Za Shotaro, who was standing by, heard everything clearly. He always felt that this matter was very unusual.

It was too coincidental.

Noticing that Terui Ryu was about to set off, Za Shotaro immediately reminded him.

"Hey! Terui! Don't you think this is too coincidental? Maybe this is a trap!"

Hearing this, Terui Ryu turned his head to look at him, and then pushed him away.

"Get out of the way!"

He had to confirm this matter no matter what.

He couldn't be sure what the other party's purpose was.

But he finally had the opportunity to catch the other party, how could he let this opportunity slip away easily.


The locomotive roared and gradually went away.


Za Shotaro was speechless.

He was just kindly warning Terui Ryu, but he didn't expect that this guy would not appreciate it at all.

Too much!

At this time, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi came from behind and asked curiously.

"Shotaro, where did Long go? Why did he leave in such a hurry?"

She just saw the two of them chatting, and then after Terui Long received a call, he suddenly became very angry and left in a hurry.

Shotaro felt very helpless, patting his forehead helplessly.

"Ah! Why can't that guy figure it out when he encounters this matter?"

"What are you talking about?"

A big question mark appeared on Ming Hai Ya Shuzi's head.

"Ya Shuzi, you go back first, I'm worried, I'll go with that guy."

After saying that, Shotaro hurriedly ran towards his tough motorcycle.

Seeing the gradually receding back, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi immediately shouted loudly after reacting.

"Huh?! Hey! Shotaro! How can you leave me here alone?!"


However, the only response to her was the roar of the motorcycle going away.

"Damn it! If you have the guts, don't come back! Otherwise... just ignore me and I'll be rude!"

Waving her fist fiercely, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi could only return to the detective agency alone.


At the same time, somewhere in Fuuto, construction was underway.

Standing at the highest point, Kujo Aya looked at the phone that had been hung up and smiled.

"Tsurugi Ryu, come quickly, soon... it will be your doomsday."

She was ready to eliminate the police rider first.

After all, compared to W, the police rider is easier to eliminate.

Especially since she already knew some of Tsurugi Ryu's past, it was easier to make this plan.

Not long after, Kujo Aya, who was standing on a high place, heard a roar.

Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw Tsurugi Ryu, wearing a leather jacket, riding a motorcycle towards the place she said.

"Finally here."

Took a look at the steel bars that had been set up next to her. These were the best tools to kill Tsurugi Ryu.

If she makes good use of these tools, she doesn't even need to do it herself.

The roar is getting closer and closer.

Zhao Jinglong has arrived at the destination, so he took off his helmet and looked around vigilantly.

"Come out! Where are you? If you have the ability, don't hide! Come out!"

At this time, he has only one goal.

That is to defeat the weather doping body!

As long as he can defeat the weather doping body, he will avenge his family.

Suddenly, a shadow quickly slid by.

The already very vigilant Zhao Jinglong was instantly attracted.

He thought it was a weather doping body and was about to chase it.

However, he didn't know that when his attention was all focused on the place where the black shadow just passed, the conspiracy against him... came.

"Hua La La!!"

Only a terrifying sound came from above, and Zhao Jinglong looked up, and saw a large amount of steel falling from above.

At this distance, there was no room to dodge.

Zhao Jinglong took out the driver and transformed immediately.

Before he could even shout out the word "transform", Terui Ryu inserted the acceleration memory in his hand into the drive.


Chapter 149 The tsundere of a tough guy, 8 of Diamonds thoroughly investigates the bat

Then, Terui Ryu was instantly submerged by the large amount of steel.

And Zuo Shotaro, who was chasing after him, only heard a loud bang, as if something hit the ground.

When he rushed over, except for the familiar motorcycle on the ground, there was no sign of Terui Ryu.

There was a pile of steel piled up messily next to him, which made Zuo Shotaro feel bad instantly.

At this time, even if he guessed, he could probably guess what was going on.

Zuo Shotaro immediately took off his helmet and ran over frantically.


While moving the piled steel away, he called out loudly.

No wonder he felt something was wrong before.

Now that he thinks about it, isn't all this a conspiracy against Terui Ryu?

Standing on the top, Kujo Aya noticed Shotaro Sae who had just arrived below, with a playful smile on her face.

"Since he's here, let's get rid of him together."

As soon as she finished speaking, Kujo Aya immediately took out the Triceratops memory.


As soon as she raised her leg, a memory interface appeared on her smooth thigh.

Inserting the Triceratops memory in her hand into the interface, she was immediately enveloped in a purple energy.

The next second, Kujo Ling has transformed into a triceratops hybrid.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the Triceratops hybrid jumped slightly and fell directly downwards.

And Shotaro Zuo, who was moving the steel, suddenly felt a sense of danger in his heart.

There was no time to think so much, and he immediately dodged to the side.


The doped Triceratops crashed onto the ground, very close to where Shotaro Zuo was just now.

If Shotaro Zuo hadn't reacted just now, he might still be missing arms and legs even if he didn't die.


Seeing the outline emerging from the dust, Zuo Shotaro suddenly widened his eyes.

Only now did he realize that all this was a Triceratops doping body conspiracy. To be precise, it should be Kujo Aya's conspiracy!

Shotaro Zuo felt heartbroken.

I clearly trust Kujo Ling so much that I even think she will correct herself and stop using the power of memory.

"Officer Kujo! What are you doing? Are you still stubborn? Don't make the same mistake again and again. You can still turn back now!"

Hearing this, the Triceratops hybrid tilted his head slightly and sneered.

"Obsessed? What does it mean to be stubborn? I have to do what you want?"


Zuo Shotaro frowned, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

What he said was indeed correct, but whether the other party wanted to listen or not was up to him.

"As long as I kill one of the 733 Kamen Riders, I can become a cadre of the organization. If I can, I will kill two.

After all, Kamen Rider has always been a stumbling block for me. Killing him in advance can also reduce the trouble I may encounter.

As for you, now that you know my identity, you can only go to hell! "

Before he finished speaking, the Triceratops hybrid instantly rushed towards Zuo Shotaro.

It's going to have to be resolved sooner or later anyway, so it's better to do it now.

But she didn't know that the Shotaro Zuo she was facing now was not just a detective, but also half of Kamen Rider W...

There is no way, this battle seems inevitable.

Shotaro Zuo immediately took out the dual driver and put it on his waist.





Immediately transforms into W Swift Wind Ace form.

The Triceratops dopant that was sprinting over was slightly surprised to see this situation.

I thought the other person was just an ordinary detective, but I didn't expect it to be another Kamen Rider.

No wonder, the other party and Terui Ryu are so close, because their identities behind the scenes are not much different.

"Since you're here, just in time, let's... kill you together!"

The violent collision unleashed a powerful force that instantly knocked back W, who had just completed his transformation.

Fortunately, the transformation has been completed, otherwise, Zuo Shotaro felt that he might really die at the opponent's hands.

The Triceratops hybrid was not joking at all, she was very serious about killing herself.

Not daring to be careless at all, W immediately switched forms.



The hot metal form has powerful attack power and defense, which is perfect for dealing with the Triceratops dopant.

Pulling out the metal iron rod on his back, W took the initiative to face the Triceratops dopant.

The Triceratops dopant also took out her metal iron rod.


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