Such a powerful strength made Zuo Xiangtaro feel a little discouraged.

Such a terrifying and powerful Lu Li, can he really deal with it?

Is it really impossible for him to avenge the uncle and Marina?

Thinking of it, Zuo Xiangtaro felt very depressed.

Revenge seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him. The enemy had become stronger and stronger, but he could not become stronger.

A strong sense of loss emerged in his heart.

The police rider had been stunned at this time.

Seeing this extremely powerful force, he realized that he could fight like this.

If he could be so powerful, he would not be beaten so badly when facing the weather mixed body.

"Power! My power... is not strong enough!"

Clenching his fists tightly, the police rider felt that he was even smaller now.

PS: Thank you ————37.1℃ for the monthly ticket!

Thank you ————ilq.. for the monthly ticket! .

Chapter 138 The old man's era is over, who is the leader? Four.Card!

When facing the weather mixture, the deep feeling of powerlessness in his heart made him unforgettable.

If he wanted to avenge his family personally, he would never be able to do it with his current strength.


He needed a stronger strength!

Without strength, he could do nothing.

Without strength, he was not even qualified to take revenge.

Looking at the Fear Dragon Beast that had been knocked to the ground, the Fear Mixed Body really didn't know what he could say at this time.

"Fear... Dragon Beast."

Even the Fear Dragon Beast couldn't do anything to Lu Li, so was there any hope for him to win?

The possibility... was very small.

I thought that as long as I got rid of my eldest daughter first, I would not be completely unable to fight Lu Li with other helpers.

But before I saw Lu Li, the guy Jingsaka Shenhonglang actually ran away without any hesitation.

Without an assistant, this battle was destined to be very difficult.

However, after seeing Lu Li's strength, the Fear Mixed Body realized that he was too naive.

Even if Jingzaka Shenhonglang joined the battle, it would not have any effect at all.

No wonder his eldest daughter was so calm and never worried about the outcome of this battle.

It turned out that the outcome of this battle had been determined from the beginning.

At this moment, the fear mixed body suddenly felt that he was old.

Now, it is indeed the era of young people. He is old and can't keep up with the rhythm and pace of young people.


At this time, a roar came.

It turned out that the fear dragon beast that was knocked to the ground just now stood up again.

Shaking his head fiercely, the fear dragon beast seemed to make himself more sober.

Even though it was easily knocked to the ground by Lu Li, the fear dragon beast still had no fear and roared and pounced on Lu Li again.

Everyone present could see that the fear dragon beast's behavior was meaningless.

The difference in strength between the two sides can be seen at a glance. Even the fear mixed body that wanted to win this war has given up at this time.

The gap in strength is too large, and the outcome of this battle is already determined.

The stubborn resistance of the Fear Dragon Beast was just a last-ditch struggle.

"Are you coming again?"

Seeing the Fear Dragon Beast rushing towards him again, Lu Li's eyes suddenly changed.

I thought that a lesson would make the Fear Dragon Beast remember it, but I didn't expect that this guy didn't seem to have any fear.

Since the Fear Dragon Beast didn't know how to live or die, let it... die.

Completely different from the aura just now, Lu Li has released a fierce killing intent at this moment.

But the Fear Dragon Beast didn't have a very obvious feeling about killing intent, and still rushed forward without knowing how to live or die.

Just as the Fear Dragon Beast rushed forward again, Lu Li tightly grasped the Heavy Awakening Sword.

He took a step forward suddenly, and it was this kick that caused the ground to crack on the spot.

The spider web-like cracks spread around with his feet as the center.

From holding the sword with one hand before, Lu Li has switched to holding the Heavy Awakening Sword with both hands.


At the moment when the Fear Dragon Beast collided, Lu Li swung it violently.

A golden light full of killing intent flashed by.

The Fear Dragon Beast, which was originally flying, was suddenly blown away by a powerful force.


A wailing sound sounded, and the Fear Dragon Beast could not stop retreating.

However, before the Fear Dragon Beast could react, a golden light suddenly appeared beside it.

