All along, Shroud gave him the feeling of a ghost, appearing and disappearing at any time, so he did not notice anything unusual.

When he came to Shroud, Terui Long asked with a cold face.

"Why are you so anxious to find me here? Is there something wrong?"

Hearing this, Shroud slowly turned around and looked at Terui Long through sunglasses.

The next second, she heard her slowly say.

"You already know that your real enemy is the weather mixed body, but do you know who the user of the weather memory is?"

This sudden question caught Terui Long off guard a little.

He was thinking, why did Shroud suddenly say this to him.

Could it be that...she knew the identity of that person? !

Thinking of this, Terui Long suddenly widened his eyes, walked up and grabbed Shroud's shoulders, shaking his body vigorously.

"Shroud! Do you know who the user of the weather memory is?! Tell me! Who is that guy?! Tell me!"

The voice was hysterical, he always wanted to know who his enemy was.

Even though he already knew that the other party was a weather mixed body, he would never be able to take the initiative to find the other party if the other party did not show up.

Since the last incident, the 1.9 party has never shown up, as if it had disappeared.

Now suddenly hearing Shroud say this, Terui Ryu naturally couldn't wait to know who his enemy was.

If he knew who the target was, he could take action immediately.

Shroud did not answer Terui Ryu immediately, but said so.

"Calm down first, listen to me before I tell you who the user of the weather memory is."

"Okay! Go ahead."

He forced himself to calm down, and was able to know who his real enemy was. He was now willing to listen to Shroud seriously.

Then, Shroud told Terui Ryu what happened many years ago.

"Many years ago, in order to avenge Sonosaki Ryubei, I wanted to train a strong person to help me defeat him.

The target I found was the user of the weather memory. I gave him the silver advanced memory weather, hoping that he could use the power of this memory to defeat Sonosaki Ryubei.

But... he betrayed me!

He used the power of the weather memory to do everything he wanted. I was unable to control him, which led to all the mistakes.

Your parents and sister died indirectly because of me."

When he heard this, Terui Ryu's eyes widened in disbelief.

For a moment, he couldn't accept that Shroud, who had been helping him, was the source of his family's murder.

Even if she didn't do it on purpose, it was a fact that this matter started with her.

In other words...Shroud, who gave that guy the weather memory, was also indirectly his enemy.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

He took a few steps back.

For a moment, Terui Ryu couldn't accept such a result.

With his head lowered slightly, after a while, Terui Ryu said in a deep voice.

"So... Shroud, you are also my enemy?".

Chapter 166 The real enemy! Izumi! Queen impure body!

Taking a deep breath, Shroud nodded slightly.

"Terui Ryu, it is indeed me who caused these problems now.

If... you want to seek revenge on me, then just come, I... am ready."

As soon as the voice fell, Shroud turned around and opened his arms to face Terui Ryu.

She was going to disappear anyway, and after saying all this, she felt a lot more relaxed.

Even if she was killed by the other party now, she had no regrets.

With his head lowered, Terui Ryu had no intention of moving.

After a long while, Terui Ryu raised his head.

"Although you caused all this,... my enemy is not you."

If it were the former Terui Ryu, he would have transformed at this time and taken out the engine sword to chop Shroud.

But after spending more time with Shotaro Zuo and Philip, he became more rational and calm.

The tragedy that happened to him may have something to do with Shroud, but this does not mean that Shroud is his real enemy.

The user of the weather memory abused this power, which led to all these tragic things.

Even Shroud did not expect this to happen from the beginning.

Shroud, who had opened his hands to welcome death, did not expect to be forgiven by Terui Ryu.

There was a flash of disbelief in his eyes. Shroud knew very well how deep the hatred in Terui Ryu's heart was.

But the other party was willing to let go of the hatred in his heart now, which surprised her a little.

Is this also the reason for too much contact with Shotaro Zuo?

Before, Shroud looked down on Shotaro Zuo.

But now, she suddenly realized that perhaps the decision made by her son was right.

Shotaro Zuo is really an incredible man.

