Vaguely, Lu Li could still hear a familiar voice.

"Lu Li, I leave it to you to take care of Saeko and Wakana."

"Lu Li, don't forget our agreement."

The voices came from Sonosaki Ryubei and Shroud respectively, and they were talking to themselves through Izumi.

Frowning slightly, Quan is a very mysterious thing that cannot be estimated using common sense.

He is certain that Shroud has probably disappeared into the real world now and has become part of the earth's memory.

Although he had recreated Philip before, Lu Li had successfully mastered the Earth Library.

But like Phillip, Lu Li only has the right to use the Earth Library and does not have control over the Earth Library in a true sense.

In order to master the Earth Library, you must also obtain the approval of Earth Memory.

And Quan, naturally became the key.

I came here suddenly just to see if there is any way to help me completely master the Earth Library.

Instead of being just a user like now.

In the play, the reason why Sonosaki Wakana is able to have a higher authority level than Philip in the Earth Library is because it is integrated with the Gaia processor and has the greatest power of the Earth Library.

But even so, Sonosaki Wakana was unable to perform Gaia Impact on her own without Philip's help.

not enough!

Even with the integration of the Gaia processor, Lu Li could not completely control the Earth Library.

In the final analysis, Quan is still the key.

After thinking here for a long time, Lu Li could not think of any way to increase his authority in the Earth Library and become the controller.

It's hard!

As for entering the inside of the spring, Lu Li also thought about how to do it, but it was very risky.

Philip fell in when he was a child and was assimilated by the earth's memory. Even if Lu Li was very strong, there was no guarantee that he would not be assimilated by the huge earth's memory.

The risk factor was too high, and Lu Li didn't want to act rashly before he was absolutely sure.


Lu Li looked deeply at the fountain in front of him that was emitting a faint green light.

If he can truly become the controller of Earth's memory, Lu Li's strength will definitely increase further.

Even now, the power of all the undead creatures is being integrated into Lu Li's body, making him gradually become more powerful.

But Lu Li didn't want to be limited to the power of undead creatures.

In the world of knights, there are too many powerful opponents.

Especially later, whether it is the Knight's ceiling, the Demon King, the E-Total Basilisk, etc., or the Black God who has surpassed the Knight and is a first-level god, they are all very terrifying opponents.

Before you can face these terrifying existences, you must make yourself as powerful as possible.

Lu Li turned around and left the underground space of Sonosaki's house. Lu Li was not fully prepared yet.

hold on!

After he has completely integrated all the undead creatures, he might have a chance to enter the earth's space.

Now is not the best time.

Just after leaving the underground space, Lu Li returned to the hall and found Sono Saki Wakana sitting glumly in the garden.

Looking for you Last night, after Shroud came unexpectedly, Sonosaki Wakana woke up today and became a little distracted.

At the company, she temporarily asked her sister for leave and would wait until she recovered a little before going back.

Gently coming up behind Sonosaki Wakana, Lu Li gently hugged her from behind.

Putting his head on her shoulder, Lu Li called softly.


Sonosaki Wakana, who was in a distracted state, came back to consciousness slightly after hearing the sound.

Her eyes were slightly red.

She was still asleep at that time, not long after the sun rose.

But in her dream, she suddenly felt that her mother had disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, she saw her mother and father again in her dream. The two of them were laughing and comforting themselves, not to be sad.

Although they have disappeared, they will always be with Sonosaki Wakana.

Let her not continue to be sad and go on strong.

After waking up from her dream, Sonosaki Wakana ran to the back garden alone and sat here quietly recalling her childhood.

Even in the dream, her father and mother told her not to be sad, but she still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

"Lu Li, I feel... I feel like my mother has... left too."

There was sob in the voice.

At this moment, her mood was very low.

And Lu Li knew that this was not a dream, it was Sonosaki Ryubei and Shroud bidding farewell to Sonosaki Wakana in this way.

He also heard the sound when he was in the underground space before.

"Wakana, your mother has been living in hatred before, but now she has let go of the resentment in her heart, and has reconciled with your father in the memory of the earth.

You should be happy, not so sad.

