
Now I have powerful power!

Only when I become stronger can I be qualified to follow Mr. Lu Li.

Only when I become stronger can I keep up with him.

After removing the transformation, Mina followed the silver Queen memory in her hand, her face full of joy.

She held the Queen memory tightly, which was as important as her second life.

Although she had successfully obtained the Queen memory, she had to be familiar with it in order to master the power of the memory.

Without familiarity, there was no way to completely master the power of the Queen memory.

The longer the memory was used, the more thorough the power was, and naturally the stronger it was.

She, Mina, was no longer a weakling from now on!

Ming Hai Detective Agency.

Since Shroud came yesterday, Philip had become a little absent-minded and looked confused.

Early in the morning just now, Philip suddenly realized something and became extremely depressed.

It was the first time that Zuo Xiangtaro saw Philip like this, as if he had no motivation at all and had no spirit.

He didn't know what happened to Philip.

As the best partner and best friend, how could Shotaro Zuo watch his partner like this?

"Philip, what's wrong with you? Just say it and let us discuss it together.

Aren't we the best partners? How can I rest assured if you are like this?"

Ming Haiya, who was standing next to him, nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Philip, if you have any problems, just tell us. Since we are the best partners, we should trust each other."

Under the joint persuasion of the two, Philip took a deep breath and then said what he felt.

"Shotaro, you should know Shroud, right?"

Hearing this, Shotaro Zuo's eyes flashed with doubt. Of course he knew Shroud.

"How could I not know? That mysterious woman always comes and goes without a trace."

"She... should be my mother."

"What?!" Shotaro Zuo widened his eyes.

"No way?!" Ming Haiya was also shocked.

The two of them couldn't understand for a while, how could Shroud suddenly become Philip's mother.

Isn't this inexplicable?

Seeing the two people's disbelief, Philip told them what happened yesterday.

Just by that hug, Philip had already determined that Shroud must be his mother.

There is no mistake.

That extremely familiar feeling is definitely right.

"This... Philip, you can be sure that she is your mother just by hugging Shroud?"

Shotaro Zuo frowned slightly, obviously a little bit unable to understand.

Hearing this, Philip nodded heavily.

"Yes, and just this morning, I felt... Shroud has disappeared.

Not like before, she disappeared without a trace, but she disappeared in the true sense and will not appear again.


When Philip wanted to continue speaking, it seemed that he suddenly thought of something and stopped abruptly.

"What?! Shroud disappeared?!"

Even Shotaro Zuo couldn't accept it for a while.

How could someone suddenly disappear?

As for the word "and" that Philip said, Shotaro Zuo didn't hear it clearly.

Philip actually had another sentence that he didn't say.

That is, he heard what his father, Ryuhei Sonosaki, and his mother, Shroud, said to him.

Until now, Philip has never told Shotaro Zuo that he knows his true identity.

It's not that he doesn't trust his best friend and partner, but he can't accept this matter for a while.

Therefore, Philip quietly concealed the instructions his parents gave him before they left.

When he is ready to accept his identity, maybe he will tell Shotaro Zuo his true identity.

But now... he can't do it yet.

"Philip, has Shroud really disappeared?"

Until now, Shotaro Zuo is still in shock and can't accept this result.

Nodding again, Philip said very affirmatively.

"She has indeed disappeared and will not appear again."

His voice was full of depression. Philip just realized that the other party was his mother, but she suddenly left him.

The next day, she even disappeared. How could Philip accept it for a while?

The sudden disappearance of his mother was a huge blow to Philip.

Now, Shotaro Sa can finally understand why Philip is like this.

When he lost his uncle, wasn't he also very sad?

He felt particularly deeply about losing a loved one.


The door of the detective agency suddenly opened, and then Terui Ryu rushed in from outside.

After leaving Shroud, Terui Ryu wanted to find out the news about Isaka Mikuro as soon as possible.

And the best way to find Isaka Mikuruo as quickly as possible is to find Phillip.

