She was thinking about a question.

Is it because she doesn't have the power of memory now that Lu Li feels that he is too weak and inconvenient to take her out?

This is really possible, after all, the power of superpowers is not of much help to Lu Li.

Clenching her fists, Mina made up her mind to get the Queen's memory as soon as possible.

For this reason, she could only urge the research institute to speed up the production of the Queen's memory.

After the three left, Lu Li turned off all the instruments and left the warehouse.

He went directly to the research room where he made the memory.

A few days later, I don't know how the memory is made.


Ming Hai Detective Agency.

Terui Ryu did not go to Fuuto Police Station today, but came here directly.

Yesterday he learned that Philip had returned safely.

Today he came here, naturally, to discuss with the two about Kujo Aya.

Since Kujo Aya was transferred to the Investigation Division 1 yesterday, he has been completely helpless against the other party.

First of all, the other party has someone in the police high-level, and it is not realistic for him to arrest him directly.

Secondly, as long as the other party does not use the power of memory, he cannot make false accusations without any evidence.

In terms of planning, he feels that he is still not as good as Philip.

For such brain-stimulating things, he naturally has to ask more professional people.

He told Philip and Shotaro Sae everything about yesterday.

After learning about this situation, Shotaro Sae stood up in shock.

"No way! There are people in the police high-level?!"

Terui Ryu didn't seem to be joking with him, which means that this matter is true.

At this moment, Shotaro Sae realized that the organization they were facing was a real behemoth.

Even the police, or people at higher levels, have their people.

Philip pinched his chin with his right hand and fell into deep thought.

At this time, he couldn't understand why Kujo Aya suddenly chose Fuuto Police Station when she had already chosen to join the organization.

What is the meaning of doing this?

As for the connection between the organization and the top police officers, Philip was not surprised since he knew the true face of the organization.

The Sonozaki family is one of the most famous families in Fuuto, and many people in the political and business circles have flattered them.

It is not surprising that there are people from them in the police.

Noticing Philip who had been thinking, Terui Ryu asked directly.

"Philip, what do you think?"

Philip, whose thoughts were interrupted, came back to his senses.

"Opinion? According to your situation just now, we don't have conclusive evidence to prove that Kujo Aya is a doped body.

Unless she reveals her flaws and transforms into a Triceratops doped body again, it should be no problem to seize the opportunity to defeat her.


Speaking, Philip suddenly changed the subject.

"But what?"

Za Shotaro and Ming Hai Ya Shuzi looked at Philip at the same time, their eyes seemed full of curiosity.

He did not continue to keep the suspense, and directly pointed out the problem.

"The key issue is Lu Li."

"Lu Li?!"

The three of them were silent.

The problem that Philip mentioned is an indisputable fact.

In the previous battle, Lu Li suddenly intervened, which proved that the other party would definitely protect Jiu Tiao Ling.

It is very difficult to get rid of Jiu Tiao Ling from the other party.

Especially Zuo Xiangtaro, in the previous battle, he almost caused Philip to get into trouble because of his lack of rationality.

If he is given another chance to choose, Zuo Xiangtaro will definitely choose a more conservative method and will not be so radical.

Now there is a huge hurdle in front of everyone, Lu Li.

There is no way to cross this huge hurdle, and it is indeed difficult to deal with Jiu Tiao Ling.

Noticing the serious faces of everyone, Philip suddenly said again.

"Of course, this is just my guess. Lu Li...maybe there are other plans."

Mainly, Philip thought of a problem.

That is why Lu Li had the opportunity to get rid of them once and for all, but he did not choose to do so.

There are unanswered questions in this, and he has not figured it out yet.

If this doubt can be explained, maybe a way to break the current situation can be found.

"Other plans?" Terui Long murmured.

He also knew that there was no good way to deal with the problem of Kujo Aya for the time being, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

Then, Terui Ryu continued.

"Zuo, there is no good way to solve the problem of Kujo Aya for the time being, so let's put it aside for now."

Originally, Zuo Shotaro thought that Terui Ryu would be so stubborn about this matter, but now it seems that he doesn't have so much.

Of course, Zuo Shotaro also wanted to defeat Kujo Aya and bring her to justice.

But the current situation does not allow him to do so, so he can only put it aside for the time being.

"I understand, let's put the matter of Kujo Aya aside for the time being."

It is very uncomfortable to know the other party's identity and what the other party has done, but there is no way to deal with the other party.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, Zuo Shotaro has become more mature after experiencing the previous things.

Before doing anything, you must consider the consequences of this matter, otherwise you will pay a serious price.

In this way, Kujo Aya's matter was temporarily put aside.

As long as she does not take the initiative to turn into a Triceratops hybrid, Shotaro Sa and the others will have no chance at all.

Then, Terui Ryu left the detective agency.

In the previous discussion, Philip also hid one thing.

This thing is his true identity.

He... did not tell others that he was Sonosaki Raito.

Just because he is not mentally prepared yet.

He could not accept Sonosaki Raito's identity for a while.

Back to the basement of the detective agency, Philip went directly into the Earth Library.

He took a deep breath and began to look for the book of Sonosaki's family.

Slowly opening his hands, Philip began to search with keywords.

"Keywords, Fuuto."

The books on the bookshelf turned quickly, and there were still several bookshelves in the end.

"The second one, Sonosaki's family."

The remaining bookshelves moved quickly again, and only one book was left in the end.

This is a book with a black cover.

Philip hesitated for a moment and took it out after seeing the book in front of him.

But when he was about to open the book, he found that the book was locked.

"Locked? Why is it locked?"

He couldn't understand why the book was locked.

No matter what method he used, he couldn't open the book about the Sonozaki family.

As for the relevant information in it, there was naturally no way to see it.

After trying for a long time, Philip had to give up.

If he could open the book, he might be able to know his own secrets.


After leaving the Minghai Detective Agency, Terui Ryu did not go to the Fuuto Police Station, but went to the place where he had been looking for Shroud before.

Now it has been a few days, and he doesn't know whether his equipment is ready.

He urgently needs to get new equipment to improve his combat effectiveness.

There is no clue about the weather admixture at present, and the possibility of defeating the opponent with his current strength is almost zero.

He must become stronger before the next encounter with the opponent, so that he can take revenge when he meets the opponent next time.

No matter what, he must avenge his family.

When he came to the woods again, Terui Ryu shouted loudly.

"Shroud! Shroud! Where are you? Shroud!"

In the midst of his calls, Shroud, who looked like a ghost, finally appeared.

"Shroud, is the new equipment you told me about before now completed?"

Hearing this, Shroud nodded.

Seeing Shroud nod, Terui Ryu immediately said.

"Where is it?"

He couldn't wait to become stronger. He didn't want to experience the feeling of powerlessness when he fought against the weather mixed body last time.

Instead of taking out the new equipment immediately, Shroud looked at the man in front of him who had come to this point because of his own fault.

"Terui Ryu, I have already made the equipment, but... are you ready?

It's not that easy to use the new equipment."

After that, Shroud took out the new equipment that had been made.

A memory that didn't look strange.

"This is the Trial memory. With the power of the Trial memory, you can leave everything behind."

Looking at this strange memory, Terui Ryu took it without any hesitation.

"Of course I'm ready! The speed of leaving everything behind?"

Then, Terui Ryu couldn't wait to transform immediately.



After completing it on the side, he immediately switched to the Trial memory.


The originally red body suddenly turned yellow, and that was not the end.

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