As long as they exist in Earth's memory, they will always be with you. "

After some persuasion, Sonosaki Wakana's mood improved a lot.

Her father and mother have disappeared, so she must carry their expectations and live well.

"Just take a good rest these two days. You don't have to go to the company for the time being."

Sonozaki Wakana is not in a good state at the moment. Even if she goes to the company, she probably won't have much concentration to do things.

767 Who knows that after hearing what Lu Li said, Sonozaki Wakana shook her head vigorously.

"No! In the dream, I promised my father and mother that I must live well.

I... don't want to disappoint them!"

At this point, Sonozaki Wakana's eyes gradually became firm.

Even though she was still a little sad in her heart, she didn't want to continue like this.

If she continued to be sad, she would not be able to fulfill the agreement with her father and mother.

Seeing her insistence, Lu Li would naturally obey her ideas.

However, in her current state, it would be difficult for her to concentrate even at work.

"In that case, let's take a day off first. Rest today and I'll take you out to relax.

After resting today, adjust your state and you will go to work seriously tomorrow."

Lu Li planned to take Sonozaki Wakana out for a walk, just as a stroll to relax.

When she heard that Lu Li was going to go shopping with her to relax, a smile immediately appeared on Sonosaki Wakana's face.


She also felt that she hadn't gone shopping properly for a while, and she took advantage of this rare opportunity, and Lu Li happened to accompany her.


Today, Mina, who had just arrived at the company and was about to start work, suddenly received a call from the research institute.

It was said that her Queen's memory had been completed.

Originally, I thought it would take longer to make, but I didn't expect it to be completed so quickly.

In order to get the Queen's memory as soon as possible, Mina immediately went to the research institute.

Although she was not a cadre of the organization in name only, she was indeed classified as a cadre.

But without the power of the memory, relying solely on her own superpowers, it was obviously impossible to be competent for this position.

Only by getting the memory as soon as possible can she be considered a real cadre in the organization.

After she successfully arrived at the research institute, she finally got the coveted Queen's memory.

Silver advanced memory-Queen!

Pressed the Queen's memory in her hand.


A memory interface appeared on the back of Mina's hand.

With a light throw, the Queen's memory fell accurately into the interface on the back of her hand.

A powerful force instantly merged into the body.

This force was even stronger than when the Queen's memory experiment was used before.

"So strong!!"

Feeling the power surging in her body, Mina looked at her hands excitedly.

At this time, Mina has become a Queen dopant.

The color of the body is mainly gold and white, with some red lines as decoration.

There is a golden disc behind her, which keeps rotating and exudes mysterious power.

The whole look does not give people a very hideous feeling, but gives people a feeling of luxury and unattainability.

The Queen's dopant does not have a very strong attack power, but has extremely terrifying defense.

When testing before, even with grenades, it was completely unable to break through the energy shield released by the Queen's dopant.

Chapter 167 Enhanced superpowers, clues, the princess has a prince?

And before, it was just the Queen's memory of a test product, not the Queen's memory of the finished product.

Now Mina's Queen's hybrid body has been further strengthened, and its defense will only be more terrifying.

Feeling the power emerging from her body, Mina felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

Sure enough, compared with the power of the memory, the power of superpowers is still lacking.

After transforming into the Queen's hybrid body, she obviously found something wrong.

It's not that there is something wrong with the body, but she felt that her superpowers were slightly wrong.


Coming to the test site, the Queen's hybrid body waved casually.

A ball of terrifying flames flew out instantly.

The flames were stronger than the flames used in the past, giving people a more terrifying feeling.

The target erected in the distance exploded instantly when it was hit by the terrifying flames.


Seeing the Queen's hybrid body of her masterpiece, her heart was full of disbelief.

If it were me who had not transformed, the flames I released casually would at most break the target, far from what I am doing now.

This means that the Queen's memory not only provides her with extremely terrifying defense, but also enhances her superpowers.

How can it be like this? !

This is not an accident, there have been precedents.

This is the case with Jia Toushun, who has already died.

He has strong telekinesis, and after using the Utopia memory, his telekinesis has also been further enhanced.

As for whether this is true for everyone, it is not known yet.

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