It is not an easy task to assemble all the instruments and equipment and debug them all.

Even though Lu Li now knew exactly how to assemble these devices, time still took time.

At his speed, it would take at least a day.

Being able to assemble so many things in one day was also due to Lu Li's clever mind.

Otherwise, it may take longer.

At the same time, in Shroud's secret base.

Seeing that the Extreme Memory had returned, Shroud checked Phillip's current status and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really worried that Phillip would have some big problems in this battle.

But judging from the current results, the problem is not big.

It will take a little time to repair Philip's data.

Fortunately, the extreme memory has been completed, otherwise the situation would be more troublesome.

Shroud looked at the unconscious Philip and shook his head helplessly.

"Come here, after your data is restored, I'm afraid that the current Zuo Shotaro will not be able to keep up with your pace.

If you want to continue fighting, you must find a stronger partner. "

Even though the current Philip is composed of earth data, he is not a real person.

But no matter what, he always meant his son.

Whether it is making fang memory or extreme memory, Shroud is doing it to better protect Philip.

The extreme memory floated above Philip, shining a green light.

This green light is like streams of data.

Through this data, Philip's injured body can be repaired and help him regain consciousness.

Shaking his head helplessly, Shroud turned and walked out of the room.

She still didn't understand why Lu Li wanted to attack W, and why he chose to seriously injure Phillip at this point in time.

It was impossible to do these things without purpose. Lu Li must be thinking about something.

But Shroud didn't know Lu Li well, and of course he couldn't figure out what Lu Li was planning.

But it doesn't matter, Sonosaki Ryubei is gone now, she has completed her revenge.

If it weren't for the unfinished business, she, the vengeful ghost, might have disappeared.

Perhaps because the obsession in his heart was dissipating, Shroud could feel that his body was becoming void day by day.

When the obsession in my heart completely dissipates, I'm afraid... I will disappear.

This day is not far away, and Shroud does not feel any fear in his heart.

She was ready to disappear at any moment.

But before that, she will try her best to complete the request put forward by Terui Ryu and Phillip's restoration.

After all these things are completed, she may not be far away from disappearing.

Raising his black-gloved hand, Shroud could see his hand blurring out from time to time.

Time... is running out.

Here at the Museum Research Institute.

After a period of testing, all the power and data about the Queen's dopant have been recorded by the researchers.

Perhaps because the queen memory currently used is an experimental product, Mina will feel very tired after exiting the transformation.

But even though she felt very tired, she remained silent and persisted silently.

After seeing the power of memory, she knew that although the power of super powers was good, there was still a big gap compared to the power of memory.

If he wanted to stay by Lu Li's side, do good things for him, and contribute his own strength, he had to become stronger.

Gaining the power of memory is a must.

No matter how painful and tiring it is, she is willing to endure it.

When she was in the experimental village, she had to go through a lot of hardships to awaken her superpowers, but now this was nothing.

Just a little tired.

After collecting all the data, the person in charge of the institute hurriedly came over and said.

"Miss Mina, all the data testing has been completed, you can go back first.

Regarding the manufacturing of the Queen's memory, it will take some time. "

The person in charge of the institute didn't know what the relationship between the man in front of him and Lu Li was.

But no matter what, the other party is always an existence that he cannot offend.

When talking about these things, even if Lu Li was not around, he still had to be polite.

Knowing that everything was done, Mina silently breathed a sigh of relief.

She was very tired now. She was originally worried that the matter might not be settled, but now it seemed that she didn't need to worry.

"Then I'll trouble you to make the queen's memory as soon as possible."

The person in charge of the institute nodded quickly.

0 ·······Ask for flowers··········

"This is natural. Mr. Lu Li has told me before to make the Queen's memory as soon as possible."

After getting the answer she wanted, Mina left the institute.

There was a car waiting outside the research institute for a long time. Lu Li specially arranged to stay and pick up Mina.

When he saw Mina coming out of the research institute, the driver immediately got out of the car and said respectfully.

"Ms. Mina, please get in the car. I will take you back to the company."

Originally, Mina was worried about her return. From the beginning, she already knew that the institute was in a relatively remote place.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li had already arranged this matter early in the morning.

Smiling and nodding, Mina thanked her.

"sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble! I will naturally make arrangements for Mr. Lu."

The driver waved his hand quickly, he did not dare to accept the other party's gratitude casually.

Then, the car slowly left the research institute and headed towards the company.

After obtaining the corresponding data, the person in charge of the research institute immediately ordered people to start making the finished Queen's memory.

With the corresponding data, it will be much easier to manufacture finished products.

Fengdu, the construction site where the previous battle with the Triceratops dopant took place.

In order to find clues, Shotaro Zuo came here again.

But when he came here, he found that there were not many traces left from the previous battle.

There was construction going on at the site and it had obviously been taken care of.

Seeing such a situation, Zuo Shotaro hurriedly ran to the place where Philip was unconscious based on the memory in his mind.

After a detailed search, no useful clues were found.

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However, according to his observation, after the battle, there was no second battle at the scene.

Philip was taken away in a coma.

As for who was taken away, he has no idea at all now.

"The scene has been dealt with so quickly, can't we move a little slower?"

Shotaro Zuo couldn't help but complain.

I thought that by coming here, I might be able to find useful information, but now it seems that it is impossible.

If you want to find Philip, how can you find him without any clues?

As soon as he thought about this problem, Zuo Shotaro suddenly felt dizzy.

Before he passed out, Phillip had already passed out due to injuries.

This incident made Zuo Shotaro full of regret.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have been so impulsive.

As a result, Phillip is now missing. If the uncle was still here, he would definitely beat himself up severely if he knew about this.

Regret is of no use now, how to find Philip for the important thing.

How can I find someone who has disappeared when I can't reach him by phone or even have any news?

Shotaro Zuo, who calls himself a tough guy detective, doesn't know what to do now.

With his own strength, it may be difficult to find Philip. Zuo Shotaro needs to mobilize more people to help search together.

"Phillip! Wait for me!"

Shotaro Zuo, who put on his helmet again, rode the Tough Guy and quickly drove away from the scene.

He is now going to use all the connections he can find to let them help us find Philip together.

There is strength in numbers, so maybe there will be some clues.

Inside the hospital.

Terui Ryu lay on the hospital bed.

He frowned and sweat appeared on his forehead, as if he was having a nightmare.


With a sudden roar, Terui Ryu instantly turned over and sat up.

When he saw where he was now, he realized that he had just had a nightmare.

Hearing the sudden roar, Chifu Basano and Shun Makura, who had already arrived, rushed in from outside.

"Chief! You finally woke up? What happened? Why did you do this?"

Chifu Basano was very curious as to who could seriously injure Terui Ryuu like this.

"Section Chief, why didn't you see Officer Kujo? Where did she go?"

Makura Shun still doesn't know that Kujo Aya is actually a Triceratops hybrid.

Thinking that Terui Ryuu would know Kujo Aya's whereabouts, he naturally couldn't wait to know what was going on.

"Hospital? By the's that guy!"

Scene after scene flashed through his mind, and Terui Ryuu instantly understood what was going on.

He was attacked by a Triceratops hybrid. resulting in serious injuries.

Using the ultimate driver failed, and he passed out instead, and then he didn't even know it.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

He did not answer the two people's questions, but immediately asked how long he had been unconscious.

Chifu Basano looked down at his watch.

"I must have been unconscious for a few hours. It's almost dark now."

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