"Don't worry! I can hold on!!"

Output is basically based on shouting.

Shotaro Zuo's body is currently overloaded, and he is trying his best to keep up with Philip.

But this situation cannot last too long.

The human body always has its limits. Shotaro Zuo is just a normal person after all. Even if he can hold on for a while, he can't hold on forever.

Punch after punch, all of which were easily blocked by Lu Li.

The power of the wind side became stronger, but the power of the ace side was gradually weakening. This uncoordinated battle weakened W's combat effectiveness.

It was the same as the previous battle against Fang Ace, but the current Philip, after completing the evolution, became more obvious.

Sensing the abnormality of his body, Philip knew in his heart that Shotaro Zuo could no longer keep up with his pace.

He didn't know what to do.

How can I continue to partner with Shotaro Zuo? With this completely uncoordinated body, I can't even exert half of my combat power.

Even if I face an ordinary mixed body, the battle will probably be very difficult.

What should I do?

What should I do? !

Philip now feels a headache. Why did I make things so troublesome?

Not only Philip felt the incoordination of his body, but Shotaro Zuo, as the weaker party, could also feel it.

It's like playing badminton doubles, one of them is very strong, and the other is very ordinary.

The strong one can always catch the ball no matter how he catches it, but the weak one can only drag his feet.

This is the current situation. Shotaro Zuo has been trying hard to keep up with Philip, but he is always a little short.

[Damn it! ! Damn it! ! Keep up! Hurry up and keep up! ! ]

Shotaro Zuo kept roaring in his heart, trying desperately to mobilize his body to keep up with Philip's pace.

Philip, who was now in the same body, could naturally feel the change in his mentality.


It was clear that Shotaro Zuo was in great pain.

They had been the best partners and partners, and they had always been inseparable in battle.

Now he had become the one who was dragging his feet, and one could imagine how uncomfortable he felt.

W threw another punch, and suddenly his left side unconsciously knelt on the ground.

"Uh...! My body... I can't move!"

W needed extremely high coordination to move.

Now the coordination between Shotaro Zuo and Philip was getting worse and worse, and their combat effectiveness was naturally getting weaker.

Seeing that W was almost unable to move, Lu Li squatted down slightly and patted W's facial armor with the bow in his hand.

"I've already said that you can't keep up with Philip at your current level, why don't you believe it?"

As if he was being laughed at by the other party, Shotaro Zuo forced himself to support his body and prepared to stand up.

Unfortunately, the lack of coordination made his movements very difficult.

"Damn it! My body... my body can't move."

At the beginning, he might have been able to barely achieve coordination.

But that was because Philip did not release all his strength from the beginning.

Instead, he released it bit by bit, wanting to let Zuo Xiangtaro slowly adapt to his improvement and become stronger together.

But the result was that he was wrong!

Zuo Xiangtaro has always been a human being, and there are great differences in all aspects compared to Philip, who is the Earth database.

"Still... can't keep up?"

Although Philip did not want to hit Zuo Xiangtaro, his best partner and partner, the current situation was indeed the case.

"No! I can keep up! I..."

He still wanted to continue to hold on, but Philip did not give him such a chance.

"Enough! Xiangtaro, because of our current state, we are not suitable to continue fighting. We are not facing an ordinary doping body, but Lu Li.

He is so powerful, do you think we can defeat him with our current state?"

This time, Philip's voice was much higher.

He knew what the result would be if he continued to fight.

I'm afraid... W's body will not be able to support it, and finally cancel the transformation.

Seeing that W was almost unable to move, Lu Li was too lazy to continue to trouble him, and just left a sentence.

"If you want to fight again, unless... you can reach your limit."

This is already a clear enough guide.

If this can't wake Philip up, then he can't be called the smartest person in the world.

No longer paying attention to W, he instead set his sights on the puppeteer's body.

Being looked at by Lu Li like this, the puppeteer's body felt that all the hairs on his body stood up.

It was as if he was stared at by some flood beast, and the other party was very scary.


Swallowing unconsciously, the puppeteer's body asked tremblingly.

"You... do you have anything else to do?"

