
The explosion in the sky has come to an end.

Looking at the Fear Dragon Beast that has been completely submerged by the explosion, a smile flashed in the eyes of the Taboo Mixture.

She knew what her attack was just now.

Facing such a large-scale and terrifying bombardment, even the powerful Fear Dragon Beast may not be able to withstand it.

However, at this moment, a hysterical roar came from the white smoke produced by the violent explosion.


The next second, a scarred blue figure rushed out of the white smoke.

It was the Fear Dragon Beast!

But compared with the majestic Fear Dragon Beast before, the current Fear Dragon Beast obviously looks much more embarrassed.

There are many scars on the body, giving people the feeling that it is seriously injured.

However, the Fear Dragon Beast, which looks very embarrassed, becomes more and more ferocious and crazy.


Twisting its body, it fiercely pounced on the Taboo Mixture.

At this time, the Fear Dragon Beast is in a state of rage, and its combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

In this state, the Fear Dragon Beast will become even more ferocious.

Seeing the Fear Dragon Beast suddenly rushing out, the Taboo Doped Body was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Fear Dragon Beast, which she had already determined could no longer threaten her, still had the strength to attack her.

The Taboo Doped Body, which had consumed too much power, moved much slower than before.

Facing the fierce attack of the Fear Dragon Beast, the Taboo Doped Body barely dodged it.

"I didn't expect this beast to be so resistant to beating."

The Taboo Doped Body couldn't help but curse in his heart.

She... still underestimated the Fear Dragon Beast.

Anyway, just when she had just dodged the attack of the Fear Dragon Beast, a burst of high-heat energy suddenly came from behind her.


It turned out to be the Alcohol Doped Body on the ground. Just now, while the Taboo Doped Body was dodging the attack, he took this opportunity to release a high-powered alcohol bomb.

The Taboo Doped Body was completely unprepared for the sudden sneak attack.


The terrifying alcohol bomb exploded with great power, and the Taboo Doped Body couldn't help but scream in pain.

With a stagger, the forbidden doping body almost fell directly from the sky.

But she still stabilized her body to prevent herself from falling.

"I was careless."

Covering her shoulders, the forbidden doping body did not notice the attack of the alcohol doping body on the ground.

The previous energy consumption was too large, causing her to not even concentrate so much now.

She can't be careless in the future battles, otherwise it will only be more difficult.

Calculating the time, Lu Li should have returned to Fengdu by now.

She doesn't need to defeat the fear doping body and the others, what she has to do now is to hold them all back.

Waiting for Lu Li to return as a king.

As long as Lu Li comes back, the outcome of this battle is already determined.

Looking at the fear doping body whose crown has turned black without any pattern, the forbidden doping body sneered.

"Father, do you think you won? No! You didn't. You couldn't have won from the beginning!

If I really want to know why, it's because Lu Li is on my side!"

The reason why she had such great courage to fight for the museum and become the queen of the museum was because Lu Li gave her enough courage.

To say that she had mastered the advanced memory that fully liberated her power, it brought her strong strength and confidence.

But what really made her feel at ease was not only the forbidden memory, but also... Lu Li.

Although it was far away, the fear mixed body still heard clearly what the taboo mixed body said.

A bad feeling suddenly emerged in his heart. Could it be... Lu Li is back? !

He originally wanted to take advantage of Lu Li's sudden departure to find a way to eliminate the restless daughter, Sono Saeko.

And the news he had received before was that Lu Li should be away for about a week.

It's only been three days now, how come he suddenly came back? !

Could it be that the news he got was wrong?

The fear mixed body was in doubt.

He couldn't be sure whether what the forbidden doping said just now was true or false, or whether it was trying to scare him.

Now that things have come to this point, there is no room for turning back.

His eyes turned cold, and the fear doping immediately attacked the forbidden doping.



The already furious fear dragon roared and pounced again.

But this time, the fear dragon did not attack alone, and the fear doping also rushed towards the forbidden doping.

