy balls have locked the fear mixed body.

Conventional methods can't avoid it at all.

The fear mixed body may have also discovered this, and it has been locked by this power.

Can't avoid it!

Since it can't avoid it, then don't hide it!

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, the fear mixed body took the cloak behind him and crossed his hands in front of his forehead.

"Fear dragon beast!"

As he called, the huge bronze crown on his head suddenly moved.

It looks very strange. It's just a pattern, but it can move.


A faint roar resounded through the world.

The next second, the hideous and terrifying bronze pattern instantly broke away from the crown of the fear-mixed body.

It transformed into an extremely huge and terrifying fear dragon beast.

The fear dragon beast was very large, giving people an extreme sense of oppression.

Not only that, when seeing the fear dragon beast, its eyes seemed to be able to make people feel afraid.

Just staring at those eyes, it was as if you were about to be pulled into the abyss.

Very scary!


Flying out of the huge crown, the fear dragon beast was not afraid of the overwhelming energy balls at all, and roared and rushed up.


The earth-shaking roar resounded through the world, and the terrifying aura unfolded. Everyone could feel an extremely terrifying momentum.

Facing the sudden huge sense of oppression, W even vaguely felt that he couldn't breathe.

W's body trembled slightly, and the left side of his body was out of control.

"What kind of power is this...what kind of power is this? Why do I feel like I can't breathe? My body is shaking uncontrollably. How could this happen...?" Even his voice was trembling slightly. Shotaro Zuo couldn't understand what he was facing now. Philip, who was connected to the memory of the earth, didn't feel any fear, but he could feel the breath he was emitting. "Shotaro, it's fear! What we are facing now is the source of fear!" "The source of fear...? Why is that guy Terui Ryu okay?!" Looking at the police rider on the side, W knew that his left side was shaking slightly. He understood Philip's situation, but why didn't the police rider feel any fear? It was incomprehensible! "Terui! Don't you feel scared?" Hearing this, the police rider turned his head to look at W and shook his head slightly. "No." "How could this happen? Why don't you feel scared?!" It was totally incomprehensible! "Don't question me. I don't know either." The police rider was still so arrogant. The 1.9 conversation between the two did not escape the weather impurities not far away. He clearly heard W call the police rider Terui Ryu just now.

All of a sudden, his memory was pulled back to many years ago.

On that day, he killed a family with his own hands.

Terui Ryu's father was also a police officer. He noticed the existence of the dopant and searched for information about the weather dopant in the case.

At that time, Izaka Shinkoro did not want to expose his identity. In order to eliminate this unstable factor, he went directly to the door and killed all the Terui family.

The only pity for Izaka Shinkoro at that time was that Terui Ryu escaped by chance because he was studying in the police academy.

After that, Izaka Shinkoro went into hiding and disappeared.

Unexpectedly, his fate with the Terui family would be so deep.

Terui Ryu became a Kamen Rider and also gained power. This was a reunion of fate.

Because the weather dopant was strong enough, facing the terrifying power emitted by the Horror Dragon Beast, even if he felt palpitations, he did not show too much abnormality.


In the sky, the Horror Dragon Beast directly pounced on the overwhelming energy ball.

It opened its terrifying bloody mouth and swallowed some of the energy balls directly into its bottomless belly.

But even for the Fear Dragon Beast, it was impossible to eat all the energy balls in the face of such a large number of energy balls.

More energy balls hit the Fear Dragon Beast directly, and flames shot up to the sky for a while.

The dazzling flames illuminated the entire sky.

"Boom boom boom!!"


Amid the explosion, the roar of the Fear Dragon Beast was faintly heard.

It was a pity that the roar was completely drowned out by the explosion.

Due to the blocking of the Fear Dragon Beast, the Fear Mixed Body was naturally not hit directly by the overwhelming energy balls.

PS: Thank you--Funny Chestnut's monthly ticket!

Thank you--Lin 8804's monthly ticket and urging ticket! .

Chapter 132 Is there a problem with my sister-in-law being my woman? The real enemy

The terrifying aftermath of the explosion still pushed him far away.

Seeing the Fear Dragon Beast engulfed by the explosion, the vigilance in the eyes of the Fear Mixed Body became stronger.

He was not worried about whether the Fear Dragon Beast would be injured. Even if such an attack would injure the Fear Dragon Beast, it would not be fatal.

"Saiko, are you so powerful now? Sure enough, I still underestimated you.

However, this battle may end here. The explosion just now has consumed a lot of your energy. What else can you use to fight me next?"

Clenching his fists, the Fear Mixed Body's eyes were full of confidence.

With such a terrifying energy explosion just now, it makes no sense that the Taboo Mixed Body is still at its peak.

Such a terrifying explosion can be heard clearly even from a far distance.


At this time, Fuuto Airport.

Lu Li and Mina had just walked out of the airport.

After getting off the plane, Lu Li took the initiative to call Sonosaki Saeko to ask about the situation.

However, when the call was made, no one answered.

Seeing this situation, Lu Li guessed that the father and daughter might have already started a fight.

Thinking of this, Lu Li immediately called Sonozaki Wakana.

After a while, Sonozaki Wakana answered the phone.

"Wakana, have your sister and the old man fought?"

Sonozaki Wakana hurriedly shouted on the other end of the phone.

"Lu Li! Are you back? Come here quickly if you are back. Father and sister have already fought. The battle is very fierce."

She saw the extremely terrifying battle and could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

The power of the clay doll memory is too limited. Facing ordinary memory, it may not be a big problem.

But it is a golden high-level memory, and the power it shows is not satisfactory.

Sonozaki Wakana now hopes that she has a strong power. If she has a strong power, she can stop this battle.

Unfortunately, she does not.

Naturally, she puts her hope on Lu Li. After all, she has seen Lu Li's power, even if it is only part of it.

Lu Li could naturally hear the anxiety in Sonozaki Wakana's words, and comforted her softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

For some reason, when Sonozaki Wakana heard Lu Li's answer, she felt very relieved.


Nodding heavily, Sonozaki Wakana believed in Lu Li unconditionally.

Afterwards, Lu Li hung up the phone and was about to go back.

"Let's go, there's something to do."

Seeing Lu Li walking forward, Mina hurried to follow.

She was always curious about who the person Lu Li had just talked to was.

Recalling that Lu Li had mentioned before that he already had a woman, Mina couldn't help asking.

"Lu Li, who is that Wakana?"

She wanted to find out in advance who the woman next to Lu Li was.

Hearing this, Lu Li replied casually.

"Wakana is my sister-in-law, of course, it's okay for you to think of her as my woman."

Even though Lu Li and Wakana hadn't had anything substantial yet, there were some things that didn't need to be said directly.

When the two were together, Lu Li could naturally feel how Sonozaki Wakana looked at him.

"Ah~?! Sister-in-law? Your... woman?!"

This time, Mina was completely confused.

She was both sister-in-law and Lu Li's woman. This identity always felt a little intriguing!

Mina looked at Lu Li's profile with a strange look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lu Li asked without turning his head.

Not knowing what she thought of, Mina shook her head vigorously.


But why did she blush?

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