If we can get rid of Isaka Shinkuro right now, that would be great.

Seeing Shotaro Zuo about to run out, Philip hurriedly reminded him.

"Shotaro! Be safe. With W's current state, you should be careful in the battle."

Due to Shroud's sudden appearance yesterday, Philip's thinking about the limit was interrupted. Until now, he has not figured out what the limit is for.

Taking advantage of this time, he must figure it out as soon as possible.

Otherwise, W will always be in an uncoordinated state in the battle, which is always a very dangerous situation. In serious cases, it may even endanger his life.

"I know."

Shotaro Zuo also knew that W is no longer the same as before.

But he couldn't just watch it happen in front of him and choose to ignore it. He couldn't do it anyway.

This is why Philip didn't stop him, but chose to tell him to be careful.



Lu Li took Sonosaki Wakana out for a walk to relax.

Along the way, Sonozaki Wakana acted as if she was happy, and would buy anything she liked.

But Lu Li knew that this girl was just forcing a smile.

To truly get out of sadness, it is far from being done by shopping.

Time will heal everything, but now the time is obviously not enough.

The reason why this girl chose to do this is to prevent Lu Li from worrying.

Although the little thoughts were not said, how could Lu Li not know.

It was really difficult for her to pretend to be happy in front of him when she was still sad in her heart.

"Wakana, don't pretend to be happy in front of me. If you really feel unhappy in your heart (Zhao Wang Zhao), then cry loudly."

As he said, Lu Li opened his chest and quietly waited for Sonozaki Wakana's tears.

Sure enough, after Lu Li's words just fell, Sonozaki Wakana, who was forcing a smile, suddenly had red eyes.

The reason why she didn't want to show a sad look was that she didn't want Lu Li to worry about her.

Suddenly exposed, she could no longer bear the sadness in her heart and threw herself into Lu Li's arms.


She cried very hard, perhaps because she had been suppressed for a long time, Sonozaki Wakana did cry very hard.

Patting her back gently, Lu Li did not say anything to comfort Sonozaki Wakana.

Now this girl just needs to vent well, and she will be fine after venting.

On the street, a man and a woman hugged each other like this, and the girl cried bitterly, and many people looked at them sideways.

Some people even recognized that this crying girl was the healing princess of the radio station, Sonozaki Wakana?

"Look, isn't that Princess Wakana? She's crying in a man's arms?!"

"Ah! My eyes! There's a stone in my eyes! How could this happen?! Princess Wakana already has someone she likes!!"

"Damn it! Who is that man?! He's trying to snatch Princess Wakana away!"

"Do you want to join us? Kill that man! He dared to bully Princess Wakana, absolutely unforgivable!"

"Forget it, with your thin arms and legs, can you beat him? Don't dream."

... Lu...

Luke ignored the indignant eyes of many men around him.

They were just some insignificant people, so he naturally didn't need to take their words to heart.

But it must be said that Wakana is indeed a very good idol with many fans.

Even on the street, it is easy to be recognized.

Fortunately, these people are more rational in chasing stars, and there is no swarming situation, otherwise it would be quite troublesome.

At this moment, the roar of a motorcycle came from the street not far away.

Chapter 168 Wakana: Is it your business? 2V1! Wild Kalis reappears!

Not long after, two motorcycles appeared in Lu Li's field of vision.

One was rose red, and the other was half black and half green. It was obvious who the two people on the motorcycle were.

I just didn't expect that I would meet these two guys just by going out for a walk.

However, this might also be an opportunity.

If I can take this opportunity to force out the extreme memory, help W complete the extreme evolution, and synchronize with the earth data.

Then the extreme memory will be supplemented to a complete form.

But in order to let the extreme memory come out, there is a prerequisite, that is, it is necessary to make Shotaro Zuo and Philip reach a consensus and fully coordinate their spirits.

Only in this case can the extreme memory be drawn out, so that W can achieve the extreme evolution.

Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui, who were riding motorcycles to their destination at a high speed, naturally noticed the situation on the roadside.

After all, most people's eyes were focused on Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana, and they almost surrounded them. It was too obvious.

"Lu Li?! Princess Wakana?!"

When he saw the two of them hugging each other, Zuo Shotaro couldn't keep calm anymore. He braked suddenly and the motorcycle stopped immediately.


Terui Long noticed that Zuo Shotaro had stopped, and he also stopped quickly.

When Lu Li saw that the two motorcycles stopped, he didn't feel strange at all.

Seeing me here, there is no reason for the two of them to leave directly.

