You should know that W, the attacker, was pushed back more than three steps by this powerful reaction force.

W, who retreated, looked at Lu Li in doubt.

"How could it be?! Our attack... is completely ineffective?!"

He couldn't accept such a result for a while.

Philip felt it was incredible. He knew very well what kind of power he had used in that punch just now.

Is this Lu Li just a meat shield? He can't be hit even with such a hit?


At this time, Lu Li, who had just retreated half a step, had a faint green light on his body.

It was a green light that symbolized vitality and had an incredible recovery ability.

After the faint green light disappeared, Lu Li lightly patted his chest that had just been hit by W's fist.

It was as if he was almost dusting it.

Such an action was simply too stimulating!

The hidden meaning of this action was that W's full-strength attack just now was not even enough to hurt Lu Li.

To be precise, it was that even Lu Li's defense could not be destroyed.

But it is not exactly like that.

After Lu Li had a strong punch with W, the violent wind force also had some impact on his body.

But Lu Li had merged all the undead creatures of the Red Heart series, and the Recovery Camel of Red Heart 9 had only one ability.

That is...recovering blood!

In short, it has super strong recovery ability.

No matter what kind of injury is suffered, as long as you have the power of the Recovery Camel, your body can quickly heal itself.

The speed of recovery is related to the injury suffered by the target itself. The more serious the injury, the longer the recovery speed will be.

The W just now only hurt the surface of Lu Li's body, and it could not do any further damage.

... . .......

At best, it was like a mosquito bite on the skin, but even if it was a small injury, the Recovery Camel could help Lu Li recover automatically in the first time.

In other words, in the wild Kalis form, Lu Li has super strong recovery ability, and also has the ability to reflect attacks like the Reflect Moth.

It can completely act as a terrifying meat shield, making the enemy feel desperate.

Lu Li looked at the unbelievable W and said lightly.

"Yes, the attack just now had good power, but your power has not yet reached its limit.

Zuo Xiangtaro is still dragging you down. W, who can't be fully synchronized, is no different from trash in my eyes."

The word "trash" deeply stimulated W.

They are the Kamen Riders who protect this city, but they are called trash. How can they bear it?

W clenched his fist tightly and said sternly.

"Shut up! Even if we are not in a fully synchronized state now, it does not mean that we have no fighting power!

Don't underestimate us! We are the Kamen Riders who protect this city!!"

The last sentence was shouted out by the two in unison.

After shouting in unison, the two rushed towards Lu Li again.

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro did not notice that a strange energy fluctuation was emanating from W.

This energy fluctuation was like their spirits were synchronized, and they were conveying something.

Philip was different. He noticed the abnormality at the first time.

This feeling of mutual resonance was extraordinary.

Could it be... Is this the so-called limit?

As for the object to be called, Philip first thought of the limit memory.

He had considered this problem before, but he had no way to directly summon the limit memory.

Just like the fang memory with self-awareness, the limit memory also has self-awareness.

At this moment, the limit memory somewhere seemed to be summoned by this force.

It immediately turned around and went directly to the detective agency to take away Philip's body.

Then, it rushed to the location where W was.

When W and his spirits were synchronized, the limit memory could be summoned.

Using the limit memory will help W complete the limit evolution and become the ultimate W!

W exuded a faint glow, and the synchronization of spirits made their movements coordinated.

The mental synchronization of the two naturally could not escape Lu Li's detection.

When he felt that the two had completed the mental synchronization, Lu Li realized that the moment he had been waiting for for a long time was coming.

He had been waiting for the limit to come, and now, it was finally coming.

Lu Li smiled.

He would soon be able to obtain a complete limit memory after synchronizing with the earth data.

After obtaining the corresponding earth data and limit memory information, Lu Li could create his own limit memory.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The next second, W had already rushed to Lu Li.

It was exactly the same as the fighting power that had just burst out, punching and kicking continuously, without any sign of fighting power exhaustion.

