Only when you are full can you have the energy to do other things and find Philip better.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

This is the company warehouse.

Part of it was assembled yesterday and part of it was assembled today. Lu Li has already assembled more than half of the instruments and equipment to be assembled.

With a little more time, you can complete it successfully.

After it is completely completed, and after some debugging, it can be used to detect the quark index and awaken superpowers.

If you want to test and awaken, I'm afraid it won't be possible today. Lu Li still needs to do the final assembly and adjustments to the instruments and equipment.

Lu Li is the only one here in the warehouse. Sonosaki Wakana was lazy yesterday, so she naturally has to work hard to make up for it today.

As for Mina, who had returned yesterday, she still had to help Lu Li handle matters related to him as the general manager.

While Lu Li was carefully assembling the instruments and equipment, a person suddenly came in from outside the warehouse.

He has short, lean hair, a black suit worn by professional elites, and a black hip-hugging skirt. He exudes a sharp aura.

The person coming was naturally Kujo Ling.

After receiving treatment at the museum yesterday, the minor injuries on her body were almost healed, and the severely injured areas on her body were also much better.

Of course it will take some time to heal, but it's not a big deal.

Arriving next to Lu Li, Kujo Ling respectfully shouted 0...

"Mr. Lu."

She had restrained her sharpness at this time.

Just because she knew very well that she was nothing in front of the man in front of her.

I have seen Lu Li's powerful power before, and even W in the fang ace form is no match for him.

Lu Li continued to deal with the matters at hand and said without looking back.

"Looking at you, you should have recovered a lot. In that case, go back to the police station and do your own thing.

By the way, now you are no longer a member of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Class, and you have been transferred to the Investigation Class 1. "

When hearing this, Kujo Ling was slightly startled.

After what happened yesterday, he was probably wanted by the police.

Terui Ryu already knew his identity and could not let him continue.

The best way is to notify the police and let the police launch a wanted search for you.

If I return to the police station at this time, wouldn't I just fall into a trap?

Moreover, I was transferred to the search class. Why does it sound a little wrong?

"Mr. Lu, should I go back to the police station now? Didn't the police issue a wanted notice for me?" Kujo Ling still couldn't hold back and asked her doubts.

Hearing this, Lu Li stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Jiu Jiao Ling.

"Kujo, do you think that as the largest underground organization in Fengdu, we have nothing to do with the political circles?

Terui Ryu really wants to launch a wanted arrest for you, but he can't do it. The people above won't let him do it. I think you should understand this. "

This has been made very obvious. To put it bluntly, someone in the police is from the museum, and he is also a high-ranking police officer.

Nodding slightly, Kujo Ling also let go of her doubts at this time.

No wonder he was not wanted and was transferred from the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section to the Investigation Section 1. All of this was controlled by the organization behind the scenes.

Originally, he was worried that after being wanted by the police, he would have to live in the shadows or stay in the organization.

Unexpectedly, I could still walk under the sun without worrying about being arrested by the police.

"As for Terui Long, you can keep the Triceratops memory for the time being, and you can come back to get it when your body recovers and the cadre test starts on you.

Completing cadres will give you more advanced memories, you know what I mean? "

Originally, Kujo Aya was a little reluctant when she heard that she was going to hand over the Triceratops memory.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li planned to give himself a more advanced memory after he passed the cadre test.

Although it is not known what kind of advanced memory it is, it certainly has power that cannot be matched by the Triceratops memory.

"I see."

Nodding slightly, Kujo Ling didn't have any doubts and directly took out the Triceratops memory and placed it on the table nearby.

"Mr. Lu, I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, Kujo Ling turned around and left in a cool manner.

Lu Li, on the other hand, continued the work at hand. It would still take time to assemble the instruments and equipment.

Fengdu Police Station.

In the paranormal crime investigation class.

Terui Ryu and the other two salty police officers were sitting on their chairs with sad faces.

Just because of one thing.

1.9 That is, not only was Kujo Aya not wanted, but she was transferred from their Paranormal Crime Investigation Section to the Search Section 1.

Obviously, this is not normal.

Frowning deeply, Terui Ryu asked bluntly.

"Are you two sure you have notified the police station about this?"

Chifu Basano and Shun Makura glanced at each other, then nodded.

"Of course! This is a task assigned to us two by Section Chief, how could we forget it!" Chio Basano assured loudly.

