It is simply a dream to expect that little water can put out the flames.

Through what happened today, they fully realized that although they have superpowers, it is not so easy to control them well.

When they were suddenly asked how to control superpowers, Lu Li really didn't know how to answer them for a while.

It was just because he was a little special.

After awakening telekinesis, Lu Li was able to use it very easily and freely, without having to consider how to control it skillfully.

It was as if this ability came from itself, from the inside, and did not need to be specially controlled.


Lu Li coughed twice awkwardly and pretended to be calm.

"You shouldn't ask this question, I should ask Mina.

I haven't had superpowers for as long as she has, and I have only mastered telekinesis, not superpowers such as controlling fire or water.

Mina is different. She has mastered more than three superpowers. You should learn from her."

He lightly shifted the embarrassing topic to Mina.

Mina, who was eating quietly, looked up in surprise after hearing this, and blinked at Lu Li.

She looked as if to say, why did you suddenly push it to me for no reason?

However, when she thought that this might be a task assigned by Lu Li, Mina did not doubt it at all.

"If you want to master the superpowers that awaken, it is not difficult. I will teach you a method..."

Then, Mina told him everything about her superpowers.

As for Lu Li, of course, he was just a hands-off boss and was happy.

Just when everyone was chatting happily, the door of the living room was suddenly opened.

Then, Shroud, dressed in black and wrapped in bandages, walked in from outside.

When he saw Shroud, Lu Li felt a little surprised.

What was she doing here suddenly at this time?

Among all the people present, besides Lu Li, there was another person who knew Shroud, and that person was Sonosaki Saeko.

When facing the sudden appearance of Shroud, Sonosaki Saeko's face turned slightly cold.

Why did this Avenger suddenly come to the house?

Sonosaki Wakana and Mina obviously did not know Shroud, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Who is this person and why did he suddenly appear here?

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko put down the knife and fork in her hand and said coldly.

"What are you doing here?"

She must not have much good feelings left for this mother.

Just because her mother abandoned them and walked on another opposing path alone, and also opposed the museum.

Seeing her again, Sonosaki Saeko naturally would not give her a good face.

Sonosaki Wakana's face flashed with surprise. She didn't expect her sister to know this woman.

Who is this person?

Not only was she wrapped in bandages, but she was also dressed in black and wearing black sunglasses, as if she was afraid that someone would recognize her.

"Saeko, Wakana, I... came to see you for the last time."

When she heard the other party call her name so affectionately, Sonosaki Wakana felt a sense of déjà vu.

"Is this... Mom?"

Sonosaki Wakana's eyes were full of disbelief.

She couldn't understand it a little. Didn't her mother die many years ago?

Now... could this woman in front of her be her mother?


My mother was obviously still alive, why didn't my father and sister tell me.

And from the tone of my sister's words just now, I could tell that my sister seemed to have known that this woman was my mother a long time ago.

Focusing her eyes on her sister, Sonosaki Wakana asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"Sister, is she... our mother?"

No matter what, she wanted to know the answer.

Sonosaki Saeko took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

"Yes, she is our mother, Sonosaki Fumion, the woman who abandoned us."

When Shroud left, Sonosaki Saeko was old enough to understand, so she remembered clearly that she left without saying anything.

When Shroud heard the word "abandoned" from Sonosaki Saeko, his body trembled slightly.

The reason why she suddenly left the Sonosaki family was to find a way to stop the crazy Sonosaki Ryubei.

Originally, they were supposed to be a harmonious family, but as they explored the spring, they gradually became like this.

Even later, the life of the visitor was lost.

No matter what, she could not forgive Sonosaki Ryubei.

After leaving the museum, her only thought was revenge, at least to eliminate Sonosaki Ryubei.

After getting a positive answer, Sonosaki Wakana opened her mouth and her body trembled unconsciously.

"Really... Mom..."

Unexpectedly, the mother who was originally thought to be dead is still alive now.

Although his face couldn't be seen clearly in this outfit, Sonosaki Wakana could still match the vague figure in her mind with Shroud.

....... ....... .......

Suddenly, Sonosaki Wakana recalled what Shroud had said just now, that she came to see the two sisters for the last time.

Why did you suddenly say it was the last time? Is there something going on here?

