Kamen Rider Blade.King.form! Appearance!

Emperor Sword!

Feeling that his body was slowly integrating the thirteen undead creatures of the Spade series, Lu Li could feel his strength further enhanced.

So far, Lu Li has successfully integrated fifty-two undead creatures.

Of course, it is not completely integrated, and the process of integrating undead creatures is not that fast.

When he completely integrates these fifty-two boss creatures, Lu Li does not know what will happen.

But this is not what Lu Li needs to consider at the moment.

Now, he can try the power of the Emperor Sword.

The Emperor Sword, unlike Garren's Emperor Form, which focuses on attack, and Leangle's Emperor Form, which focuses on defense, has both powerful attack power and strong defense power.

It is just not as good as the other two in a single aspect, but it is a form with stronger comprehensive ability.

Slowly raising his right hand, a golden light flashed, and a terrifying big sword appeared in Lu Li's hand.

Reawakening Sword!

A special weapon unique to the Emperor Sword.

He casually placed the reawakening sword in his hand on the ground. The extremely heavy reawakening sword directly smashed a hole in the ground.

It can be seen that the weight of the reawakening sword is very heavy.

The police rider who witnessed this scene was familiar with this situation!

Isn't he like this sometimes?

"Old man, are you... ready?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li dragged the reawakening sword in his hand and strode towards the fear mixed body and the alcohol mixed body.

Looking at Lu Li walking step by step, the fear mixed body felt a huge sense of oppression in his heart.

He had never felt such a terrifying sense of oppression, it was too strong!

Originally, he had already described Lu Li as very terrifying, at least not inferior to himself, but from the sense of oppression he felt now, Lu Li was obviously much more terrifying than before.

Even the fear mixed body, which was the source of fear, had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

It was... fear!

That's right, as the source of fear, the fear mixed body actually had a sense of fear in his heart.

It was very inexplicable!

He is obviously the source of fear, the source of all fear, how could he give birth to such an absurd feeling as fear.

"Gurgle~! Ryuhei, I want to retreat now, you say... Is it okay?"

The alcohol-doped body swallowed deeply and retreated.

She felt the huge pressure on her body, and even made her body unable to move. She just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, leave this place of trouble.

I thought that the fear-doped body was already the top, but I didn't expect that there was an even more terrifying guy, which was completely beyond the estimation of the alcohol-doped body.

Hearing this, the fear-doped body didn't even look back.

"Do you think you can escape? You have been targeted. From the beginning when you chose to cooperate with me, you have been standing on the same boat with me.

Do you think you can leave now?"

In his opinion, the idea of ​​the alcohol-doped body wanting to escape was very stupid.

Is it possible to escape?


Already targeted by Lu Li, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Moreover, under this unparalleled sense of oppression, where to escape?

The alcohol-doped body even had difficulty moving, let alone escaping.

Can't escape!

At this time, the alcohol-doped body finally realized that he... couldn't escape.

Since he couldn't escape, he could only fight to the death, even if he knew he couldn't win.

Seeing that the alcohol-doped body had already made a decision, the fear-doped body struck while the iron was hot.

"Kiku, fight with me. As long as you can win, I can give more memory business to your family!"

"Okay! Ryubei, this is what you said, don't regret it!"

Whether to live or die depends on this fight. The alcohol-doped body doesn't want to sit and wait for death. It's better to fight to the death with the fear-doped body!

Then, the fear-doped body immediately commanded the fear dragon beast to attack.

Success or failure depends on this move. Whether it wins or loses, the fear-doped body has already made the worst plan.

If he wins, he will still be the underground emperor of the entire Fuuto. If he loses, he will lose!

The entire museum will change hands. From now on, there will be no more emperors, only queens!


The Fear Dragon Beast roared, and as the source of fear, it had no fear at all and rushed straight towards Lu Li.

The roar was like a horn of attack, and the alcohol-doped body also launched an attack in cooperation with the Fear Dragon Beast.

The alcohol bombs were released as if they did not need to be consumed. The alcohol-doped body had no idea of ​​hiding anything, and the only idea was victory.

If you win, you will have everything, and if you lose, everything will be gone.

Faced with a large number of alcohol bombs, Lu Li took a photo of one of the golden reliefs slowly.