I saw that golden figure suddenly appeared beside the Fear Dragon Beast, and quickly slashed out the second sword.

This went back and forth.

Every time the Fear Dragon Beast was hit by a terrifying impact, a long gap would appear on its body.

Until the sixth consecutive attack, the Fear Dragon Beast was completely numb at this time.

In the end, I only felt a terrifying force hitting my head hard, and the Fear Dragon Beast fell to the ground.


The huge body hit the ground, splashing huge smoke and dust.

A golden figure fell to the side, and this figure was naturally Lu Li.

The scene was silent, and the battle just now was indeed extremely shocking to them.

It was just like a battle between an adult and a child, completely crushing.

The Fear Dragon Beast was such a terrifying existence, but it had no power to resist at all.

Wakana Sonosaki held Mick in her arms and stared at what was happening in the distance.

"This... this... what on earth is this...?!"

She was a little incoherent.

She didn't understand why the father who had a strong deterrent power in every move was so unbearable in front of Lu Li.

Is this really the emperor-like father she knew?

Even though it was the first time she saw Lu Li using King.form, Saeko Sonosaki didn't think it was strange, but thought it was normal.

[This is my man! A man with powerful power in every move!

Even my father can only bow down in front of Lu Li! ]

She never doubted the powerful power that Lu Li possessed. Lu Li, who could adjust his taboos to such a level, must be even more powerful.

As for Mina, she didn't really see Leangle's King.form when she was in the experimental village before, but at least she saw the powerful Jack.form.

She still remembers the incomparably powerful power vividly.

Now that he has shown a stronger power, Mina is shocked, but she is better than Sonozaki Wakana.

And Mina also knows that Lu Li has awakened a very powerful superpower.

No wonder Dr. Prospect asked for death. Facing such a terrifying existence, even Dr. Prospect can't do anything.


Philip fell into silence for a while.


Even he couldn't understand what was going on.

I thought he had touched the root of the organization, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

At the beginning, he just thought Lu Li was a cadre of the organization, and didn't think that his strength could be comparable to the leader of the organization.

But how could he have thought that the leader of the organization could only be suppressed by Lu Li.

Everything changed too quickly, which subverted his understanding.

"Philip, are you sure that guy is the leader of the organization? Why do I feel that Lu Li is?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro now thinks that Lu Li should be the leader of the organization.

Such a terrifying and powerful strength really shocked him.

He once thought that even if Lu Li was not the leader of the organization, he should be the second in command.

But who could have imagined that the most powerful leader of the organization would not be Lu Li's opponent.

Hearing this, Philip came back to his senses and smiled bitterly.

"You ask me, I don't know!"

Even the very smart Philip could not answer this question.

Why is there a guy stronger than the leader of the organization in this so-called organization?

This is simply unreasonable!

When he thought that his enemy was such a terrifying guy, Zuo Xiangtaro couldn't help but have such doubts in his heart.

If he really faced Lu Li and exerted all his strength, would it be possible to deal with him?


When this question emerged in his mind, Zuo Xiangtaro had already come to the final conclusion.

The Fang Ace form couldn't deal with the Nazca doping body, let alone the current Lu Li.

The power gap between the two sides is huge!

It is almost an insurmountable gap!

The police rider stared at the battle intently. After witnessing this crushing battle, he wanted to become stronger.

In the battle, Lu Li showed an extremely powerful force, which was what the police rider wanted.

As long as he had this powerful force, even the hateful weather mixture would have to bow down.

When he recalled the guy's arrogant look in front of him before, the police rider gritted his teeth in anger.

Watching the murderer of his relatives and enemies slip away from his eyes, it was such a humiliating thing.

After taking a deep breath, the police rider already knew what the final outcome of the battle would be, so there was no need to stay here.

Such a powerful and terrifying guy, even if he cooperated with W, there was no way to deal with it at present.

"W, let's go. If we continue to stay here, we may become the target of the opponent's attack. Let's leave first.

With our current strength, we can't be the opponent of the opponent."

When facing other enemies, the police rider seemed particularly calm and had the ability to think and analyze clearly.

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