Upon hearing this, Shroud paused slightly and then nodded.

"Seven Six Seven" "Yes, I made the extreme memory, so of course I am no stranger to it."

Lu Li continued speaking succinctly.

"My purpose is simple, I need the ultimate memory, Philip and the earth's memory to be integrated with each other.

In short, what I need is to enter the limit state of W.

The reason for doing this is to obtain a complete extreme memory.

You are not the only one who has this thing, I also have it on my hand.

It's just that my current extreme memory is an unfinished product and has not been synchronized with real earth data. "

The words were spoken so clearly, how could Shroud not understand what Lu Li meant.

Yes, she created the Ultimate Memory, but even Shroud couldn't fully estimate the power of the Ultimate Memory.

The current extreme memory is not in an incomplete state. It needs to be synchronized with the earth's memory before it can play its real role.

No matter what, I never expected that Lu Li knew so much and even knew these things clearly.

This man is so mysterious.

She even wanted to remind her two daughters to be careful. The man next to them was too mysterious.

But when she thought about what she said, I'm afraid Sonosaki Saeko would definitely object without hesitation. She didn't say that just now.

From the time this man appeared until now, it is true that he has not harmed Sono Saki Saeko and Sono Saki Wakana.

Shroud also wanted to believe that Lu Li would not harm the two sisters.

He didn't ask why Lu Li knew this, but instead made a request.

"Lu Li, can you please promise me something?

As their mother, I am asking you for one thing before disappearing. "

Before disappearing, she hoped that her children could live well no matter what.

Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana don't have to worry, they will have no problem with Lu Li by their side.

But the other person who came was different.

Even though he couldn't see the look in Shroud's eyes, Lu Li could tell that Shroud was sincerely pleading with him, not just talking.

"Go ahead and tell me what your request is. If I can do it, I will agree to it."

He did not agree directly, but was prepared to listen and see what Shroud's request was.

"My request is simple, that is, I hope you will not harm Philip in the future, at least...don't put him in a life-or-death crisis."

This is a mother's last resort.

Before leaving, the only thing she couldn't worry about were her three children, and she was especially worried about the person who walked with Zuo Shotaro.

Lu Li was not surprised that Shroud would make such a request.

There is nothing wrong with a mother wanting to protect her son.

No matter what, the person in front of him was also his mother-in-law, so Lu Li still had to give her some face.

Moreover, Lu Li had no intention of doing anything to Phillip. All he wanted was the real ultimate memory.

"Okay, mother-in-law, since you have already spoken, I agree to your request."

Shroud, who was still a little uneasy, was slightly surprised when he suddenly received such a straightforward answer from Lu Li.

I thought that Lu Li would need to think a little before answering his question, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The tension suddenly relaxed, and the biggest problem in Shroud's mind has now been solved.

As long as the newcomer and Zuo Xiangtaro can reach the limit, their strength will definitely increase greatly. As long as they are not facing Lu Li, protecting themselves should not be a problem.

She didn't think from the beginning that W could threaten Lu Li after reaching its limit.

The limit may be strong, but that doesn't mean it's invincible.

From the beginning to the end, she had never really seen Lu Li fighting with all his strength.

She didn't even know Lu Li's strength, so she certainly wouldn't expect W to have a chance to defeat Lu Li.

This is why Shroud went out of his way to find Lu Li and propose this condition to him before disappearing.

The stone in his heart fell, and Shroud had no regrets.

Afterwards, the two returned to the hall.

The three people in the hall didn't know what Lu Li and Shroud were talking about, and when they saw the two coming back, they didn't take the initiative to ask about it.

This dinner lasted a long time.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that Shroud suddenly stood up from his position.

"It's time for me to leave. Being able to meet you sisters has fulfilled my wish, and I can finally leave with peace of mind."

At this time, Shroud's words were full of joy.

Before she disappeared, she was able to fulfill her greatest wish, and she was already very satisfied in her heart.

As her voice fell, Shroud turned and walked out of the hall.

Although Sonosaki Saeko said she hated Shroud very much, her eyes were also full of reluctance.

Typical knife mouth and bean curd heart.


Sonosaki Wakana was different from Sonosaki Saeko. She stood up immediately, ran over and stopped Shroud.

