Then he saw the yellow armor on his body turned into pieces, revealing the light armor underneath.

Kamen Rider Police Rider, Judgment Form!

Orange compound eyes, blue light armor on his body, and silver-white chest.

After the transformation, the first feeling of Police Rider was that he was so light.

Completely different from the previous Police Rider, now he seemed to have the fastest speed.

"Since you are ready, then follow me. It is far from enough for you to master the power of judgment now. You must complete the test before you can do it."

After that, Shroud turned and walked to the back.

Although he didn't understand what Shroud meant, Police Rider still followed him.

After that, the two came to a remote test site.

There was a mountain in front.

Police Rider obviously didn't understand why Shroud brought him here.

"Zhao Jinglong, test it first."

As he said that, Shroud took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed it lightly.


There was a loud explosion on the mountain, followed by a large number of rocks rolling down from above.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the policeman rushed up first.

Very fast!

As the person involved, the policeman was very surprised after feeling his speed.

Behind him, because of the high speed, there were afterimages.

[What a fast speed!]

Quickly dodging a series of rocks, the policeman looked at the largest rock in front of him and did not choose to dodge, but kicked it directly.

However, this rock was obviously too big, and it rolled down from the mountain, so it had a very fast speed.

Under the collision of the two forces, the policeman was actually repelled by the powerful recoil.

After a backflip in the air, the policeman fell to the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

"Not enough strength!"

At this time, he clearly felt that the speed was indeed very fast in this state, but the strength was obviously not as good as before.

Hearing this, Shroud suddenly corrected him.

"No! You must change your fighting style. Judgment is strong in its speed.

Avoid attacks, get as close to the enemy as possible, and then kick him hard. If one kick is not enough, then kick him ten times.

Ten times are not enough, then kick him a hundred times! Until you completely defeat the enemy."

After learning the correct way to use it, the police rider nodded that he already knew what to do, and now he needed to try it.

Then he took out the Judgment memory and pressed the button on it.

The stopwatch on it counted down, and the ten-second countdown began.

The police rider instantly burst out with a faster speed and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

However, when he had just rushed up a few meters, he found that he seemed to have no control over his body at all.

The ten seconds were over quickly, and the police rider had no way to use these ten seconds at present.

The power of Judgment was only revealed at this moment. It was too strong, and he couldn't even control it now.

With blue arcs wrapped around his body, the police rider was completely unable to move.

After ten seconds, the armor on the police rider instantly broke into pieces.

The huge stone was still falling to the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the huge stone coming towards him, Terui Ryu quickly shrank his body and hugged his head.

Having anticipated this situation long ago, Shroud pressed the remote control in his hand.


The huge stone exploded instantly.

Instead of being prepared in advance, Terui Ryu would be seriously injured now if he encountered this situation.

"If it was in a real battle just now, you would have died a long time ago.

Do you see the route next to it? If you can run that route within ten seconds, you can use the Judgment Extreme Drive proficiently.

Do you... run or not?"

She gave the right to choose to Terui Ryu.

But from the beginning to the end, she knew what Terui Ryu would choose.

There was only one option.

"Don't... question me!"

Terui Ryu stood up, his eyes full of determination.

In order to be able to take revenge, he dared to rush in even if there were thorns ahead.

It's just controlling a memory, you have to believe that you can do it.

"In that case, then... come on.".

Chapter 159 Memory Awakening Card Plan, Cadre Assessment!

Lu Li's secret research room.

When he came here, he found that the memory that had been inputted with data before had been made.

There was a big logo on it, an F that looked like a claw mark.

That's right, the memory that Lu Li inputted data to make last time was Fang~, the fang memory.

Of course, the fang memory made by Lu Li was different from the fang memory-body owned by Philip.

The fang memory in Philip's hand was made by Shroud to protect him.

It was transformed differently, and some special programs were added inside.

The fang memory in Lu Li's hand did not look much different from an ordinary memory.

Once again, the fang memory was made into an awakening card.

Considering that there are other uses, there is no genetic memory that has been made into an awakening card for the time being.