Makura Jun next to him also nodded vigorously.

"Senior is right. He reported this matter to his superiors as soon as he came back. There can be no mistake."

After getting the affirmative answer from the two, Terui Ryu frowned even more deeply.

Since the police leaders already knew about this matter, why did they make such a decision?

Not only did they not issue a wanted notice for Kujo Aya, but they transferred her to the Investigation Section 1, which was really abnormal.

Suddenly, Terui Ryu thought of a possibility.

Yesterday, he still remembered what Kujo Aya said when she attacked him, that she wanted to join the organization and become a cadre of the organization.

At present, it is not clear whether Kujo Aya has become a cadre of the organization.

But the organization is a big underground force in Fuuto, and it is very likely that they have people in the high-level police.

As for who this person is, it is not clear now, and we can only know after investigation.

If this is the case, it makes sense.

Kujo Aya may have joined the organization, so the organization naturally does not want her to be wanted by the police.

It is reasonable to collude with the high-level, not to issue a wanted notice for Kujo Aya, and even transfer her to the Investigation Section 1.

This explanation makes perfect sense.

Now, Terui Ryu finally understood that things were not as simple as he had imagined.

I am afraid that it is not just the police high-level officials, but even in the political circles, there are also museum partners and the like.

Chapter 156 The dog licker has nothing, and the only partner is evolution

It seems that the police will not be able to arrest Kujo Aya.

All of this is just speculation, and there is no substantial evidence at all.

The police are concerned with evidence, not speculation.

It is impossible to arrest the high-level police officials based on their own speculations. Doing so will only put themselves in a passive position.

Moreover, he is only the head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section. Although he belongs to the level of head of the section, he is nothing compared to the high-level police officials.

To put it bluntly, he is not qualified to do this.

It is impossible to forcibly arrest the high-level police officials, right?

I am afraid that before it can be implemented, such a plan will be caught by the police and locked up in a small dark room.

Not only do he need to deal with the organization, but he also needs to deal with traitors from within the police. Terui Ryu feels unprecedented pressure.

At this moment, the door of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division opened, and Kujo Aya, dressed as usual, walked in calmly.

When they saw Kujo Aya, the three of them suddenly became nervous.


"Officer Kujo?"

As soon as they came in, they noticed that the three people were on high alert, as if they were looking for trouble.

With a slight smile, Kujo Aya took out her transfer order.

"Sorry, I'm just here to get my things. From now on, I'm no longer a member of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division, but a member of the Investigation Division 1.

Although we haven't worked together for a long time, we still get along very well. You say... right?"

Then, Kujo Aya walked towards her desk and began to pack up the things on it.

Terui Ryu stood up and said with a frown.

"Kujo Aya! You are a Triceratops hybrid. You even attacked me yesterday. Do you know where you are now?

Aren't you afraid that I will catch you?"

Witnessing the enemy appearing in front of him with his own eyes, the most important thing is that he has no way to deal with the other party.

The other party still looked indifferent, which made Terui Ryu very upset.

But he could only bear it now.

As for the fight, they were now inside the police station, and it would be very troublesome if a fight broke out.

Hearing this, Jiujo Aya turned around and looked at Terui Ryu lightly, saying indifferently.

06 "Really? If that's the case, Long, come and catch me, I'll stand here."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiujo Aya took the initiative to stretch out her hands and put them together, as if waiting for Terui Ryu to handcuff her.

Such an arrogant look really makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Officer Aya, are you really...?"

Makura Jun still doesn't believe it, and still has a little expectation in his heart.

Noticing the expectation in the other party's eyes, Jiujo Aya said indifferently.

"Officer Makura, I'm not interested in your type at all. Do you know what you feel to me?"

"What feeling?" Makura Jun asked back impatiently.


The two words came out of his mouth without any intention of being subtle.

When he heard the word "doglicker", Makura Shun was struck by lightning.

He took two steps back in disbelief, with a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

He never expected that he would be regarded as a doglicker by Kujo Aya.

Doglicker, doglicker, lick until there is nothing left.

Isn't that what he is talking about now?

This situation seems to be very consistent with his current state.

Haye Chifu couldn't listen any more. After all, this guy is also his junior, but he was humiliated like this.

"Hey! Officer Kujo, what you said just now is too much!

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