He must get rid of the forbidden doping as soon as possible in the shortest time, only in this way can he not be so stressed when facing Lu Li later.

Moreover, as long as Sonozaki Saeko is captured, Lu Li will surely be afraid to act rashly.

As long as he can consolidate his position as the king of the museum, he doesn't care about his daughter Sonozaki Saeko at all.

The only daughter he really cares about is Sonozaki Wakana.

Because that was the final step in his Gaia Impact Plan, and there must be no mistakes.

The three children, Sonosaki Saeko, Sonosaki Wakana, and Sonosaki Raito, were all just tools in his eyes.

Facing a two-sided attack, and also needing to guard against the alcohol-doped bodies on the ground, the taboo-doped bodies suddenly felt a great deal of pressure.

Her strength was indeed very strong, but facing so many powerful enemies at the same time, and she had just consumed too much energy, she was completely in a passive defensive state.

If it weren't for the fact that after the liberation, the defense of the taboo-doped bodies had also been significantly improved, this battle would have ended long ago.

But even if she can still hold on now, how long can she hold on?


On the ground.

The weather-doped body walked towards the police rider step by step, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"Haha! I didn't expect you to be the son of that guy Terui, what a coincidence."

As his voice came, the police rider was instantly nervous.

For some reason, he felt that the guy in front of him seemed to have something to say, what did he mean by this?

He knew his father?

"I still remember that when I killed him, he begged me to let his family go.

But how can that be? Since we are a family, we should stay together. Otherwise... we will be sad."

He said such frightening words in such a relaxed tone. He is really a madman.

He is cruel to himself, let alone to others.

After hearing this, the police rider reacted immediately and pointed at the weather mixed body in front of him in shock.

"You! You killed my family! You are the owner of the W letter memory!"

He never thought that the enemy he had been looking for would meet him in this way.

He had been looking for so long, and he almost hurt ordinary people because of this matter.

Unexpectedly, he met the enemy who made him miss so much at this time!

"That's right, I killed your father, your mother and your sister.

You were lucky at the time and were not at home, so you escaped.

Until now, I still feel a little regretful. I didn't expect you to appear in front of me.

What I didn't expect the most was that you became a Kamen Rider."

The weather admixture didn't care about killing people at all.

In his eyes, the lives of ordinary people are just ants, and he can kill them if he wants.

"Asshole!! You guy...!"

The police rider was trembling slightly, not because of fear, but because of anger.

He had been looking for so long, and now he finally found the enemy who killed his relatives. How could he still maintain his sanity?

He rushed over quickly with the engine sword. Today, he would personally avenge his murdered family members!

"Ahhh!!" The police rider roared angrily.

Noticing that the police rider rushed over with anger in his brain, W shouted immediately.


But unfortunately, the police rider at this time couldn't listen to anything.

There was only one thought in his mind, that is revenge!


Looking at the police rider who was about to come to him, the weather mixed body was full of disdain.

"Stupid, are you worthy of seeking revenge on me?"

He had already become extremely powerful, even far beyond his former self.

The current police rider could never be his opponent.

Taking the initiative to rush over was tantamount to asking for trouble.

Anger may affect people's thinking, but it will also affect people's analysis.

The current police rider has completely lost his mind.

"This guy..."

W's current state is not very good, and he is still very scared.

But after all, he is not facing the fear mixed body directly, but the weather mixed body, and he can barely endure the fear in his heart.

They have already seen the very powerful strength of the weather mixed body before. At this time, losing reason to fight will only put the police rider in a more dangerous situation.

Hurry up and follow, W does not want the police rider to really have any problems.



Immediately switched to the hot metal form. W had seen the powerful attack power of the weather mixed body before.

The hot metal form has extremely high defense. Even if it can't beat the opponent, it can at least withstand the opponent's attack.

Looking at the engine sword coming straight at it, the weather mixed body grabbed the weapon behind it with his right hand and pulled it out.


It is a very tough whip that can change its form at will.

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