There are a total of twenty-six memories, and Lu Li has now collected eighteen of them, all of which have been made into awakening cards.

The remaining memories that have not been obtained are Virtual, Ocean, Puppet Master, Queen, Weather, Limit, Yesterday, and Space.

Virtual, Ocean, Queen, and Limit memories need to be made by Lu Li himself.

As for Puppet Master, Weather, Yesterday, and Space memories, Lu Li knows who has them, and he can just recycle them when the time comes.

Among them, the Limit memory cannot be made for the time being, and even if it is made, it is only an unfinished product.

Then Lu Li input the data related to the Ocean memory into the equipment and started making it.

Ocean, Virtual, and Queen memories, no matter which memory is made first, it has no effect.

In addition, Lu Li has three other golden high-level memories.

Utopia memory, fear memory, and Quetzalcoatl memory.

Lu Li plans to keep the three golden high-level memories first, and has no plan to make them into awakening cards for the time being.

Since Jia Toushun of Consortium X died strangely in Country S, there has been no contact between the Gaia Memory Project Leader and the Museum for a long time.

Until today, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly received news from Consortium X.

The person in charge of the Gaia Memory Project at Consortium X will change. Kato Shun is a thing of the past and has become another person.

When she learned the news, Sonosaki Saeko did not find it strange.

She knew very well that as long as Lu Li targeted a target, there was absolutely no way he could escape.

Even Kato Shun, who was the project leader of Consortium X, was the same.

Changing a project leader did not have any impact on the museum.

Anyway, the museum only needed to continue to provide research materials.

Consortium X also guaranteed that there would be no problems in providing funds, which was enough.

Isn't the museum's cooperation with Consortium X just for money?

If you have enough funds, it doesn't matter whether there is Consortium X or not.

Two days ago, the museum used its connections to cancel the wanted order for Kujo Aya and sent her from the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division to the Investigation Division 1.

Even if this is only a very small thing for the museum, since it has paid, it naturally has to be rewarded.

Kujo Aya had not participated in the cadre assessment before, and now it is time to take the cadre assessment.

After two days of rest and recovery, and with the help of the museum's strong medical conditions, Kujo Aya has almost recovered.

Thinking of this, Sono Saeko called Kujo Aya directly.

"Are you ready for the cadre assessment? My patience is limited, and I can't wait for you forever."

If it weren't for Lu Li's recommendation, Kujo Aya would probably still be in prison now.

At this time, Kujo Aya, who was in the first search section of Fuuto Police Station, showed a faint smile on her face.

"Of course I'm ready, I'll pass it now."

She couldn't wait to take the cadre assessment. If her body hadn't recovered, she would have wanted to start it directly two days ago.

After hanging up the phone, Kujo Aya found a random reason to ask for leave and left Fuuto Police Station at a high speed.

In the past few days, Kujo Aya has been under surveillance.

As for who is monitoring her, of course it is the people from the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section.

The order that Terui Ryu gave to Chifu Hatano and Shun Makura was to keep an eye on Aya Kujo as much as possible.

No matter what the other party did, they needed to follow up at the first time, and it would be best to determine where the other party went.

Just as she left, Chifu Hatano and Shun Makura followed immediately.

However, it was obvious that their driving skills were obviously not as good as Aya Kujo.

The gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger. In the back, people were directly thrown away and lost their target.

Not seeing Aya Kujo's car, the two were immediately angry.

"Damn it! She actually let her escape!"

Chifu Hatano patted the co-pilot unwillingly, with a helpless look on his face.

Shun Makura also looked disappointed. He thought he could keep a good eye on Aya Kujo, but he didn't expect to be thrown away by the other party.


After making sure that he had thrown away the two people who were watching him, Aya Kujo drove to the company.

"What will the cadre assessment be like?"

She was full of curiosity about what this so-called cadre assessment would be like.

I still remember what Lu Li said before, if I can pass the cadre assessment, I can get a more powerful memory.

But the premise is that I must pass the assessment.

After experiencing the powerful power of the memory, I will never want to give up this powerful power.

I will also have a desire for more powerful power.

She... will definitely pass the cadre assessment.

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