With pleading eyes, Sonosaki Wakana pleaded in a low voice.

"Mom, can we... meet again?"

This time, she did not try to keep her.

Because she knew that she could not keep her mother.

But she was particularly concerned about the last meeting Shroud had mentioned before.

She did not want to regard this meeting tonight as the last meeting.

She hoped there would be a next time, the next time, the next time...

Seeing the reluctance in his daughter's eyes, Shroud shook his head bitterly and stepped forward to gently hug Sonosaki Wakana.

Even though he could not see his mother's appearance clearly, Sonosaki Wakana could still feel her mother's love in her arms.

"Wakana... I'm sorry!"

Then, Shroud gently pushed Sonosaki Wakana away and left the Sonosaki family without looking back.

She had one last thing to do.

After completing this matter, she could meet Sonosaki Ryubei without regrets.


When Sonozaki Wakana rushed out of the door, she did not see Shroud.

She knelt on the ground helplessly, her heart full of sorrow.

Why did she have to say goodbye just after she got the news that her mother was still alive and just met her mother?

Even the strong-willed Sonozaki Saeko knew that it would be impossible for her to see her mother again after this time.

How could she forget the love her mother had shown her when she was a child.

Raising her neck slightly, Sonozaki Saeko did not want to let her tears flow.

It was originally a good dinner, but because of Shroud's sudden arrival, the two sisters were in a bad mood.

Lu Li gently patted Sonozaki Saeko's shoulder, and then came to Sonozaki Wakana.

He gently hugged Sonozaki Wakana from behind, rested his head on her shoulder, and comforted her personally.

"Wakana, don't be sad. Your mother will be heartbroken to see you like this. She has reasons to leave."

Without answering, Sonosaki Wakana shed tears silently.

It was so hard to see her mother again, but she didn't expect to be separated after just a short time together. You can imagine how sad she felt.

After a long while, perhaps because she was tired of crying, Sonosaki Wakana leaned on Lu Li's arms and fell asleep unknowingly.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Li picked up the girl.

If she fell asleep here, it would be strange if she didn't catch a cold when she woke up the next day.

After sending the girl back to the room, Lu Li went back to the room with Sonosaki Saeko.

She didn't show it on the surface, but she was still sad in her heart. Sonosaki Saeko hugged Lu Li tightly all night.


It was still dark in the morning, at Terui Ryu's house.

Terui Ryu has now successfully controlled the power of the judgment memory.

With the new power, he no longer worries about being powerless against the weather admixture.

But the current situation is that he has indeed mastered powerful power, but he can't find the weather doping body.

There is no clue for several days.

In addition, the matter of Jiujiao Ling can only be put on hold for the time being, and he can see the other party's figure every day when entering and leaving the police station.

Knowing that the other party is a doping body, but he can't arrest him, it is very uncomfortable 0......

A series of annoying things made him unable to sleep at all.

Even if he fell asleep, it was easy to wake up from nightmares.

During this period, in his dreams, he always saw his family members killed by weather doping bodies.

This nightmare has been circulating in his mind, making him very uncomfortable.

Just now, he was awakened by a nightmare again.

When he woke up, he found that his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

Just when he finished drinking water and was about to lie down for a while, he suddenly received a call from an unknown caller.

"Hello! This is Terui Long, what's up?"

"Terui Long, I have something to tell you, as soon as possible!"

The familiar voice made Terui Long's eyes widen instantly, and he immediately recognized who the other party was.


Yes, the person who called was Shroud.

"Shroud?! What's the matter? Can't you tell me on the phone? Hello!"

But the other party didn't seem to want to continue talking, and hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Terui Long put down the phone helplessly.

He didn't understand why Shroud suddenly came to him at this time, but since he came to him, it must be something important.

The other party said to be as soon as possible, and he didn't have time to think so much now.

Immediately put on his clothes, rode the motorcycle to the destination.


When he arrived at the destination, the sky was slightly bright, and the sun had not risen yet.

After taking off his helmet, he walked into the woods.

Once again, they came to the place where the two sides had met many times. This time, Terui Ryu did not call Shroud because he had already seen him.

At this time, Shroud was standing in front of the open space.

For some reason, Terui Ryu felt that the other party's figure was flickering, as if he was about to disappear.

But he did not find it strange.

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