However, he has such a fast speed that he might be able to create a miracle.

As for who will win, W silently placed his hope on the police rider.

Of course, he couldn't just watch here. Even though W's synchronization status was very bad at the moment, it didn't mean that he had completely lost his fighting power.

Looking at Lu Li with vigilance, the police rider's orange eyes were full of seriousness.

He had already felt the pressure coming from the other party, which was very strong!

But he was still very confident in his speed.

The speed of Judgment was by no means so easy to catch up with.

Lu Li, who turned into the wild Calis form, stretched out his palm and hooked it lightly.

That action seemed to be provoking the police rider, come if you have the guts!

"Humph! Playing tricks!"

The police rider snorted coldly, and the next second he pounced directly on him.

He would not hesitate in the battle.

In the battle, the guys are all idiots, because if they hesitate in the battle, they may lose their lives.

Even if they don't die, they will put themselves in the most cruel disadvantage.

The movement was still very fast, and a blue afterimage quickly approached Lu Li.

Lu Li in the wild form was a fusion of the undead creatures of the Red Heart series.

In addition, he himself was the ancestor of mankind and mastered the power of the soul and spirit. It was not difficult to deal with the police rider in the judgment form.

The power of the soul and spirit could help Lu Li perceive the attack intention of the police rider in advance.

As long as the specific attack intention of the opponent was known, it would be relatively easy to avoid the opponent's attack.

There was no need to see the opponent's movements clearly before dodging.

But... Lu Li had no intention of dodging at all.

Facing the engine sword blade that was shining with cold light and heading straight for him, Lu Li did not make any extra movements.

A faint white light was reflected on his body.

The police rider, who was approaching rapidly, quickly inserted the acceleration body into the slot of the engine sword and quickly pressed the button on the hilt three times.

The engine sword was suddenly full of lightning, and the silver-white sword blade was wrapped with terrifying lightning.


In this attack, the police rider left no room for maneuver.

He was just aiming to get rid of Lu Li.

Of course, his intuition told him that it was impossible to get rid of Lu Li with this attack.

But even if he couldn't get rid of Lu Li, as long as he could hurt him, it would be enough.


Suddenly, a silver-white light appeared in front of Lu Li.

The originally aggressive attack was blocked by the silver-white light.

It was like a mirror appeared in front of Lu Li, blocking this attack.


Seeing the mirror with a faint light, the police rider was a little confused for a while, and didn't quite understand what it meant.

How did the other party... block this attack?

Just when this question came to his mind, the silver mirror suddenly burst into a brilliant white light.

When he saw the white light, the police rider was immediately alert because he sensed the danger.


All the lightning was released from the silver mirror, pouring down on the police rider crazily.


Even though he was alert enough, facing such a close-range lightning attack, even if he was a tough guy, he couldn't help but scream.

It hurts!

My whole body hurts!

There was even a feeling of numbness all over my body.

Isn't this the attack he just released? Why is it suddenly reflected on me now?

For a moment, it was a little incomprehensible. The police rider was now in a state of paralysis all over, and it was very uncomfortable.

The switch to the judgment form itself caused the defense to be greatly reduced.

If it was the police rider in the ordinary form before, it might not be a big problem to bear this attack.

But the defense of the current judgment form is greatly reduced, and it can't bear the terrifying lightning at all.

The police rider knelt down directly after his feet softened.

At this moment, his mind was blank, and he still didn't understand why the attack he released would eventually rebound on himself?

What did Lu Li do? !

Just when the police rider launched a surprise attack, Lu Li used the power of the 8 Hearts Reflect Moth to absorb and reflect the opponent's attack.

Lu Li, who transformed into the wild Calis form, did not need to swipe the same series of awakening cards like he did when he transformed into other King.forms.

At this time, he had already merged the power of the undead creatures of the Heart series, and all the powers of the undead creatures of the Heart series were at his fingertips.

