He casually swung a whip, and the whip was like a silver snake, directly wrapped around the engine sword.

He suddenly moved towards himself, and the powerful force pulled the police rider over accidentally.


A fierce punch hit the armor on the police rider's chest, and the sparks flew out accompanied by the police rider's screams.


He only felt a strong force coming, and he couldn't even stand steadily.

He covered his chest that was hit just now and retreated repeatedly. The police rider could clearly feel the pain from his chest.

He was still in the transformed state and felt such strong pain. If he hadn't transformed, I'm afraid this punch would be enough to seriously injure him.

W, who came after him, blocked the police rider, which stopped his staggering body.

"Terui! Even if you already know that he is your promise, you can't lose your mind because of this, right?

This guy's fighting power is very strong. It is impossible to defeat him with your reasons alone. I..."

W was about to say that he would come to help, and the two of them would deal with the weather impurity together.

But before he could finish his words, the police rider pushed him away.

"No! This is my own business and has nothing to do with you.

I must personally avenge my family, Zuo, you are not allowed to get involved!"

He did not appreciate it at all and wanted to face the weather doping body alone.

Facing his own murderer, if he could not deal with it personally and needed the help of others, he really could not stand it.

W stepped forward to stop the police rider who wanted to continue fighting and asked in a deep voice.

"Hey! Terui, I came to help you with good intentions, what's wrong with your attitude?"

Looking at W standing in front of him, the police rider still looked cold.

"Don't... question me! Go away!"

With that, he pushed W away and walked straight towards the weather doping body.


Speechless by this operation, W really didn't know how to persuade the police rider at this time.

But he couldn't let him not intervene in this battle.

PS: Thanks to the White Knight for the monthly ticket and urging ticket! .

Chapter 133 Diversified means, extreme drive is useless? !

The strength of the weather mixed body is obvious to all. With the police rider alone, the possibility of solving it is almost zero.

W naturally can't watch the police rider die.

"Ah! What a troublesome guy!"

How did he end up with such a colleague (also a Kamen Rider)?

Even if he is full of anger, he should remain rational.

However, W at this time seems to have forgotten that when he met Lu Li again after the uncle died, his anger was exactly the same as that of the police rider at this time.

At that time, he did not control his emotions at all, and had no ability to think rationally. He only knew to launch an attack.

But at this time, W has now clearly realized that there is a huge gap between himself and Lu Li.

The gap between the two cannot be made up by anger in their hearts.

Even if he is angry in his heart, he can never win if he is not as strong as the police rider.

Just like the police rider at this moment facing the weather mixed body, he has no chance of winning at all. Rushing forward is tantamount to seeking death.


The police rider collided with the weather mixed body again.

The whip in the hand of the weather mixed body at this time had turned into a sword.

The collision between the swords splashed a lot of sparks.

The person in charge was confused, but the bystander was clear.

Even if the police rider attacked very hard, he still couldn't do anything to the weather mixed body.

He held the engine sword with both hands and exerted the greatest strength he could use to suppress the weather mixed body.

But facing the powerful weather mixed body, his little strength was not enough.

The weather mixed body holding the sword was able to block the fierce attack of the police rider with just one hand.

"What? Zhao Jinglong, is your strength only like this? It turns out... you are still not enough.

Hehehe! You want to avenge your family, but you don't have this power here.

Too weak! You haven't even made me take it seriously."

The mocking voice of the weather mixed body sounded.

This mocking voice angered the police rider even more, and he stared fiercely at the weather mixed body in front of him.

"Go to hell!!!"

With an angry roar, he chopped down the manual engine sword again.

He couldn't tolerate the murderer showing off in front of him. Today, he must get rid of this hateful guy with his own hands.

Because of the anger, the way the police rider attacked was messy and there was no rules at all.

The attack was all based on power, and there was no enough power left to protect himself.

The weather mixed body obviously noticed this and smiled coldly.


The weather mixed body was hit hard, but the police rider was not happy at all.

Because the figure in front of him turned into a phantom and disappeared in front of the police rider.

W's voice came from behind.

"Be careful!"

The police rider who heard the voice was about to turn back to defend, but his action was obviously a step slower.


The weather mixed body chopped the police rider's back with a sword.


Even the tough-guy police rider couldn't help but groan in pain, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

The red armor on his back was emitting white smoke, which was the place where the sword had just hit him.

"Damn it--!"

The police rider immediately came to his senses and glared at the weather mixed body standing elegantly in the same place.

Just now, under his nose, he was actually played by the other party.

This made him very unwilling.

He thought that he had obtained the driver and became a Kamen Rider, and he had the opportunity to avenge his family with his own hands.

But he didn't expect that when he really faced his enemy, he would be so powerless.

The power was not enough, and the other party was too powerful, so powerful that he couldn't handle it at all.

W rushed over at this time and stood side by side with the police rider again.

"Terui! Calm down! Anger will only make you lose the ability to analyze calmly, don't be too careless!"

"Shut up! I don't need you to teach me, I know!"

At this moment, the police rider couldn't listen to anything at all, and only wanted revenge.

I'm afraid that he has recognized W now, but it doesn't mean that W can interfere in his affairs.

"You guy, I mean well..."

"Shotaro, stop it!"

Philip interrupted what Zuo Shotaro wanted to say.

Because Zuo Shotaro at this time is very similar to Philip before. I remember that Zuo Shotaro was in this situation when he saw Lu Li.

The enemy is right in front of him, but he is powerless and can't take revenge at all. How can he be calm?

Philip has a deep understanding of this.

After changing the topic, W patted the police rider on the shoulder and comforted him.

"I know, Terui, I'm not trying to stop you from taking revenge, but I hope you can stay calm and rational.

There are many ways to defeat an enemy, and anger may not necessarily defeat the other party.

You just saw the gap between you. Although anger can make you stronger, it still can't make up for the gap between you and the other party.

I can understand the anger in your heart. I used to be like you, and I also faced people who hurt my closest people.

But the strength of the opponent made me realize clearly that this matter can't be solved by my anger.‖"

Knowing that Shotaro Sa had such a past and had a very similar experience to himself, the police rider's original rejection was much less.

He didn't know these things before.

The other party had the same experience as himself and could empathize with him.

This time, the police rider didn't refuse W's kindness again, but just nodded and said indifferently.

"I know, I will...try to restrain myself."

Seeing that the police rider didn't refuse him anymore, W held the metal iron rod in his hand and said loudly.

"Okay! Now let's get rid of this guy together!"

The weather mixed body felt a little regretful when he saw the police rider calm down.

He just liked this feeling, knowing that he was an enemy but couldn't get rid of him.

This feeling of playing with the other party was so comfortable.

"It's a pity. I wanted to play with you, but why didn't you do it as I thought?

In this case, I'll teach you a lesson. The gap between you and me is simply... irreparable."

As soon as the voice fell, the weather mixed body immediately waved his hand.

A terrifying gust of wind came, and the whistling gust of wind made W and the police rider unable to stand for a while, and was blown back.

"What a strong wind!"

Before W and the police rider could react, the weather mixed body stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers lightly.



A thunder fell from the sky.

The purple lightning struck W and the police rider.

"Get out of the way!"

W pushed the police riders around him away, and used the reaction force to leave the spot.


The terrifying thunder struck the ground, splashing waves of flying stones and leaving a charred mark.

The weather mixed body that has mastered the power of weather can use the power of various weathers and has a very diverse attack method.

Compared with ordinary mixed bodies, diversified attack methods often represent terrifying combat power.

A single attack method is easy to be targeted, and a diversified attack method is difficult to target even if you want to.

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