Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Philip's mind.

He seemed to have grasped something.


That's right, he suddenly recalled at this time that Lu Li had just mentioned the word limit.

Why did he suddenly mention the word limit? What can the limit bring to W?

Philip couldn't figure out this question at the moment.

But he had a feeling that the limit might be the only way to solve W's incoordination.

But the limit memory, like the fang memory, has its own independent consciousness and cannot be obtained at will.

Moreover, even if it is obtained, how should the limit memory be used? And how can it help W restore the synchronization rate?

He grasped a little, but not all. It is not so easy to restore the synchronization rate for W.

At this moment, the door of the basement suddenly opened.


Philip raised his head immediately after hearing the sound.


Philip was startled when he saw the person walking in from the door.

He had never expected that Shroud would know this place and be able to come in.

But how did he know this place?

"Don't be surprised, you weren't here when I was here."

Shroud walked in slowly with his hands in his pockets.

Looking at everything familiar around him, he felt a little emotional.

"You were here before?!"

Philip immediately understood that there was nothing wrong with what Shroud said.

There was a secret base here before, where Ming Hai Shouji stayed.

Maybe at that time, there should be a connection between Shroud and Ming Hai Shouji.

"Yeah, there have been great changes here."

"What is your purpose in coming here? Are you here to persuade me to leave Zuo Xiangtaro again?

I have said before that Zuo Xiangtaro is my only partner, and I can't leave him."

On this issue, Philip was completely unyielding and there was no room for negotiation.

Hearing this, Shroud shook his head slightly.

"No, I'm not here to persuade you, come on, just do what you want to do."

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from 仮麺ライダー!

I've resumed updating today, and there's another chapter in the afternoon! .

Chapter 1ud = Mother? A sudden guest

I thought the other party was here to persuade me to leave Shotaro Sa, but it turned out not to be the case.

Feeling very surprised, Philip frowned and said.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Shroud suddenly came here, it's impossible for him to just wander around.

Philip has always known that there is such a person as Shroud, but the number of times they have met is almost few.

Philip doesn't have a particularly deep impression of the other party, he just knows that she is a very mysterious woman.

She calls herself a ghost of revenge, but he doesn't know what she is taking revenge on yet.

But the other party must have a goal, and her goal of revenge must be unusual.

It can be confirmed that it should have a lot to do with the organization.

You have to know that even the dual drive and pure memory he is using now are all made by Shroud.

Philip is still very curious about the other party's identity.

Shroud looked at the familiar face in front of him, Philip has always been his child.

"Come here, I... just come to see you."

Even though Philip is no longer an ordinary person now, but a data person composed of earth data.

But in essence, he is his son and this thing will never change.

In her current condition, her body is almost unable to support it.

Before disappearing, she still wants to see her children again.

The first one is Philip, Sonosaki Raito.

This son who makes her feel the most indebted.

"Look at me? Why?"

Obviously, Philip couldn't understand why Shroud suddenly wanted to see him.

Opening her mouth, Shroud really wanted to say, Philip, you are actually my son.

But when the words came to her lips, she held them back.

At this time, Shroud's right hand suddenly appeared and disappeared, as if it would disappear at any time.

Philip was very aware of this and said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Shroud, what's wrong with you?"

He was a little unsure about what Shroud was like at the moment and why he was appearing and disappearing like this.

Hearing this, Shroud calmly said that he was about to disappear.

"Come here, maybe this is the last time we meet. I will disappear soon."


Hearing this, Philip found it hard to understand for a while.

He didn't understand why Shroud said that.

Why did he disappear?

It was mainly because it was too sudden. Someone said he wanted to see him for no apparent reason, and then said he was going to disappear for no apparent reason.

"Shroud, why did you disappear?!"

For some reason, Philip looked at the mysterious woman in front of him, but he didn't want her to disappear.

It was an inexplicable emotion, he... couldn't describe it in words.

Anyway, he just didn't want to see the woman in front of you disappear.

Hearing that there seemed to be a hint of urgency in Philip's tone, Shroud's face wrapped in bandages showed a smile.

Sure enough, even if he had become a part of the earth's data, the person who came was still his son.

"My revenge is over, and it's time to end my sins."

She also did a lot of wrong things for revenge. It was inevitable that she would disappear after revenge, which was also equivalent to retribution.

From the beginning, she had thought of such a result, so when facing this result, she was very calm in her heart.

Of course, she was reluctant to leave her child in her heart, but she could only stop here.

"Can't it be..."

Philip wanted to ask Shroud to stay.

But in his opinion, the relationship between the two of them was originally a strange one, so it was somewhat inappropriate to say this.

Walking forward, Shroud stretched out his hands and held Philip in his arms.

"Come here, I need to pay for the sins I committed.

Regarding you and Shotaro Sa, if you want to continue to transform into W and fight, the only possibility is the Extreme Memory.

As for how to gain the recognition of the Extreme Memory and gain the power to balance you, it depends on you.

Come here, you well!"

The voice suddenly became distant.

When Philip came back to his senses, he found that Shroud was gone.

"Shroud? Shroud!!"

Philip called out loudly.

Just a moment ago, he seemed to feel like being held in his mother's arms.

He didn't know why, but he felt like crying, as if a very important person was about to leave him.

He didn't want this to happen, but no matter how he called, Shroud didn't respond to him.

Holding his head with both hands, Philip felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't understand why he had such feelings.

Who is Shroud...? Could it be...she is his mother?

Such an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and Philip couldn't help thinking about it more and more.

The moment he was hugged by the other party, he really felt like he was back in his mother's arms.


Sitting on the ground helplessly, Philip really wanted to hear Shroud's explanation in person.

But now, it has become impossible.

He was originally preparing to think about the limit, but because of Shroud's sudden appearance, his thoughts were interrupted.

Now Philip, on the contrary, fell into a strange state.


Night fell in Fuuto.

Sonozaki's house.

Since Sonozaki Ryubei was gone, there is no longer any consideration when eating.

After a few days of rest, Sonozaki Wakana has now come out of grief.

I still remember that a few days ago, Sonozaki Wakana would always think of the scene of her father every time she ate.

Looking at the empty seat, she was secretly sad.

But now she has recovered, and she eats the food in small bites.

"Brother-in-law, do you have any experience in using superpowers? Teach me.

Although I now have the superpower to control water, I can't control it well."

Getting superpowers and controlling superpowers are completely different concepts.

Getting superpowers only means entering the category of superpowers.

To become a real superpower, it is crucial to learn to control superpowers.

Sonozaki Saeko and Sonozaki Wakana, who just got superpowers, are not proficient in controlling superpowers.

For example, today, when Sonozaki Saeko was experimenting with her superpowers, she accidentally burned some of the information on the table.

If the fire had not been put out in time, I'm afraid that the information could not be saved at all.

For example, Sonozaki Wakana, her situation was not much better.

Seeing the fire in the office, she was ready to put it out with water.

As a result, the water she controlled was even smaller than a water gun.

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