With a raise of his hand, he could easily activate the power of the awakening card that had been merged.

Looking down at the police rider kneeling in front of him, Lu Li chuckled.

"What? Is this not enough?"

At this moment, the police rider's body was trembling slightly.

It was not because of fear, but because he had just been struck by lightning, and now there was still the power of lightning in his body.

The numbness made it difficult for him to move, and his muscles were twitching and shaking.

Raising his head unwillingly, the police rider did not expect that he would be defeated by the power he exerted.

As a tough guy, he has the quality of not giving up until he achieves his goal.

Strongly supporting his body, the police rider used the engine sword to support his body and tried to stand up again.

"Don't... be happy too early!! Ahhhh!!"

The moment he stood up, the police rider roared and smashed the engine sword in his hand.

He is not a person who admits defeat easily, nor is he a person who will give up.

As long as he has not fallen down, as long as he can continue to fight, he will definitely continue to fight.


Lu Li easily blocked the blade of the engine sword with one hand, to be precise, two fingers.


W on the side was dumbfounded.

It was completely incomprehensible that Lu Li took such a sharp engine sword blade so easily.

Isn't this a joke? !

If it were him, he would not dare to take it hard. What if he cut off his palm?

Even if he didn't cut off his palm, it would definitely hurt his palm.

The shock in the police rider's heart was no less than W. He knew clearly how much power he had swung out.

But the other party clamped it easily with two fingers, and didn't even take a step back.

Is the gap between the two sides really that big?

This result now makes him a little bit unacceptable.

But Lu Li will not give him time to think.

Now the two sides are enemies, and his target itself is not the police rider, and he doesn't have much intention to continue fighting with this guy.

The other hand clenched into a fist and punched out.


When this punch was thrown out, there were bursts of sonic booms, just like a cannonball coming out of the hall.

The sandbag-sized fist suddenly approached, and the police rider was at such a close distance, and the engine blade was also clamped, so he didn't react for a while.

And just when Lu Li punched out this punch, W finally moved.


The speed of the wind exploded to the extreme in an instant.

Zuo Xiangtaro had already told Philip before that there was no need to care about him, just try his best and burst out all his strength.

He will definitely find a way to keep up!

Zuo Xiangtaro, who calls himself a tough detective, has never been a guy who will admit defeat.

Even though he knew that he couldn't keep up with Philip in his current state, he still wanted to try his best to keep up, unwilling to fall behind.

W, who was half black and half green, was wrapped in green arcs, and quickly approached the center of the battlefield.

He was not far from here, and the speed of the gust of wind allowed him to arrive in an instant.

However, he obviously underestimated Lu Li's current punching speed.

Although W's speed was very fast, the moment he approached, his fist had hit the police rider's chest.

Sparks suddenly appeared!


The terrifying power exploded in the police rider's chest, and only a loud bang was heard, and the police rider was instantly blown away by this powerful force.


A scream came from the top of his lungs, and the police rider had almost no resistance to this extremely terrifying power.

After being blown away dozens of meters by this powerful force, the police rider fell heavily to the ground.

He rolled on the ground powerlessly for several rounds, and then barely stopped.

But at the moment he stopped, he also directly withdrew from the transformation.

One punch!

Just one punch, and the police rider was beaten out of transformation.

"Damn it!!"

W suddenly raised his right fist, which exuded the power of the wind, and punched Lu Li.


His punch hit Lu Li's chest firmly.

No silver mirror appeared, and the power of the wind was purely poured into Lu Li's body.

Facing a punch containing the power of the manic wind, Lu Li retreated half a step.

It was just half a step.

You should know that Philip has completed his evolution now, and his strength and speed after the transformation have been greatly improved.

Even if W is not in a completely harmonious state now, this sudden burst of power is extremely terrifying.

But even with such a terrifying power, Lu Li actually took it hard, not to mention that he only retreated half a step.

·· ··Please give me flowers·· ·······

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