What's more, there is the famous Princess Wakana next to me. Such a striking and bright combination makes it impossible for them to leave.

He quickly took off his helmet and ran over quickly, shouting loudly.

"Lu Li! Let go of Princess Wakana!"

He didn't understand why Lu Li and Princess Wakana were together, nor why Princess Wakana would cry in the arms of Lu Li, a dangerous guy.

But he knew one thing, that is, Lu Li must not threaten Princess Wakana.

Originally, he said this for the good of Sonozaki Wakana, but to Sonozaki Wakana, this was completely disturbing her.

Didn't you see that I was crying so hard? Why did you have to disturb me at this time!

Sonozaki Wakana, who was very uncomfortable, raised her head and glared at Zuo Shotaro fiercely.

"Do you care? Why do you mind your own business!"

In one sentence, he scolded Zuo Shotaro twice.


It was Shotaro Zuo's turn to not do it, so why was he suddenly scolded by Princess Wakana?

He couldn't understand it for a moment. He didn't say anything wrong, so why was he suddenly scolded? !



At this time, Terui Ryu had come to Shotaro Zuo's side.

He also looked at Lu Li with a vigilant look, his eyes full of caution.

Because he had seen Lu Li's extremely terrifying strength033, the other party was an extremely dangerous guy.

"Princess Wakana, I..."

Shotaro Zuo was about to explain something, but before he could say it, Sonosaki Wakana interrupted him directly.

"Enough! You are so annoying! I don't even know you! Didn't you see that I was really sad when I cried? Why did you bother me? Do you think you have a sense of humor?"

A series of questions instantly made Shotaro Zuo begin to doubt his life.

He never expected that his good intentions would be ignored by Sonosaki Wakana.

The most important thing is that the two of them had met before, but Princess Wakana didn't remember him at all.

This hit him hard.

He was very charming, but why was he completely useless in front of Princess Wakana?

The other party didn't even have any impression of him. He was such a failure.

Unlike Zuo Xiangtaro who was blinded by the star-chasing eyes, Terui Long was keenly aware that the relationship between Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana was very unusual.

Generally speaking, a man who can cry in a man's arms so defenselessly is either someone she likes or... someone she is very close to.

No matter which type of person it is, it can be confirmed that Sonosaki Wakana and Lu Li have a deep relationship.

"Zuo, don't you see it yet? The relationship between the two of them... is unusual!"

As Terui Long's voice fell, Zuo Xiangtaro reacted at this time.

Just now, because the object of his crying was Sonosaki Wakana, he forgot to think about the relationship between the two.

Now that he was suddenly reminded by Terui Long, he suddenly reacted.


Sonozaki Wakana and Lu Li must have a very deep relationship, so they hugged each other so unscrupulously on the street, and Princess Wakana was willing to cry loudly in each other's arms.

This is enough to show that the relationship between the two parties is extraordinary!

Lu Li is a cadre of the organization, so what is the identity of Sonozaki Wakana?

Is she an ignorant and deceived girl, or a cadre of the museum like Lu Li?

This question appeared in Zuo Shotaro's mind, and his keen intuition told him.

He seemed to have inadvertently touched the core secrets of the organization.

Lu Li patted Sonozaki Wakana's back gently, and said softly.

"Wakana, you go to the side and watch first, and I will deal with the two of them."


Hearing this, Sonozaki Wakana nodded slightly, then turned her head and glared at Zuo Shotaro fiercely.

She didn't have any good feelings towards this guy who suddenly disturbed her.

Since Lu Li said he wanted to deal with this guy, it was just right. It would be best to teach him a lesson.

After Sonozaki Wakana left, Lu Li turned his attention to them again.

"Lu Li! What is your purpose? Why do you want to get close to Princess Wakana?!" Zuo Xiangtaro said in a deep voice.

He was eager to know who Sonozaki Wakana was and why she was so close to Lu Li.

With a slight smile, Lu Li said two words lightly.

"You... guess."

Before Zuo Xiangtaro could continue, Terui Ryu interrupted Lu Li with a serious face.

"No need to guess, as long as I can defeat you, then all problems can be solved."

As he said that, he was about to take out the Accel driver.

But suddenly, his action stopped.

Not for anything else, just because he noticed that there were people everywhere around him, and even many people's eyes were focused on them.

If it suddenly changes at this time, what kind of consequences will be caused is self-evident.

They... will expose their identities as Kamen Riders.

"Are you worried about exposing your identities? It doesn't matter, I can help you."

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