Standing up quickly, Sonosaki Wakana rushed to Shroud and said nervously.

"Mom, why did you say the last thing just now? Aren't everyone doing well now? Are you leaving again?"

She finally found out that her mother was still alive, but she was about to be separated again, and she didn't want to do this anyway.

The hand with black gloves gently raised and stroked Sono Saki Wakana's head as she did when she was a child.

"Wakana, I'm very sorry, my time is almost up, and I will disappear completely before long.

But before I disappear, I hope... to see you all again.

Your father's era is over, and I have no regrets. Revenge is over, and it's time for me to see him. "

If it is impossible to only hate Sonosaki Ryuhei, how can there be hatred without love.

We were once a very loving family, but now we have reached this point, which is very helpless.

"Disappear! Why did it disappear? Mom, please don't disappear, okay?

My father is gone. It’s hard to see you again. Do you want to leave us too? "

Holding Shroud's hand nervously, Sonosaki Wakana's voice was full of reluctance.

She wanted to keep Shroud no matter what.

It was not easy to be reunited with her mother. She didn't know what happened, but this was a happy thing.

Mother's hands are still the same as before, even the movements are the same.

Regarding Sonosaki Wakana's request to stay, Shroud just shook his head slightly.

"Wakana, in order to complete my revenge, I have put down many sins, and now it is time to pay for my sins.

I am... very happy to be able to see you again before disappearing.

There is no need to feel sad, I am very satisfied to be able to watch you grow up. "

She no longer looked at Sonosaki Wakana's reluctant eyes, she was worried that she would not be able to withstand the test of this look.

Then, Shroud turned his attention to Lu Li again.

"Lu Li, come here with me. I have something I want to talk to you about."

She mainly wanted to figure out one thing: why did Lu Li suddenly attack W, and what was his purpose?

There must be a purpose in doing things, and it is impossible to run aimlessly.

Although Shroud didn't have much contact with Lu Li, she knew very well that Lu Li would never do such meaningless things.

Since he chose to suddenly attack W and Phillip, he must have his own purpose.

With a slight shrug, Lu Li gave the other person face. After all, he was still the mother of the two sisters.

The two left the hall and came to the garden. Sonosaki Wakana was still standing where she was.

Then, he saw her striding towards Sonosaki Saeko.

"Sister! Why didn't you tell me that my mother was still alive? I always thought my mother was dead.

Why have you never told me about this before? Is there something hidden in it? "

PS: Thanks————Tiantian Tuan for your monthly ticket!

Thanks————17338.. for your monthly votes! .

Chapter 165 The plea from mother-in-law, the reason for everything

You can tell from the tone of voice that Sonosaki Wakana's voice is slightly stern.

It can even be said that she was questioning Sonosaki Saeko face to face.

She desperately wants to know the answer now, and her sister can obviously give her the answer she wants.

Now that everything has been exposed, there is no point in hiding it.

Sonosaki Saeko didn't intend to keep hiding it, so she slowly spoke.

"Wakana, as you said, Shroud is our mother, but she has never had any maternal responsibilities.

I do not like her. "

These last few words are the truest thoughts in Sonosaki Saeko's heart.

She has almost no deep memories of this mother.

"elder sister……"

Sonosaki Wakana really wanted to persuade Sonosaki Saeko to stop being so hostile to her mother.

Everyone is obviously a family, and we can talk about anything we have to say. The family sits together and talks slowly.

But now, obviously there will be no such opportunity.

Raising her hand slightly, Sonosaki Saeko interrupted in a cold voice.

"It goes without saying, Wakana, I don't want to hear this."

After coming to the garden outside the living room.

Shroud suddenly heard the footsteps and turned to look at Lu Li with a very serious look.

"Lu Li, why did you suddenly attack Phillip? What else do you want to do?"

Lu Li didn't find it strange that she would ask such a question.

Philip was seriously injured by himself before, which resulted in problems with his own data. He completed the evolution after repairing it completely.

Even though Philip is just a combination of data now, no matter what, to Shroud, Philip is always his son.

Since the other party had already taken the initiative to ask, Lu Li didn't intend to beat around the bush.

"Shroud, you should be familiar with extreme memory, right? After all, you made it."

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