The puppeteer memory he used has the power to manipulate puppets, and even manipulate the target object.

With the development of the memory power, it can be transformed from manipulating puppets to manipulating living objects.

However, at present, he can only manipulate puppets, and is far from being able to manipulate living objects.

After a fierce battle, he even lost his most important puppet.

Without the puppet that can be manipulated, the puppeteer doped body has almost no strong combat power, which is similar to the mass-produced makeup doped body.

"Philip, let's free him together."


W inserted the ace memory into the body slot and immediately pressed the button on the slot.

"Joker! Maximum. Drive (Ace Extreme Drive)!"

W was wrapped in a green tornado, and he rose at a rapid speed.

Suddenly separated from the middle in the sky, with a certain distance between the left and right, and quickly released a flying kick.

"Joker. Extreme!"


The powerful ultimate move is about to hit the puppeteer doped body.


At this moment, an uninvited guest arrived.

An arrow shining with white light went straight to W.

"Shotaro, get out of the way!"

Philip, who noticed the abnormality at the first time, hurriedly reminded Shotaro Zuo loudly.


At this time, there was no time to dodge.

The arrow shining with white light instantly hit W, and the terrifying power instantly interrupted the special move that W had just released.


W screamed and fell to the ground.

The special move had not yet successfully hit the puppeteer's hybrid body, and was directly intercepted in mid-air.

The puppeteer's hybrid body, who originally thought that everything was over, felt a little confused when seeing this scene in front of him.

Who would come to save himself at this time?


A series of slow footsteps came, and the puppeteer's hybrid body turned his head to look.

I saw a knight holding a bow-shaped weapon, wearing black and silver armor, and with golden stripes on his body, appeared in the field of vision.


That's right, it was Lu Li.

After completing the cadre assessment, Jiujiao Ling went back after some simple treatment.

Lu Li just learned about the puppeteer's doped body from the company. In order to get the puppeteer's memory, he naturally had to come here in person.

"Who are you? Why... why did you save me?"

The puppeteer's doped body covered the injured part, and his tone was full of confusion.

He shouldn't know the other party, why did the other party save him just now?

W, who was just hit, had also noticed Lu Li standing next to the puppeteer's doped body.

"Lu Li?!"

He didn't expect that Lu Li would actually get involved in this matter.

Logically speaking, Lu Li shouldn't get involved in this matter.

The main reason is that this matter has nothing to do with Lu Li, so what is the purpose of the other party's sudden involvement?

"Half-baked, you can't destroy this memory."

Lu Li came here to recover the puppeteer's memory.

"Lu Li! What is your purpose?!"

W is not a novice. He thinks Lu Li is not that simple. He just wants to stop him from destroying the puppeteer memory.


Why would he stop him? The puppeteer memory is not a very strong memory.

Ignoring Zuo Xiangtaro's question, Lu Li looked at Ji Feng.

"Philip, with your current state of evolution, it must be very difficult to barely suppress your own power.

The power of this guy Bandiao can't keep up with you. You should be able to feel it.

You work so hard to cooperate with him. Don't you have become weaker?"

During the previous battle, Lu Li was actually watching from the side (Zhao Wang Zhao).

The reason why he didn't take action at the first time was mainly to observe W's current state.

As expected, W's current state is very unstable. In the battle, there will always be unnecessary mistakes.

And these mistakes are often fatal in the battle.

The reason for this is that W is currently out of coordination on the left and right sides. Philip on the right side is completing a new round of evolution.

And Shotaro Zuo on the left side has been standing still and can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

In order to continue fighting, Philip can only find ways to cooperate with Shotaro Zuo and slow down his rhythm as much as possible.

Even if he can still fight with difficulty, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is much worse than before.

The most important thing is that relying on the battle of barely coordinated cooperation, W's combat effectiveness is too weak.

After hearing this, Philip fell silent.

But Shotaro Zuo said unwillingly in his heart.

"Philip! Don't listen to this guy, he is here to disrupt us.

Just play to your heart's content, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with you well!"

This guy is completely a duck that is dead and hard-mouthed.

In fact, from the previous battle, he has already noticed that Philip has been suppressing his strength and cooperating with himself as much as possible.

Shotaro Zuo noticed the abnormality and did not take the initiative to expose this matter.

Philip did not take the initiative to speak out, he must have his own ideas, Zuo Xiangtaro did not ask too much.

But now that this matter has been exposed by Lu Li, he must fight for his dignity no matter what.

Even if Philip is getting stronger now, he will definitely get stronger.

As long as he gets stronger, he can better cooperate with Philip. At the beginning, the coordination between the two was not as good as it is now.

Nothing is absolute. At least in Zuo Xiangtaro's view, Philip's evolution is a good thing, and he will definitely keep up.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of ————Zhibanzhang!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of ————ilq..!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of ————renho..! .

Chapter 163 Can you keep up? The tough guy who refuses to admit defeat! The critical limit

Hearing Zuo Xiangtaro's unconscious remarks, Lu Li suddenly laughed.

"Haha! What you said is really interesting. Keep up? Can you still keep up with Philip?

Philip is different from you. He is not a real person, but a data person made up of earth data.

The speed of evolution is far beyond your imagination. Unless you can reach... the limit.

Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to complete the coordination."

Lu Li pointed out the limit implicitly.

He believed that with Philip's intelligence, he would be able to think of what the limit is.

"Shut up!"

W was already angry at this moment, and immediately waved his hand.

He didn't believe that he couldn't keep up with Philip's rhythm, so he shouted.

"Philip! Follow your rhythm! Don't worry about me!"

It's not easy to accept that you can't keep up with the rhythm.


Philip wanted to say that once he did this, Zuo Xiangtaro really couldn't keep up.

But if he told the truth, it would inevitably hit Zuo Xiangtaro's fighting spirit.

"Enough, Philip! Believe me!"

"Okay, then... you have to keep up with me!"

At this time, Philip's voice became slightly serious.

Since Zuo Xiangtaro has said so, he decided not to suppress himself anymore.

Prepare to release his power with all his strength.

If Zuo Xiangtaro can match with Philip in the state of full release and complete coordination, W's combat effectiveness can be greatly enhanced.

Faced with Lu Li in the interview, he might also be able to fight.

At least... he won't be as embarrassed as before.

A green arc flashed across the side of the ace, and Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

But he didn't want to admit defeat. As a man, he couldn't admit defeat no matter what.


Roaring, Zuo Xiangtaro tried his best to keep up with Philip's rhythm.

Then, W immediately rushed towards Lu Li.

He must try to see if he can reach a coordination with Philip.

As long as the two sides can reach a coordination, W will still be the same W as before, and his combat effectiveness will become stronger.

Enduring the discomfort of the body, W punched hard.

This speed is indeed much faster than before, and the power of the wind side is obviously enhanced.

Seeing the stronger W, Lu Li nodded secretly in his heart.

Now that Philip has completed the plan, the next step is to wait for W to reach the limit.

When W reaches the limit, the limit memory will resonate with the earth data, and the limit memory at that time will be a complete limit memory.

The power of reaching the limit!

Lu Li is very much looking forward to this power.

He caught the emerald green fist with one hand.

W has indeed become stronger, but compared with Lu Li, this little bit of strength is nothing.

You should know that Lu Li is now gradually integrating the power of 52 undead creatures.

Perhaps because there are too many undead creatures to integrate, the process is relatively slow, but it is undeniable that Lu Li is indeed getting stronger every day.

"Not bad power, so barely keeping up with Philip, I am curious, how long can you, a half-baked person, hold on."

Lu Li's relaxed tone came, making Zuo Xiangtaro very unhappy.

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