"Lightning strike!"

A cloud appeared one after another, followed by thunderous explosions.

Several purple thunderbolts struck from the sky, each with extremely terrifying power.

At the beginning, the weather admixture used all its strength, without any thought of holding back.

"Boom boom boom!"

Facing these terrifying purple thunderbolts, the Aurora admixture had no facial features, so it was impossible to see what his expression was.

His figure flashed slightly, as if he had anticipated the positions where all the thunderbolts were about to hit, and dodged them accurately, without any error.

Seeing that the thunderbolt attack had no effect, the weather admixture did not feel any surprise.

If it was so easy to get rid of the guy with the golden memory and the mysterious driver, then his strength would probably be no weaker than Lu Li.

"Wild wind!"

With a fierce wave of his hand, gusts of wild wind whistled away, instantly surrounding the Aurora admixture.

The violent tornado attacked the earth crazily.

Everything around him became hideous under the horrific tornado.

At this time, the Aurora mixed body, who was in the center of the violent tornado, did not feel nervous even though he was surrounded by the violent tornado.

His body floated slowly, and the Aurora mixed body raised his right hand lightly.

The erratic right hand, which seemed to be made of golden flames, suddenly emitted a terrifying beam of light.


This high-temperature and scorching light actually cut through the violent tornado in an instant and went straight to the weather mixed body.


The light was so fast that the weather mixed body had no time to think so much. He immediately used the power of the mirage to create a false clone, and he hid aside.


The clone created by the power of the mirage was instantly pierced by the terrifying light.

The light shot onto the ground behind, leaving a terrifying burn mark on the ground.

The clone pierced by the scorching light also disappeared in an instant.

The violent tornado dissipated, revealing the Aurora doped body floating in the air.

The Aurora doped body was not surprised that the other party was able to avoid his scorching light.

The Weather doped body was chosen by him and could become his cadre.

If he was easily dealt with by himself, what qualifications would he have to become his cadre?

All the people who can live in this street are excellent people who have been selected. Isaka Shinkuro is the one he chose.

Since he is an excellent person who has been selected, strong strength is naturally necessary.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came.

I saw a long whip instantly wrapped around the right arm of the Aurora doped body.

When the weapon whip was used to wrap around the Aurora doped body, the Weather doped body instantly released another ability.

"Cold air!"

The extremely low temperature cold air can freeze the target into an ice sculpture in a very short time.

The cold air released by the weather whip can further enhance the power of the cold air.

Feeling the coldness coming from his arm, the Aurora mixed body lowered his head slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The other hand that was not bound slowly raised, and the terrifying scorching light was released again.

However, this time the scorching light was not aimed at the weather mixed body, but at the weather whip wrapped around his hand.

Being eroded by the extremely low temperature cold air, even the Aurora mixed body did not dare to guarantee that he could be intact.

The power of the weather mixed body was not inferior to that of the golden high-level memory.

He did not dare to be careless, if he was really defeated by the opponent, it would be a great shame.

Even as the exclusive weapon of the weather mixed body, the weather whip could not withstand extremely high temperatures.

Under the erosion and heating of the hot light, the cold air that originally attacked along the weather whip collided with the terrifying heat, and a large amount of white smoke emerged.

Immediately pulling back the weather whip, the weather mixed body immediately released another ability.


A large amount of white fog instantly enveloped the weather mixed body, and everything around was also shrouded in white fog.

In this foggy environment, the weather doping body itself will not be affected by the fog and can clearly see the target.

But the Aurora doping body is not like that. Facing the heavy white fog, he cannot find the weather doping body in the first time.

The battle between the two is getting more and more intense.

If someone observes here, they can find that the weather doping body has always been at a disadvantage.

Although the weather doping body has endless abilities, the Aurora doping body can always solve the troubles caused by these problems in some ways.

For example, fog, fog is equivalent to water vapor, which will soon dissipate under the irradiation of the Aurora doping body's scorching light.

So far, the Aurora doping body has not shown its strength in other aspects.

Just relying on the scorching rays emitted by both hands, it has solved the troubles created by the weather doping body.

Thunder is even more useless. The lightning that bombarded was completely avoided by him before hitting the Aurora doping body.

The weather doping body, which was very confident about this battle before, now feels a lot of pressure.

No wonder this guy dared to invite me actively, because he himself possesses powerful strength.

This guy's strength is probably not weaker than the forbidden memory he saw before.

Of course, it is still hard to say who is stronger between him and the fear mixed body.

Since all the weather abilities he mastered had no effect on him, the weather mixed body immediately changed the way of attack.