Ask him to help use the Earth Library to look up information about Isaka Shenhongrou.

For this reason, while on the road, he had already asked Chio Basano and Shun Makura to help find information about Isaka Shenhongrou.

With the help of some relevant information, it would be great if we could find that guy's current location.

So he rushed in in a hurry, without even knocking on the door.

Now he just wants to find that guy as soon as possible, and then personally avenge his family.

As soon as he broke in, Terui Ryu was keenly aware that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room.

Something must have happened, because otherwise there wouldn't be such a heavy atmosphere.

The solemn and solemn atmosphere was suddenly interrupted. Shotaro Zuo glanced at Philip who was still disappointed and asked in a low voice.

"Terai? What are you doing here?"

At this time, Terui Ryu naturally noticed Philip's dejected look.

He did not immediately answer the question raised by Zuo Shotaro, but asked in surprise.

"What's wrong with Philip?"

Hearing this, Shotaro Zuo glanced at Philip next to him, walked directly to Terui Ryu, and explained what had just happened.

When he learned that Shroud turned out to be Philip's mother, Terui Ryu's eyes widened in surprise.

"What?! Shroud is Philip's...mother...mother?!"

He never expected that Shroud, such a mysterious woman, would have such a deep relationship with Philip.

It was indeed unbelievable for a moment.

Recalling Shroud disappearing into the morning light, Terui Ryu looked at Philip. He could well understand the feeling of losing a loved one.

Moreover, he witnessed Shroud disappear with his own eyes.

Taking a deep breath, although he didn't particularly want to interrupt Philip's thinking at this time, Terui Ryuu did need his help now.

At the same time, this is also to fulfill Shroud's last wish.

"Philip, Shroud...she disappeared in front of my eyes in the morning."

After hearing this, Phillip's eyes widened slightly and he stood up immediately.

He immediately ran to Terui Ryu, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and asked eagerly.

"What did she say to you? Did she leave anything behind?"

"Hey! Philip, calm down."

Shotaro Zuo on the side quickly stepped forward and grabbed Phillip.

He had never seen Philip so panicked and uncool.

Terui Ryuya was not angry at all.

He could understand the feeling of a loved one disappearing, and he could also understand Phillip's current sad mood.

"She told me the true identity of the weather dopant, and at the same time hoped that I could solve the weather dopant. She said that it was a regret she created, but she had no way to deal with it herself."

Hearing this, Phillip had calmed down at this time and let go of Terui Ryu with his hind legs.

Recalling his behavior just now, Phillip lowered his head slightly and apologized.

"Sorry, I was...a little too excited just now.

By the way, what is the true identity of the Weather Dopant? Are there any keywords or anything like that? Or some relevant clues. "

Since the weather dopant is the regret left by his mother, he must make up for this regret for his mother.

"Isaka Mikuruo! This is the weather dopant!"

"Isaka Mikuruo?"

Regarding this name, Shotaro Zuo had no idea at all, and had never even heard of it.

Although he was born and raised in Fengdu, not everyone knew him, after all, Feng was so strong.

"Isaka Mikuruo? I understand, then I'll start searching now. What are the keywords?"

Before he finished speaking, Phillip had already closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness entered the Earth Library.

"Key words, weather and...physician."

Soon, Philip found a book about Isaka Mikuruo.

When he opened the book, all the information about Isaka Mikuruo was deciphered.

When seeing this information, even Phillip was secretly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Isaka Mikuru's target from the beginning was... his father, Sonosaki Ryubei.

I just don’t know why, but when I wanted to find the current location of Isaka Mikuruo, I didn’t see much relevant information.

There is a previous address, but will the person be there?

"`ˇIsaka Internal Medicine Hospital."

After opening his eyes, Philip said the address.

"Isaka Internal Medicine Hospital?"

Terui Ryu and Zuo Shotaro looked at each other, and the next second, they immediately started to take action.

We must seize the time. The existence of Isaka Shenhongrou is a huge threat in itself.

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