Only when facing the weather impurities will the police lose their minds due to anger.

After all, that is his biggest enemy, and it is reasonable that he cannot remain calm and rational.

Hearing the voice, W came back to his senses.

"Shotaro, what Terui Ryu said is right. With our current strength, we have no way to deal with any of them.

Let's retreat for the time being. The current situation is not favorable to us."

Facing Philip's persuasion, Zuo Shotaro hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

He also knew very well that the current situation did not have any advantages, and staying here would put himself in danger.

If you want to take revenge, you must take a long-term view.

Then, W and the police quickly evacuated the battle scene.

This battle is about to end. According to their estimation, there should be no large-scale battles.

Although they have seen powerful enemies, they do not have the strength to deal with them now.

Retreat is the best way.

Retreat is not shameful, but just to better preserve the living force and make themselves stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can we deal with stronger enemies.

Lu Li was looking at the rising smoke.

His sight went through the thick smoke and he could clearly see the Dread Dragon Beast lying inside.

At this moment, the Dread Dragon Beast had countless scars on his body.

It was clear that in the battle with Lu Li just now, Lu Li only slashed six consecutive swords.

But he didn't expect that only six swords would cause such terrible scars.


The Dread Dragon Beast still didn't want to admit defeat at this moment, and struggled to get up from the pit.

But its body was already scarred and could not support it to continue fighting.

At this point, it still wanted to fight with him, and Lu Li also planned to help it.

A burst of golden light burst out from his body, and the next second, two golden awakening cards appeared in Lu Li's hand.

At the same time, Lu Li took out another three awakening cards.

The two golden awakening cards were the Thunder Circuit of Spade 6 and the Evolved Caucasus of Spade King.

The other three awakening cards are Hurricane Eagle of Heart 6, Fire Firefly of Diamond 6, and Blizzard Polar of Club 6.

Insert these five awakening cards into the Reawakening Sword in sequence.

"Spade. Heart. Diamond. Club!"

The shadow of the awakening card of King of Spades appeared in front of him, and behind Lu Li were four sixth cards of each series.

The next second, the shadows of the four awakening cards instantly merged into the King of Spades.

The golden shadow of the awakening card of King of Spades burst into dazzling golden light.

Then, the pattern emitting dazzling golden light instantly merged into Lu Li's chest.

Holding the Reawakening Sword with both hands, Lu Li lowered his body slightly.

In front of him, suddenly The phantoms of five awakening cards appeared.

With the sword straightened, Lu Li quickly rushed towards the phantoms of the five awakening cards lined up in a row.

The first one was the 6 of spades. When passing through this card phantom, Lu Li was given the power of lightning.

The second card was the 6 of hearts. This card was given the power of hurricane.

The third card was the 6 of diamonds. It was given the power of fire.

The fourth card was the 6 of clubs. It was given the power of blizzard.

Passing through the phantom of the last card, the King of spades, the power of these cards with the same number was integrated together.

"` ˇFour.Card! ”

Lu Li exuded a sun-like glow, and the reawakening sword held in both hands was a fusion of the power of four elements.

The Fear Dragon Beast, which had just crawled out of the pit, was instantly slashed by a sword without any resistance.

The Fear Dragon Beast, which was still struggling, was instantly penetrated by this powerful force.

The body was still struggling, but now it was shaking constantly.

From time to time, lightning flashes could be seen on its body. A layer of frost was removed from its body, but flames came out of its body again, and a hurricane swirled around it.

Several strange forces erupted in the body of the Fear Dragon Beast.

"Roar! !"

The intense pain made the Fear Dragon Beast roar.

Then, several powerful energies burst out instantly, and the Fear Dragon Beast immediately Explosion.


The flames of the explosion rose up and rushed into the sky.

The violent explosion instantly submerged Lu Li's golden figure.

The closest one was the Fear Mixed Body. He watched all this quietly, but did not make any extra movements.

Because he knew very well that he could do nothing.

The Fear Dragon Beast itself is the source of fear, and even if the Fear Mixed Body is the source of fear, it is still a human transformation.