Switched from the previous long-range attack to close combat attack.

You should know that the weather mixed body not only has terrifying attack power, but also has extremely high defense.

Not only has superb long-range ability, but also has powerful close combat ability.


The two powerful mixed bodies collided with each other, and the powerful force shook back the surrounding gravel.

I thought that the scorching rays possessed by the aurora mixed body were long-range attacks, so the close combat ability might not be that strong.

But I didn't expect that even if the two sides competed, they were evenly matched.

The weather mixed body didn't get any advantage at all.

He was very shocked. He didn't expect that the other party had both powerful long-range and close combat abilities like himself.

Moreover, the overall ability was even better than his.

This made him unacceptable for a while.

Before, I thought I was strong enough, and as long as I became stronger, I could challenge fear.

But during this period of time, so many powerful guys suddenly appeared.

For example, the previous taboo doping, or Lu Li, plus the current Aurora doping, each of them is very strong.

Just when the weather doping was thinking about this problem, the Aurora doping suddenly caught the flaw and punched him in the chest.

The whole person was like being hit by a truck, and the weather doping was blown away by the powerful force and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the weather doping has a very strong defense, and this punch did not cause him too serious injuries.

He stood up again, but the weather doping had no intention of continuing to attack.

Noticing that the weather doping did not continue to attack, the Aurora doping was slightly puzzled.

"What? Mr. Isaka, are you ready to stop here?"

Didn't you want to compete with me for the control of Lifengdu before? Why did you suddenly give up now?

Hearing this, the weather doping pulled out the weather memory behind his ear and turned back into the appearance of Isaka Shenhonglang.

"It's no longer necessary. Your strength is indeed above mine, there is no doubt about that.

In that case, I will stay under you for the time being, but... you must be prepared, I may... compete for your position at any time.

Hehe 767 Hehehe!"

After saying that, the corners of Isaka Shinkuro's mouth slightly cracked, and he chuckled.

He is a very ambitious person, so naturally he would not be willing to be inferior to anyone.

Even if he has joined the Rifu City now, it does not mean that he will always be the subordinate of the Ten Thousand Lights Snow Servant in the future.

When he becomes stronger, he will challenge the Ten Thousand Lights Snow Servant again.

Rifu City is indeed a good place, and it is the best place for hiding and hiding.

At this time, the Aurora Doped Body also lifted the transformation.

With a gentle smile on his face, the Ten Thousand Lights Snow Servant almost always looks like an elegant gentleman.

"Of course, as long as you think you are strong enough, you can challenge me.

But before that, Mr. Isaka, you should... obey my orders, right?"

Mandeng Xueshi did not expect Isaka Shenhonglang to be 100% loyal to him from the beginning, it was impossible.

Although he has great charm, it seems to attract people to believe in him and trust him.

But this charm only works for those who are not very ambitious.

People with strong ambitions are unlikely to be attracted by the same charm as a leader.

Because the purpose of both parties is the same, both want to become a leader.

Putting the black gentleman's hat on his head, Isaka Shenhonglang nodded slightly.

"Of course, I am willing to accept the loss. Since I am not your opponent, I am naturally your subordinate now.

Is there anything I can do? If there is anything I need to do, you can just ask.

But whether to do it or not depends entirely on my mood."

Even if he is not Mandeng Xueshi's opponent for the time being, Isaka Shenhonglang does not think he is much weaker than Mandeng Xueshi.

As long as he is given some more things to do, find some things that can adapt to the weather memory and enhance the ability of the weather memory, he has a chance to be comparable to the Aurora Doped Body.

"There is nothing for you to do for the time being. You are a new member of Lifengdu. I still want to tell you something about Lifengdu. Come with me."

After saying that, Wandeng Xueshi turned around gracefully and walked towards the end of the road.

And Jingsaka Shenhonglang followed without any hesitation.

He was also full of curiosity about Lifengdu, and naturally wanted to know more about it.

This will naturally be of great benefit to his control of Lifengdu in the future.

In this way, Jingsaka Shenhonglang temporarily left the state of acting alone, joined the Lifengdu camp, and became a cadre of Lifengdu.

Even if he still had bad intentions, Wandeng Xueshi said that he didn't care.

What he cared about was that the other party had a strong strength that could be used for himself.

Once the other party could no longer be used for himself, Wandeng Xueshi would also ruthlessly eliminate the other party.

Don’t be fooled by Wan Deng Xue Shi’s gentle smile all day long. He is actually a very cruel person.

In the abandoned factory.

After a tough battle, the Triceratops hybrid was now covered with scars.

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