"Absorb Queen! Evolution King!"

A dazzling golden light burst out from the awakening sword0......

The dazzling golden light illuminated everything around, making everything around look very dazzling.

When the fear mixed body saw Lu Li shrouded in the golden light, a bad feeling suddenly rose in the heart of the fear mixed body.

Realizing that something was wrong, the fear mixed body immediately ordered the fear dragon beast to attack.

"No! Hurry up, don't let him complete the transformation! Fear dragon beast, kill him!"


The fear dragon beast roared after receiving the order and rushed towards Lu Li at a high speed.

It looked very fierce with its fangs and claws.

It hated this dazzling golden light very much.

As the source of fear, the fear dragon beast hated the opposite of fear very much.

For example, this dazzling golden light, for the fear dragon beast, just looking at it was a huge torture.

It... wanted to get rid of the guy emitting golden light in front of it!

The alcohol mixed body also cooperated with the fear dragon beast to launch an attack at the first time.

He aimed the alcohol sprayer in his left hand at the golden light and quickly fired a large number of highly concentrated alcohol bombs.

When the highly concentrated alcohol bombs touched the golden light, they suddenly exploded.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The deafening explosion roared.

At this time, the Fear Dragon Beast had also come to a place not far from the golden light.

From its bloody mouth, black mud spewed out. This was the Fear Swamp with the power of fear.

The Fear Swamp released directly by the Fear Dragon Beast was even more terrifying than the Fear Swamp released by the Fear Mixture.

The dark Fear Swamp carried a strange power, and waves of black air spread around.

It gave people a very bad feeling.

However, under the shining golden light, the dark Fear Swamp had no way to get close.

After spreading to a certain position, the Fear Swamp stopped automatically.

The Fear Swamp completely wrapped the golden light and turned into a huge black ball. Lu Li was naturally shrouded in this fear.

"Lu Li!"

Sono Saki Wakana called out with concern.

The worry in her eyes was obvious, and as a sister, how could Sono Saki Saeko not see it.

Her sister was probably really attracted to Lu Li.

Although she had such a guess before, she was not sure before.

Now, she can be completely sure of this.

Even though she knew about this, Sono Saki Saeko did not feel angry at all, but felt a little happy.

This proved that the man she liked was indeed very good.

Besides, Wakana was her sister, and she could be said to be on the same front with her.

Unlike Mina next to her, the feelings in her eyes were not concealed at all, and she was her opponent.

She didn't care whether Lu Li would have other women, she only cared about her occupying an important position in Lu Li's heart.

"Wakana, don't worry. Lu Li has much more power than you know.

Why do you think my father chose to attack me when Lu Li was not around? It's because he was afraid of Lu Li's powerful power.

Lu Li, who can make my father feel afraid, is not likely to get into trouble."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana nodded thoughtfully.

That's indeed the truth. 1.9

Mina, who was standing next to her, didn't say much when she heard the conversation between the two sisters, but nodded in agreement.

She had seen Lu Li's extremely powerful power before.

Of course, what she saw was not the scene of Lu Li's transformation and fighting, but the scene of him uprooting dozens of trees with his powerful superpowers after his superpowers awakened.

That extremely terrifying scene is still fresh in her memory.

It's really terrifying!

That extremely powerful power has completely surpassed her understanding of superpowers. That kind of power is more like the power that only gods can master.


When W saw the dark and terrifying quagmire, he felt deep malice and fear from the depths of his soul.

Covering his chest, Shotaro Zuo felt that he seemed to have difficulty breathing.

"Hu! Hu!..."

He was panting heavily, and his condition was not good.

As for Philip, he was particularly familiar with the power of fear, but he did not feel fear.

Because his body itself was composed of earth data, there was no feeling of fear.

"Shotaro, how are you?"

The two were now in a state of one body, and Philip could naturally feel the changes in Shotaro Zuo.

"Gulu~! I... I'm fine, but my body... my body is a little out of control."

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, Shotaro Zuo felt his trembling body and was very helpless.

