When I went back to my room to rest at night.

Mina saw Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko enter a room, biting her lips unwillingly.

She... could do it!

Of course, she couldn't say this.

How could a beautiful girl like her say this? !

Noticing Mina's eyes, Sonosaki Wakana beside her instantly understood her little thoughts.

She walked over and patted Mina on the shoulder, whispering in her ear.

"Hey! Mina, what were you thinking about just now? You're not thinking about Lu Li..."

Before she finished speaking, Mina immediately understood what Sonosaki Wakana wanted to say in the second half of the sentence.


She blushed immediately and hurried back to her room, leaving only a sentence of nothing.

She never expected that Sonosaki Wakana could see through her true thoughts at once.

Is her own thoughts so easy to be seen through?

Not to the point of... right?

Seeing that Mina's door was closed, Sonosaki Wakana shrugged helplessly.

"What's there to be ashamed of? Isn't it better to admit it openly? There are no outsiders here."

Confused, Sonosaki Wakana turned and walked towards her room.

She seemed to have completely forgotten that the situation was not much better when she was discovered before.

But now she has gotten used to it, and of course, she has become thicker-skinned.

Inside the room.

Mina, lying on the bed, covered her head with the quilt and hid in the quilt with a red face.

"Just now... was it so obvious?" She asked herself.

I didn't expect that my thoughts would be seen through all of a sudden. This feeling... is too embarrassing!

I should have been more restrained, but now Wakana knows it clearly.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Lu Li took Mina to the research institute.

When they came to the research institute again, it was almost the same as before.

Almost everyone in the institute knew about Lu Li, and even if Sono Saeko didn't come with him, no one would stop him.

After finding the head of the institute, Lu Li explained his purpose directly.

One was the Queen's memory experiment, and the other was to test Mina's compatibility with the Queen's memory.

The head of the institute instantly understood what he should do and made arrangements.

Not long after, Lu Li saw the Queen's memory experiment.

Silver advanced memory, Queen's memory, the whole is mainly silver, with a big Q logo in the middle.

This is just an experiment, not a real finished product.

Then, the head of the institute said respectfully.

"Master Lu Li, please follow me and do the compatibility test here."

The two followed the head of the institute to the place where the compatibility test was done.

The compatibility test is not difficult. You need to use an instrument to connect Mina and the Queen's memory to detect how high the compatibility between the two is.

It only took more than ten minutes, and the final result came out.

When he saw this compatibility, the head of the institute flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Lord Lu Li, this lady's compatibility is very high, reaching 93%! Very high compatibility.

If the Queen's memory is used, almost all the power of the memory can be perfectly exerted."

When he got this conclusion, Lu Li was not surprised.

According to the conclusion drawn from his analysis, the difference should not be large, which is expected.

"Yes, in this case, let's start debugging. After adjusting to the final stage, we will immediately start making the complete product."

The head of the institute nodded quickly.

"I know, I will start testing now, but before that, I need this lady to stay here.

Only when this lady uses the power of the Queen's memory can we make corresponding adjustments."

As a member of the museum, he could not say much except nodding and agreeing.

Lu Li was not surprised to make adjustments because he had done the same thing before.

"Mina, then you stay here for the time being, I'll pick you up later."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Mina nodded obediently, she completely obeyed Lu Li's words.

Afterwards, Lu Li left the institute.

He was going to see what kind of plan Jiujiao Ling would implement. It would not be easy to deal with W or the police.

According to her potential, Jiujiao Ling is indeed likely to become a cadre of the organization.

Taking her in can also enhance the strength of the organization.

Of course, if she is not qualified to become a cadre of the organization, Lu Li will also abandon her mercilessly.

What he wants is someone who is useful to him, not someone who is useless.

As for the Triceratops memory used by Jiujiao Ling, it is considered a relatively powerful memory among ordinary sales items, but it is still far behind the silver memory and gold memory.

If she can show her ability and value, Lu Li will naturally not be stingy with silver memory or gold memory.

After Lu Li left, Mina also began to adjust the experiment.

The experimental adjustment of the Queen's memory officially began.

When Mina got the experimental subject of the Queen's memory, she seemed to feel the call of power.

It was as if this memory was waiting for its arrival.

On the other side.

Fuuto Police Station.

Shotaro Sae came to the police station early in the morning to stake out.

He wanted to see if Kujo Aya was as determined as he thought.

Able to resist the erosion of the memory power and maintain his heart as a police officer.

After waiting for a long time, he still couldn't wait for Kujo Aya to surrender.

This made him doubt in his heart, was he really wrong?

Kujo Aya had been eroded by the power of Gaia memory and fell into darkness.

Ming Hai Ya Shuzi next to him shrugged helplessly.

"Shotaro, it seems that Philip is right. People who use Gaia memory can't easily give up the power they get."

Shotaro Sae murmured in a low voice.

"Am I really... wrong?"

He was very confident yesterday, but he didn't expect that reality would teach him a lesson today.

Was he really too naive?

A bitter smile appeared on his face, and Shotaro Zuo felt extremely disappointed.

He had too many personal emotions in the incident, and he had never been able to be like the uncle until now.

Perhaps, this was the reason why he could not be as tough as the uncle.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

At this time, a roar of a motorcycle came.

I saw Terui Ryu riding a motorcycle at high speed.


The motorcycle stopped instantly after a handsome tail drift.

"This guy Terui is here, could it be that he and Kujo Aya have already reached an agreement?"

With a little expectation in his heart, Shotaro Zuo immediately ran over to ask Terui Ryu.

"Hey! Terui!"

Terui Ryu, who had just taken off his helmet, turned his head immediately after hearing the voice.

He saw Shotaro Zuo running towards him.

"Zuo? What are you doing here?"

When he ran up to him, Shotaro Zuo couldn't wait to ask.

"Terui, what's going on with Kujo Aya? Did she tell you anything?"

Hearing this, Terui Ryu frowned slightly.

"Kujo? She didn't tell me anything. It seems that Philip is right. People who use memory will be eroded by the power of memory."

Just when Zuo Xiangtaro was about to continue speaking, Terui Ryu's cell phone suddenly rang.

Take out the phone and see that the number on it is unknown. I don't know who suddenly called at this time.

After answering the call, Terui Ryu heard a deep voice coming from the phone.

"Officer Terui, do you know who I am?"

As if he was playing tricks, Terui Ryu said directly.

"Who are you?"

The next words on the phone made him lose his mind instantly.

"The screams of your family are really... very pleasant."

Suddenly widening his eyes, Terui Ryu's eyes were filled with a flame of anger.

"Are you... a weather admixture?!"

The words were full of anger, and Terui Ryu tightly grasped the phone.

If it weren't for the special phone, it would have been broken by him.

The person on the phone didn't seem to stop, but continued to irritate Teruijiro.

"Teruijiro, especially your sister, has been calling your name all the time.

Save me, brother, save me, hehehe!

The laughter on the phone seemed to be mocking Teruijiro, how powerless he was, and he couldn't even protect his family.

"Damn it! You bastard! If you have the guts, come out and fight me!"

Even though he already knew the gap between him and the weather admixture, he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"` ˇ Want to fight me? Then come on, the location is..."

When he learned the location, Teruijiro immediately put on a helmet and gloves and prepared to go.

He already knew where his enemy was. If he didn't go at this time, what qualifications did he have to face his parents and sister.

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