From this point of view, there is always a big difference.

(Zhao Hao) The Fear Dragon Beast will not produce any fear emotions, but the Fear Mixed Body may not.

Looking at the raging flames, the Fear Mixed Body's eyes were full of loneliness.

Since the Fear Dragon Beast has been destroyed, it also symbolizes that his era has ended.

The era of the Fear Mixed Body has become a thing of the past.

Even if she didn't want to take the benefits, it seemed that she couldn't get any benefits now.

Not only that, she might even lose herself here.

There was only one thought in her mind now, that was to escape!

As long as she escaped, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Although the possibility of escape was very small, it was not impossible.

Taking a deep breath, the alcohol-doped body kept moving its legs backwards.

Taking this opportunity to escape, it seemed that it was not impossible, as long as the other party didn't notice her, she could escape.

Just as the alcohol-doped body was moving backwards, she suddenly felt an extremely powerful force coming.

The body that was originally moving was unable to move under the cover of this extremely powerful force.

"How could it be?!"

She was actually not unfamiliar with this power, and could even be said to be very familiar with it.


After using the alcohol memory, she accidentally awakened telekinesis. Of course, it was not particularly powerful, but at least she had it.

She was naturally very familiar with the power of telekinesis.

This power that enveloped her was an extremely powerful telekinesis.

It was so powerful that she couldn't even move. You have to know that she was in a doped state.

It's self-evident how strong the other party's telekinesis was that she couldn't move.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of 13726..!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of Come on, Quick Battle! .

Chapter 139 Are you worthy of me? Flush! The end of the era

"So strong! This is... telekinesis that is so big that it's suffocating!"

The alcohol doped body, whose body couldn't move at the moment, was full of horror.

She thought she could take this opportunity to slip away, but now it seems that she thought too much.

The other party actually has a stronger telekinesis than her. You know, she has been immersed in telekinesis for many years.

But in front of the other party, it's like the difference between a pool and the sea.


"You... do you want to escape, old lady!"

A chilling cold voice came, and the alcohol doped body shook unconsciously.

Not for anything else, but because she felt the strong killing intent in the tone.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

The sound of footsteps came from not far behind.

Every time the footsteps fell, the alcohol-doped body's heart trembled.

Turning his head stiffly, the alcohol-doped body saw the golden figure slowly walking out of the raging flames of the explosion.

In the terrifying explosion, the golden figure did not seem to be affected at all.

Feeling the strong sense of oppression coming from his body, the alcohol-doped body swallowed hard.


At this moment, she didn't know what to do.

"Ryuhei! What should I do now?!"

The panicked alcohol-doped body could only turn to the fear-doped body on the side for help.

Unfortunately, the fear-doped body at this time did not move at all, just standing there quietly, looking at the golden figure, motionless.

"Ryuhei!!" The terrified doped body shouted again.

At this moment, there was another explosion at the place where the fear dragon beast exploded.

A piece of something flew out of the flames of the explosion and landed directly in front of the Fear Mixed Body.


This is a blue relief. If you look closely, you will find that this is the piece on the head of the Fear Dragon Beast.

Looking down at the fragment of the Fear Dragon Beast in front of him, the Fear Mixed Body felt mixed emotions.

My most powerful means did not work at all in front of Lu Li.

In this case, is it possible for me to defeat Lu Li?

Without the Fear Dragon Beast, the Fear Mixed Body also lost control of the power of fear.

Now, his crown is pitch black, without the previous relief.

It looks very simple. In addition to having strong muscles and close combat ability, he has nothing left.

But if he wants to fight Lu Li with his current state, even in close combat, the possibility of victory is zero.

Hearing the call of the Alcohol Mixed Body, the Fear Mixed Body came back to his senses and shook his head slightly.

"Sorry, Kiku, I can't find any way to leave now. Forget it, I can't escape.

He... is too scary. He is no longer someone you and I can handle together.

That guy Jingsaka escaped in advance. He was really foresighted. I'm afraid he had already guessed Lu Li's terrifying and powerful strength."

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