He can subtly change and influence the people around him without knowing it.

Perhaps this is why his son chose him.

Although he is an ordinary person, he has an incredible power.

"Really? I know."

Shroud will naturally not force Terui Ryu to kill him for revenge.

Ud, can you tell me now? Who is the user of the weather memory? ! ! "

Compared to these, Terui Ryu is more concerned about who the user of the weather memory is.

In his eyes, only this guy is his real enemy, the real... enemy!

No matter what, he must find a way to find that guy and then avenge his family.

His eyes are full of persistence.

The purpose of coming here this time is to tell him the true identity of the murderer who killed his family.

Shroud nodded and said slowly.

"The user of the weather memory is named Isaka... Shen Honglang!

He is a doctor who opened an Isaka Internal Medicine Hospital. If you want to find him, you still need to rely on yourself.

Be careful, he is a very sinister and cruel guy.

Since the last time Lu Li appeared, this guy suddenly hid himself, and even now I can't find his trace.

You can only rely on yourself to find it. This is the only clue I can provide. "

Zhao Jinglong frowned deeply and tried to think about this name.

"Isaka Shenhonglang? !"

He didn't know this person, nor had he heard of this name.

Since Shroud has chosen to tell him, there is no need to lie about this matter.

Clenching his fists tightly, Zhao Jinglong knew what he should do now.

The most important thing now is to find Isaka Shenhonglang and use his newly obtained trial memory to avenge his family with his own hands.


After a long breath, Zhao Jinglong once again set his sights on Shroud.

At this time, the sun gradually rose, and the morning sun shone in the forest.

Shroud was bathing in the morning sun at this time, and her body, under the shining of the morning sun, was dissipating bit by bit.

"Shroud? ! "

Zhu Jinglong, who saw this scene, suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

He didn't understand what was going on, why Shroud seemed to be disappearing.

Hearing this, Shroud shook his head slightly and put his hands in his pockets very calmly.

"Zhu Jinglong, my time... is up, I have told you everything I should tell you, and I have helped you as much as I can.

If you want to defeat the weather admixture, you still need to work harder, goodbye. "

Just as the voice fell, Shroud disappeared in the morning sun.

This time it was not a ghost-like disappearance as usual, but a real disappearance.

From now on, there will be no more Shroud as a ghost.


Looking at the place where the other party disappeared, Terui Ryu's heart was full of mixed feelings.

It is impossible for him to say that he has no resentment or hatred towards Shroud.

Even if the other party is not the direct murderer, he has indirectly hurt his family.

Facing Shroud, he did not get angry because of this, which is already very good.

Unexpectedly, after Shroud told him the real murderer, he also disappeared.

Although he has experienced Shroud's sudden disappearance many times, he feels that Shroud will never come back after disappearing this time.

The other party has always been helping him, even if she has her own purpose.

It is undeniable that he can master the power of the police cavalry thanks to her.

"Shroud, I will definitely fulfill your last wish. "

Then, Terui Ryu turned and left.

He could hear the regret in Shroud's words just now. Shroud regretted giving the weather memory to Isaka Shinkoro.

But facing the powerful Isaka Shinkoro, Shroud was really powerless.

Now, everything has been handed over to him. He wants to avenge his family and fulfill Shroud's last wish.

At this moment, in the data space composed of the earth's data, a figure appeared vaguely.

It was Shroud who had disappeared, and there was another person standing opposite her.

This person was Sonosaki who had chosen to commit suicide before... Ryubei.

"Husband, I'm here."

"Wenyin, now... it's the age of young people, let's bless them well."

"Yeah. "

The two danced slowly in this data space, their bodies gradually turned into data and disappeared, merging into this data space.


In the Sonozaki family, in the huge underground space.

Lu Li was actually standing next to the spring.

The spring is the Well of the Earth, and also the Gaia Gate leading to the center of the Earth.

Suddenly, Lu Li felt as if the breath of Sonozaki Ryubei and Shroud appeared in the Well of the Earth, but it disappeared quickly.

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