"This is Rifudu, and it is also...my territory. Welcome to Rifudu, Mr. Isaka."

"In... Fengdu?"

Even Isaka Mikuru couldn't accept this sudden concept for a while.

He had never heard of anything other than Fengdu.

But this place really exists, but at first glance it seems that it is not that big compared to the real Fengdu.

After regaining his composure, Isaka Mikururo said very directly.

"The size of your city is still far from that of a wind city. Can you still call it a wind city?"

He is not worried that his words will offend Wan Dengxueshi 0...

Even though his strength may not be as good as Lu Li's, he is still not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Although the eyes made him feel oppressive, they were not like Lu Li's.

After being exposed to his face, Wan Dengxueshi was not angry and explained casually.

"Lifengdu is currently under construction. As time goes by, it will naturally become wider and wider, and Lifengdu will get closer and closer. Don't worry about this."

You must know that at the beginning, Li Fengdu did not exist, but he later named it Li Fengdu.

From nothing to something, from small to large, it requires a process.

At this time, Isaka Mikuruo noticed that in the distance, a highway was being built at a very fast speed.

It is at the extension of this road that you can see a doping body working hard.

It seems that it was precisely because of this dopant that the road took shape quickly.

The man in front of him was very mysterious. Cooperating with this guy might really help him get rid of Lu Li.

"You just said that this is Li Fengdu. I want to know, Lu Li, is it possible that he will chase you here?"

The question is to the point.

If Lu Li really couldn't get in here, then he could really sit back and relax.

"Of course! Li Fengdu and Feng are different places. Even the Earth Library has almost any relevant information.

It would be very difficult for Lu Li to find you, and the possibility would be almost zero. "

Because of his confidence, Wan Dengxueshi believed that the Fengdu he built would never be found by Lu Li.

Hearing this, Isaka Mikuruo fell into silence for a while.

Now, isn't this what he wants right now?

There is no need to do anything on your own, you are safe here.

But even if you stay here, what can you do?

He stayed here timidly, relying on evasion to hide from Lu Li.

What about the future?

Will I still have to hide here in the future?


The pace of becoming stronger cannot be stopped, and he still needs to seize the time to become stronger.

But the passage here connects to the so-called Lifeng City. It is indeed a good place. It is the best place to avoid trouble.

After thinking about it, I found that there seemed to be nothing unacceptable about joining Wandengxueshi.

However, if you want to join him, he must be strong enough.

Without strong strength, why should you command yourself?

Thinking of this, Isaka Mikururo spoke directly.

"Wanteng Snow Attendant, right? I can agree to your request and join you, but I have a request."

When he heard that Isaka Fumihongro was willing to join his side, a smile appeared on the face of Manden Snow.

He calmly stretched out his hand and said calmly.

"Mr. Isaka, feel free to ask for anything. If I can satisfy you, I can satisfy you."

Of course, this is just what he said. Whether he can actually do it depends not on him.

Of course he can agree to some requests that are not too excessive. After all, it is very cost-effective to exchange some small requests for the service of a cadre-level person.

Seeing that the other party was so confident, Isaka Mikuru didn't hide it and directly stated his request.

"1.9 In fact, my request is not difficult, Wan Deng, you just need to prove your strength and show it to me.

If you are stronger than me, I am willing to join your team, but if your strength is not even as good as mine, then I'm sorry, this place... I want it. "

That's right, Isaka Mikuruo has taken a liking to Rifudō.

If possible, he naturally hopes to get it under his control.

With Li Fengdu, he can come and go at will in the future without having to worry about being found by Lu Li.

I thought it would be what kind of request, but I didn't expect it to be this request.

Wan Dengxueshi didn't show any angry expression on his face, he still had that indifferent smile.


He agreed to Isaka Mikuruo very easily, as if this battle was destined from the beginning and he would definitely win.

"In that case, let's do it."

Before he finished speaking, Isaka Mikuru slowly took off the black hat on his head and took out the weather memory at the same time.


Insert the weather memory in your hand into the interface behind your right ear.

A terrifying energy burst out instantly, and Isaka Shenhonglang had transformed into a weather dopant.

Standing opposite, Wan Dengxueshi looked at the weather-doped body that had completed its transformation and felt the power emanating from him, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

As expected, he is the person he wanted to invite. His power... is very powerful!

