As he said this, he pointed out the window.

At this time, the sunset could be seen outside the window, proving that it was almost evening.

According to the time calculation, he had indeed been unconscious for several hours.

"Section Chief, you haven't answered me yet, how did you get hurt?".

Chapter 155: There is still a forest without trees! The power of the organization

Even the tough guy Terui Ryu, after coming to his senses, felt the pain on his body, and couldn't help but grin.

"It's Kujo, she... is the triceratops hybrid that killed Himuro before."

"What?!" x2

Ben Ye Chifu and Makura Shun exclaimed in unison.

Both of them widened their eyes in disbelief, their eyes full of deep disbelief.

They really couldn't understand how things turned out like this.

Why did Kujo Aya, a police officer, who was also a member of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, suddenly become a hybrid?

Such a result made them unacceptable for a while.

It felt like the enemy had suddenly mixed into the base camp, but they hadn't discovered it before.

They were even working together, and they didn't notice it at all.

Nodding expressionlessly, Terui Ryu said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I would joke with you in this way? How do you think I got the wounds on my body?"

Such serious wounds on his body were all caused by Kujo Aya.

If he hadn't been able to transform, he would probably be dead now.

The two looked at Terui Ryu, who was covered in scars and didn't look like he was joking at all.

It was confirmed from the side that what Terui Ryu said was true.

Makura Shun, who wanted to pursue Kujo Aya, couldn't accept it for a while.

"How could this happen? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Seeing Makura Shun's expression of heartbreak, Ren Ye Chifu patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Jun, don't be so sad. If you miss this tree, there are millions of trees behind it, and the whole forest is waiting for you.

But don't slack off because of this. Come on, I'm rooting for you!"

These words always sounded like they were not comforting, but rather gloating.

But at this time, Makura Shun couldn't tell whether the words were good or bad.

He nodded in despair, what else could he do.

He thought his spring had come in "July 50", but he didn't expect that winter had not ended yet, and this winter was even longer.

Seeing the two people who looked like live treasures, Terui Ryu was too lazy to continue to dwell on this issue.

Suddenly, he recalled that before he fell into a coma, W was fighting with the Triceratops mixed body.

So he asked curiously.

"By the way, who sent me to the hospital? Was it Zuo... Shotaro? Or who?"

Hearing this, Chifu Hatano and Makura Shun looked at each other.

The next second, they both shook their heads.

"No, Shotaro was also unconscious. It was the staff at the construction site who found you, so they called an ambulance to send you here.

But it's really strange, why did you and Shotaro Zuo fall into a coma together?"

Chifu Hatano touched his unshaven chin, and was very curious.

However, Terui Ryu had no intention of answering his question.

He had already gotten the answer he wanted.

Frowning deeply, Terui Ryu had only one conclusion now.

That was the battle between W and the Triceratops hybrid, which should not have been decided.

At least, there should have been a third party involved in the battle.

He and Zuo were unconscious, but it was not Philip and the director who sent them to the hospital.

This meant that something must have gone wrong on Philip's side.

As for what the specific problem was, it was not known for the time being.

Terui Ryu, who had just woken up, had too many things he couldn't figure out.

He now urgently wanted to know what was going on.

He immediately picked up the clothes beside the bed, took out his mobile phone from it, and called Zuo Shotaro.

Zuo Shotaro, who was busy, suddenly received a call from Terui Ryu.

He immediately shared the information with Terui Ryu, and he also helped to find Philip.

After learning all the details of the matter, Terui Ryu finally understood what was going on.

Philip was missing!

In any case, W was also trying to help himself.

This matter has something to do with him, so Terui Ryu certainly can't turn a blind eye to it.

Moreover, Philip is also very important to him, and may be the key to finding the weather impurity.

No matter what, he must find a way to get Philip back.

Of course, the matter about Kujo Aya can't be let go either.

Two-pronged approach!

Terui Ryu put on his clothes immediately without waiting for his injuries to recover.