The golden relief turned into a golden card in Lu Li's hand in an instant.

This is the Spade Seven Awakening Card, Metal Trilobite.

"Metal (Trilobite)!"

The card was thrown into the Reawakening Sword, and the power of the Metal Trilobite was instantly activated.

The shadow of the metal trilobite, which had turned golden, instantly merged into Lu Li's body.

The effect of the Metal Trilobite is to metallize itself and strengthen its attack and defense power at the same time.

The originally golden body felt like it was coated with a metal film, making it look very shiny.

Facing the huge number of alcohol bombs, Lu Li didn't even have any intention of evading them and just used his body to resist.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the alcohol bomb collided with the golden body, it exploded instantly.

There were deafening explosions, and flames shot into the sky.

The exploding firelight enveloped the golden body, and for a moment it was unclear what was going on inside.

The next second, the Dreaddramon's attack had arrived.

The huge body directly hit him. Since the power of fear had no effect, he just used physical attacks.

At this moment, a pitch-black palm protruded from the raging flames and collided closely with the huge head of the Dreaddramon.


The extremely powerful collision instantly dispersed the surrounding flames.

That majestic golden body appeared in front of everyone again.


Seeing that he was completely unscathed, with not even a trace on the golden armor, the alcohol doped body's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her attack turned out to be completely ineffective.

how so? !

You must know that those alcohol bombs are highly concentrated alcohol bombs, which are more powerful than ordinary alcohol bombs.

From the beginning, she planned to use her strongest attack directly.

If Lu Li can be dealt with first, then a big problem will be solved.

Even if you can't get rid of the other party and cause some trouble to the other party, it should still be possible.

Unexpectedly, the highly concentrated alcohol bomb he made did not leave even a trace on the other party and was directly carried by the other party.

The alcohol-adulterated body once wondered whether his strength had regressed.

Otherwise, why would it be so outrageous?

Compared to the shocked alcohol doped body, the fear doped body had a flash of clarity in its eyes.

He had already thought of such a result, but when it happened before his eyes, he still felt shocked.

You must know that the Dread Dragon is such a huge body. If it directly collides with its body, the physical damage will be huge.

But even so, it still didn't hurt Lu Li at all.

what is this?

Is this Lu Li's true power? It has become so powerful!

Lu Li supported the Fear Dragon Beast with one hand, as the huge thing swayed in front of him.

Still trying to push himself back with more force.

"The power is good, but it only goes so far."

Competing strength with the Imperial Sword was a very wrong thing to do, not to mention that just now Lu Li had exerted the power of a metal trilobite, further increasing his attack and defense power.


703 seemed to feel Lu Li's contemptuous eyes, and the fear dragon beast roared unwillingly.

It is not a living thing, so it has no fear.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, it cannot scare the Dreaddramon.

Lu Li, who was holding the Awakening Sword in one hand, was not polite at all. He raised his hand and hit the fear dragon beast's head directly with the sword.


The terrifying power instantly smashed the Dreaddramon to the side.

Facing this powerful force, even the very powerful Dreaddramon was completely unable to withstand it.

After falling to the ground and rolling around for many times, the Dreaddramon barely stopped.

It didn't even realize for a moment how it was hit to the ground.

Witnessing how such a terrifying existence of the Dreaddramon could be smashed to the ground so easily, W and the policeman's eyes suddenly widened.

They didn't even think about how to deal with such a powerful fear dragon beast, and they were even thinking about how Lu Li would deal with it.

But the result surprised them. Lu Li blocked the Dreaddragon with his hand and knocked it to the ground with his sword.

Philip exclaimed.

"What a terrifying power! It can actually knock such a big guy so far away at once, and the impact of being knocked down from such a high place was actually blocked by one hand.

It's hard to imagine what the limit of this guy Lu Li's strength is! "

There were not many things that could surprise Phillip, and the powerful power Lu Li showed now was one of them.



Shotaro Zuo swallowed deeply.

Even though he had seen the King.form used by Lu Li once before, the Garren.King.form at that time focused more on attack power and did not show strong defense power.

I didn't expect that after seeing Lu Li's so-called King.form again, he would have such terrifying power.

Such a guy, even in the fang ace form, may not be able to deal with it at all.

How terrible is his enemy?

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