He unconsciously called Lu Li "you".

The trembling feeling in his heart has not weakened at all until now, and it is completely unconscious behavior.

"Then give me the puppeteer memory in your hand. I have no intention of killing you. As long as you give it to me, then... everything will be fine."

Whether to kill the other party or not is completely up to Lu Li's mind.

He is just an insignificant person. What he really cares about is only the puppeteer memory in the other party's hand.

Every person who uses the memory will not give up the memory he uses after being eroded by the power of the memory toxin.


The puppeteer's mixed body refused without hesitation, and his voice was very loud.

But when he saw Lu Li, his body trembled violently.

"I... I..."

He didn't want to hand over the memory.

The opponent's power is too strong now, and he can't bear it at all.

He can't think of what the consequences will be if he doesn't hand it over at this time.

But it is certain that he may not be able to bear this consequence.

Since he refused himself, Lu Li didn't plan to say it again.

He is just an insignificant person, and he is not qualified to ask him a second time.

Since he wants to die, then... get rid of him.

He casually took out an awakening card. To deal with such a guy with almost no combat power, Lu Li would not use a very powerful special move, which seemed a bit of a waste of talent.

The awakening card he took out was the 3 of Hearts, Hammerhead Shark.

After using it, it can enhance the power of the hand knife.

Brush the 3 of Hearts in his hand over the awakening device component on the awakening bow.

"Chop (Hammerhead Shark)!"

A jumping strange shark phantom broke away from the card and merged into Lu Li's right hand.

A faint red light was seen on the black hand, with a dangerous breath.

"It's over."

As Lu Li's voice fell, he appeared in front of the puppeteer's mixed body in the next second.

The palm emitting a faint red light suddenly chopped down.


W was lying on the ground. He wanted to stop this scene from happening, but at present he was even in a difficult position and could not stop it at all.

In addition to yelling, he could do nothing.


Even the hand knife, after being strengthened, has a cutting power that is not inferior to that of a weapon.

The puppeteer's hybrid body had no resistance at all and was instantly cut by the hand knife.

The body trembled slightly, and then the puppeteer's hybrid body was seen lying on the ground weakly.

When he fell, the puppeteer's memory that was originally integrated into the memory interface of his chin also popped out automatically.

As for its user, Lu Li didn't care whether he was dead or alive.

He had already got what he wanted.

The power of the sealing stone tablet was activated, and this power combined with the earth data of the puppeteer's memory itself, and a faint white light burst out.

Not long after, a new awakening card appeared in front of Lu Li.

On the awakening card was a golden capital letter P.

There was another new awakening card, and Lu Li put it away casually.

He was very close to collecting his twenty-six awakening cards.

W, who was lying on the ground, could see clearly that Lu Li could actually turn the memory into the card he used. Even Philip had never heard of this power.

Having achieved his goal, Lu Li turned away after removing the transformation.

"W, I am looking forward to your ultimate achievement. Don't let me down."

The voice came from a distance, which made Philip fall into deep thought for a while.

At this time, W immediately removed the transformation.

After successfully removing the transformation, Shotaro Zuo's body instantly returned to normal.

He hurried to Keio Horiuchi to check on the other party.

It can be clearly seen that a lot of blood was spilling from the other party's chest, which had dyed his clothes red.

However, the slightly heaving chest proved that he was not dead. Shotaro Zuo immediately took out his mobile phone and called the emergency number.

"Hello! This is *****! Someone is seriously injured. Please send an ambulance as soon as possible!"


At the same time, Philip, who was in the basement of the detective agency, also woke up.

From time to time, a green arc flashed across his body, which was the remaining power of the wind.

Similarly, this also meant that Philip had indeed become stronger than before.

"The synchronization rate is completely unable to keep up, and I can't use my strength in battle. What should I do?"

Philip fell into deep thought, and he tried hard to think about how to solve this problem.

If this problem cannot be solved, it means that W will lose his combat effectiveness.

What else can W do without combat effectiveness?

Nothing can be done. Even if he encounters an impure body later, he has no combat effectiveness at all. How to solve the problem?

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