Noticing Terui Ryu's actions, Ren Ye Chifu frowned and said.

"Section Chief, are you kidding? With your current physical condition, what do you want to do?"

Although he didn't hear the whole conversation just now, he roughly knew a little bit, anyway, it was related to Philip.

With Terui Ryu's current injured state, how could he handle this matter well?

He didn't understand what was supporting Terui Ryu, even if his body was covered with scars, he had to continue working.

Without answering Ren Ye Chifu's question, Terui Ryu put on his clothes and said seriously.

"Officer Ren Ye, Officer Makura, now, I have something for you to do."

Seeing that Terui Ryu suddenly became so serious, the two of them also stood up and waited for orders.

"Kujo Aya is now a Triceratops hybrid, this is a confirmed fact.

After returning, I hope the police will immediately issue a wanted order and never let her go.

Kujo Aya is now an extremely dangerous person. You should not approach her without permission. You may be in danger. Do you understand?"

Facing the order issued by Terui Ryu, Makura Shun hesitated for a moment and was about to say something.

"Section Chief, I..."

But before he could say anything, Terui Ryu said with a serious face.

"Did you understand what I said just now? Go and complete this matter immediately! This is an order!"

Seeing that Terui Ryu's face was so serious, Ren Ye Chifu agreed without hesitation.


Noticing that Makura Shun was still hesitating beside him, Ren Ye Chifu immediately reached out and pulled his sleeve.

Coming back to his senses, Makura Shun also responded immediately.


Things have come to this point now, and he can't say anything more.

As the head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division, Terui Ryu had no need to lie about this matter.

Night falls.

Ming Hai Detective Agency.

Leaning back on the chair tiredly, Shotaro Sae’s face was exhausted.

Shotaro Sae had been busy for an afternoon, but still hadn’t received any news.

All the people he could mobilize had been mobilized.

But Philip seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth, and no news was received at all. He didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.

The sudden disappearance of the most important person around him was naturally a huge blow to people, and Shotaro Sae became a lot more decadent.

Seeing his decadent look, Ming Hai Ajuko was immediately furious.

Grabbing Shotaro Sae’s collar, Ming Hai Ajuko scolded.

“Hey! Shotaro! What’s the matter with your decadent look?

It’s not clear what Philip’s current condition is, can you not act like he’s dead?”

Suddenly, one of his partners disappeared, and even Ming Hai Ajuko’s mood was not much better.

But what can be done?

She didn't know how to find Philip now.

To find a person who left no information or clues behind was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But even if Philip's current whereabouts were not known for the time being, how could Zuo Xiangtaro find Philip if he continued to be so decadent.

Suddenly being scolded, Zuo Xiangtaro came to his senses instantly.


What's the matter with being so decadent now?

At present, it's not even known what Philip's situation is, whether he is alive or dead.

Now that she is still decadent here, how can she find Philip.

Zuo Xiangtaro, who came to his senses, looked at Ming Hai A Shuzi who was holding him tightly, and said helplessly.

"Yes, yes, I know! A Shuzi, can you let go of my clothes first? It's uncomfortable for you to pull me like this."

Hearing this, Ming Hai A Shuzi loosened his collar and let him go.

"Pa Pa!"

Slapping his face with both hands, Zuo Xiangtaro forced himself to cheer up.

He had to cheer up at this time, otherwise what would Philip do?

Thinking calmly, he tried to recall all the information in his mind, not wanting to miss any key points.

But no matter how hard he thought, he could not find any relevant clues.

At this time, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi took out a box from somewhere and put it in front of Zuo Xiangtaro.

"Here, eat something, you haven't eaten for so long, how can you not eat?"

Ever since Zuo Xiangtaro woke up, he has been busy looking for Philip and has no time to eat.

He has been hungry for so long, and he has done so many things, how can he not be hungry.

This guy just forgot that he didn't even eat because he was busy with one thing.

"Thank you."

Zuo Xiangtaro nodded, thanked him, and ate with big mouthfuls.

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