He had obviously tried very hard to suppress the fear in his heart, but it seemed to have no effect.

At this time, he suddenly met the police rider who seemed to be motionless next to him, and said in surprise.

"Zhu Jing! Don't you feel any discomfort?"

In his opinion, the police rider should be trembling slightly like him.

PS: Thanks to Donghuang Zixu for the monthly ticket! .

Chapter 137 Blade.King.form! The Imperial Sword is here!

However, the result was different from what he thought. The policeman had nothing to do with him.

This completely subverted his ability to understand. Could it be that he was too weak?

Otherwise, why was he trembling but nothing happened to the policeman?

Hearing this, the policeman turned around and saw W, who was shivering, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"I feel nothing? Do you feel something?"

I obviously didn't feel anything, but when I saw W's trembling body, I felt something was wrong.

There was no way he was shivering for no reason, there must be something wrong.

"What?! You didn't feel anything?"

W said that he could not understand why he could feel deep fear, but the policeman felt nothing at all.

At this time, Philip gave the answer.

"Fear, Shotaro, this is the power of fear! The fear deep in your heart has been channeled."

"The fear deep in my heart? What the hell? Then... then why... Terui... is there nothing wrong with this guy Terui?"

Shotaro Zuo couldn't accept it. He obviously felt scared, but Ryuu Terui didn't have anything wrong with him.

This is obviously wrong!

Hearing this, Phillip thought for a while and then explained.

"I'm afraid it's because of physical problems. There are some extremely rare people who have special physiques and are not afraid of the influence of spiritual power.

Fear is spiritual power, and Terui Ryuu should be one of those extremely rare people who is immune to the influence of spiritual power. "

The skill he received was such an answer that Shotaro Zuo instantly shut down.


What does this mean? Can’t you even overcome the fear in your heart?

Looking at himself who was shivering, and then at the motionless policeman, Zuo Shotaro felt very unwilling and wanted to suppress the fear in his heart.

But no matter how he suppressed the fear in his heart, his body still couldn't stop shaking.

"Damn it! There is no way to eliminate fear!"

After several attempts, Zuo Shotaro also understood.

There is no way to eliminate the influence of this fear on your own, and your body will still tremble.

The policeman's eyes focused on the sphere shrouded in the dark mire of fear.

Although I can't see the internal situation, I always feel that the 06 side is definitely extraordinary.

There was absolutely no way that the shrouded guy could be killed just like that.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

At this moment, the dark ball shrouded in the swamp of fear suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

These bursts of golden light were very dazzling, directly penetrating the quagmire of fear.

The Dreaddramon, which spewed out the black mire of fear, was immediately shocked when it saw this situation.

It couldn't understand that the quagmire of fear it had released could not erode and engulf the other party.

Compared to the astonished Feardramon, there was no surprise in the eyes of the Fear-Mixed Body.

He had already known before that Lu Li was completely immune to the influence of his fear power.

It was destined from the beginning that there was no way for Lu Li to be affected by the Quagmire of Fear.

But the alcohol adulterant on the side was also horrified after seeing this situation.


She still knew very well how dangerous the Mire of Fear was.

She had also tasted the feeling of being shrouded in fear before, which was an extremely desperate feeling.

Entering the quagmire of fear, his body could do nothing but tremble.

But in the face of such a terrifying and powerful force, Lu Li was not affected.

Is this really reasonable?


Suddenly, the dazzling golden light exploded instantly, knocking away the fear mire attached to the surface.

Countless amounts of fear sludge splashed everywhere under this terrifying power.

When all the fear sludge was blown away, the dazzling golden light appeared in front of everyone again.

At this time, in the dazzling golden light, there was a strong and upright figure.

The whole body is shining with gold, giving people an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

The armor with gold as the main color looks very thick.

Those scarlet eyes gave people a chilling feeling.

The sharp horn on the head is like a crown, like a resolute emperor.

There is a big golden worm with blue background on the chest, and there are golden reliefs of undead creatures everywhere on the body.

A powerful momentum burst out, instantly shaking away the fear sludge scattered around.

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