That’s why I like him and want to invite him to join me and become a cadre of Sarufuto.

“As expected of Mr. Isaka, he is really powerful. In that case, I will show off my skills.”

As his voice fell, he took out a golden memory in his right hand.

And in his left hand, there was a strange-looking driver. Thanks to ————☆... for the monthly ticket! .

Chapter 161 Aurora Memory! Mysterious Driver, Compromise

When the weather doping body saw the golden memory, he was shocked.

“That’s... golden memory?! How is it possible?!”

For so long, except for the Nazca doping body he used for experiments before, he had golden memory.

The people who had golden memory that the weather doping body knew were all in the Sonosaki family.

Now a strange man suddenly appeared, holding a golden memory in his hand, which made him a little confused.

What is this man...?

And why does he have a golden advanced memory?

I already thought that the man in front of me was very mysterious, but I didn't expect that there was something even more mysterious.

Wan Deng Xue Shi is a mysterious man who is completely unfathomable.

He controls the so-called Li Fengdu city, and it is still under continuous expansion.

He found me just to let me join him and become his cadre.

From the only information, it can be analyzed that this guy definitely has huge ambitions.

As for the real purpose of the other party, it is still unknown.

Moreover, this guy not only has a golden memory, but also has a strange drive in his hand, which feels similar to the Gaia drive.

Is there anyone else who is studying memory besides the museum?

The weather doping body is not aware of the matter of the consortium x.

Consortium x has always been hidden behind all experimental projects and never actively exposes itself.

The people who know, except for the relevant personnel, do not know.

Although the weather doping body has a lot of experience in the research of memory, it is not clear about the cooperation between the museum and the consortium x.

What is the connection between this man in front of him and the museum?

The weather admixture could only secretly raise its vigilance. The guy in front of it could not be simple.

"Mr. Isaka, are you ready?"

As he said this, Wan Deng Xue Shi put the Gaia Driver Rex in his hand on his waist.

Gaia Driver Rex and Gaia Driver look very different overall.

Then, he pressed the golden memory in his hand.


Without any fancy movements, he casually inserted the Aurora memory into the right side of Gaia Driver Rex.

The core of Gaia Driver Rex was blooming with terrifying golden energy.

Behind Wan Deng Xue Shi, it suddenly appeared that the surrounding sky seemed to be dyed with the color of the aurora.

The curtain of aurora enveloped Wan Deng Xue Shi. The next second 06, when he appeared in front of the weather admixture again, he had already transformed.

It was still the image of a human body, but the facial features could not be seen on the face, and there was a bunch of long white hair behind the head.

The dark blue skin all over the body, and there were some golden flashes.

The hands seemed to be erratic, and it felt like golden flashes.

The skirt symbolizing a strong man also appeared on him.

However, his skirt looked slightly different, like a layer of translucent gauze, and the color on it was like the aurora, showing a gradient state.

He exuded the aura of a strong man, and the weather mixed body, who was also a strong man, felt a faint threat from the other party.

He had already felt a sense of threat to himself before he started. If he really fought, it was hard to say who would win for the time being.

However, the guy who could make him feel threatened was enough to prove that the other party was very strong.

For the aurora mixed body, the weather mixed body was full of curiosity at this time.

"Aurora memory? I have never seen a golden high-level memory, using a driver I have never seen.

Wan Deng Xue Shi, your identity... really makes me too curious."

Will this man have a certain relationship with the museum?

It's hard to say now.

After the two of them fight, maybe they can know the specific situation after the winner is determined.

"Mr. Wellsaka, are you ready?"

Even after the transformation, the aurora mixed body still looks so elegant.

Hearing this, the weather mixed body silently drew out the weapon behind him.

His first feeling about this guy in front of him was that he had to be careful to deal with him, otherwise... there might be unpredictable consequences.

He must win this battle!

Only by winning can he gain control of Lifengdu.

He is a very ambitious person, how could he willingly join Wan Dengxueshi's men.

Unless the other party has strong strength and can temporarily subdue him, like Lu Li, who can make him feel fear.

Feeling fear, naturally he dare not act casually, but will be careful everywhere.

Pointing to the sky with one hand, the weather mixed body took the lead in launching an attack.

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