This was the effect brought about after synchronization was achieved.

PS: Thank you ————15797.. for the monthly ticket!

Thank you ————wangtaoyh for the monthly ticket and the ticket for urging for more updates!

Chapter 170 The limit is coming, Cyclone.Joker .Xtreme!

It's just that at present, Zuo Xiangtaro's body cannot fully exert the full power of W after synchronization.

But he can clearly feel that W has become very strong now, stronger than before.

"Power! It keeps pouring out! Hey!!"

W shouted and punched hard.

But it was easily blocked by Lu Li's hand.

Even though he failed to hurt Lu Li, he still did not give up the intention to continue attacking.

"Bang Bang Bang!!"

The fist shadows between the two people were almost invisible.

All you can see are the afterimages flashing between the two people, at a very fast speed.

"Philip, are we... already synchronized now?"

After feeling W's current state, Zuo Xiangtaro couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Hearing this, Philip answered very affirmatively.

"Yes, now our spirits have reached synchronization. In this case, we can truly exert the power of W.


When he said this, Philip suddenly stopped.

"But what?" Zuo Xiangtaro asked in confusion.

After a moment of silence, Philip said slowly.

"Shotaro, I feel there is another power, this power... is even stronger!"

"What?! There is an even stronger power?!"

When he learned that there was an even stronger power, Shotaro Zuo exclaimed in his heart.

He thought that after reaching synchronization, he and Philip would be able to exert the most powerful power of W.

But in the end, it seemed that it was not the case. W still had a stronger power that had not been triggered.

In the dark, it seemed that a voice was telling him that the extreme memory was prepared for them at this moment.

In order to guide this powerful power, they must get the help of the extreme memory.



Sonosaki Wakana did not leave the scene "317", but just stayed away from the battlefield.

Her strength was not strong, and she played almost no role in this battle.

Seeing Lu Li facing two Kamen Riders alone, and even being able to be in an advantageous position, Sonosaki Wakana happily waved her little fist fiercely.

"I let you disturb my time alone with Lu Li. Now it's over. I have to teach you two a lesson.

You don't know how to do something serious every day, but you only know how to disturb others!"

In the eyes of Sonozaki Wakana, Zuo Shotaro and Terui Ryu who wanted to help her just now were both her obstructions.

She was clearly enjoying the warmth of Lu Li's embrace, but was disrupted by these two guys.

How could she feel comfortable?

If Lu Li hadn't stopped her, she might have transformed into a clay doll hybrid and taught these two guys a lesson.

However, after seeing this battle, Sonozaki Wakana discovered a problem.

That is, the power of her clay doll memory seems to be too weak.

After the transformation, although she has the characteristic of being impossible to be killed, she still can't defeat these two Kamen Riders.

"No! I have to become stronger, otherwise, I can only drag Lu Li back in the future."

She is a very arrogant Princess Wakana. I might be willing to be a burden?

There was no need to think about this matter at all. She must become stronger, and this would never change.

She still remembered that Lu Li had said before that it would make her stronger.

She had no doubts about what Lu Li said.

Since Lu Li could do it, then he could definitely do it.

After this matter was dealt with, she would ask Lu Li when he could help her become stronger.

Back to the battlefield between Lu Li and W.

W had completed the mental synchronization and burst out with power, which was even far beyond all previous states.

But his power was still not enough to hurt Lu Li, and he didn't even hit Lu Li head-on.

Every punch and kick was almost predicted by Lu Li and easily blocked.

But even so, W still didn't give up his attack.


At this moment, a strange energy fluctuation came from the sky, which seemed to resonate with the faint light on W's body.

As soon as he felt his own energy fluctuation, W immediately stopped attacking and retreated quickly.

"Philip! What is this...?!"

Having already synchronized his mind with Shotaro Sa, he could naturally feel this strange energy fluctuation and its resonance with himself.

He didn't know what it was, but he knew that this sudden resonance seemed to have a lot to do with W.

"It's the limit!"

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