A hint of excitement in Philip's tone.

Now, he finally understood that W's power was far more than some of the previous forms or the tusk trump card, but the extreme memory.

This special memory was the last gift left to him by his mother.

It could help W gain a powerful force beyond all current forms.

Lu Li did not continue to chase, because he had already felt that the extreme memory was approaching rapidly.

He was waiting for this moment.

That was when W came into contact with the extreme memory and completed the extreme evolution.

As long as the extreme memory completed the fusion of the earth data, that was when he got the extreme memory.

Before that, he needed to wait patiently and quietly.

Don't be anxious, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

There was a bird-like sound in the sky.

Zhao Jinglong, who was beaten and released from his transformation before, had barely stood up at this moment, and he had also noticed the extreme memory emitting a faint golden light in the sky.

"What is that...?"

He didn't know what it was.

His intuition told him that it was a very extraordinary thing.

Shroud gave him the Judgment Memory, and maybe he also left W a special memory, which is reasonable.

Moreover, Terui Ryu now knows that Shroud is Philip's mother.

Isn't it reasonable for a mother to leave something good for her son?

He can be very sure in his heart that W will soon gain a new form and new power.

How strong this power is is still unknown.

At this time, W looked up at the sky, looked at the Extreme Memory that was emitting a faint golden light, and slowly raised his right hand.

The Extreme Memory in the sky seemed to be summoned and fell into W's hands at a high speed.

The moment W got the Extreme Memory, he already knew how to use it.

"Shotaro! It's time to go!"

"Come on!"

The next second, W closed the dual drive, and then inserted the Extreme Memory in his hand directly into the dual drive, overlapping the Ace and Gale memories.

Crossing his hands, W gently pushed open the Extreme Memory.

It was because of this action that a green light bloomed from him.

Green data streams rushed up from him.

At this time, in the Starfall Valley under the Sonozaki family, a large amount of earth data gushed out from the spring.

Like a green fountain, it was extremely gorgeous.

This was the earth responding to W at this time, and a special connection was being established.

However, since there was no one in the Sonozaki family at the moment, no one paid attention to the gushing of earth data.

W, the ultimate form of the Wind Ace, has a powerful ability far superior to that in the ordinary form.

By directly connecting to the huge database of the earth itself, the data of W itself and the doped body, etc., which are necessary for the battle, can be retrieved and downloaded in real time.

The most effective tactics and strategies should be guided according to the actual situation, and the tactics of taking the initiative based on the detection of the enemy's actions should be implemented.

In other words, W, who has completed synchronization with the earth, will have all the knowledge on the earth, and can retrieve it instantly to get first-hand intelligence.

The line in the middle of W's half-black and half-green body began to slowly stretch, gradually covering their half-black and half-green bodies.

Soon, W had completely transformed.

W——Cyclone Joker Xtreme!

The head armor looks like an X sign, and the middle of the half-black and half-green body has turned silver, but the light reflected from it is colorful.

The body looks more powerful, and the power is much stronger than the previous Cyclone Joker.

Soon, the connection between W and the Earth database has been established.

Now W has all the knowledge and data of the Earth, and can get the data he wants in an instant.

This also means that the extreme memory is now completely complete.

The moment that Lu Li has been waiting for for a long time has finally arrived.

The extreme memory that has been waiting for so long is now finally complete, and he can start the next plan.

As for the next plan, of course, it is to recycle the extreme memory.

Relying on the already completed extreme memory, create your own extreme memory.

As for why not directly turn the now complete extreme memory into an awakening card, Lu Li has other concerns in his mind.

The extreme memory in W's hand has self-awareness. Lu Li is not sure whether some unpredictable situations will occur when it is turned into an awakening card.

But if some unexpected situations really occur, it will be very disadvantageous for Lu Li to achieve the eternal strongest form.

To eliminate all uncontrollable factors and prevent unexpected situations from happening, Lu Li will certainly not choose to use the current extreme memory directly.

W, who has transformed into the ultimate form of the Wind Ace, feels the power constantly surging in his body.

"This is...?!"

Philip's voice was full of surprise.

Because he discovered something very incredible, that is, the current W seems to be perfectly connected to the Earth database.

This means that at this moment, W has an absolute advantage in the battle.

It can detect the opponent's tactics and attack methods at the first time, and make effective judgments and responses.

Of course, if the opponent's information is not within the scope of the Earth database, this ability will obviously not have any effect.

In a pure white space, Philip and Shotaro Zuo stood side by side.

"Philip, I feel that our spirits are completely consistent now. Have we reached complete harmony?"

Hearing this, Philip nodded slightly.. ..

"Yes, with the help of the extreme memory, we have completely maintained a state of complete harmony.

Only by keeping our spirits synchronized can we maintain the current form. Shotaro, we can even know what each other is thinking.

But don't be too emotional, otherwise it may break the complete harmony between us."

He was reminding Shotaro Zuo not to let his emotions get too excited. Once the emotions are too excited, the balance between the two will be completely broken.

Destroying the balance means that W can no longer maintain the current extreme form.

"I understand. I will try my best to control my emotions."

After finally gaining powerful strength, Zuo Xiangtaro did not want to cancel his transformation because of his overly excited emotions.

If that were the case, it would be too embarrassing.

"Then... let's go together!"

At this moment, W has unprecedented power, and is also connected to the database of the earth, which can predict the future.

Maybe relying on the current extreme form, there is a chance to defeat Lu Li?

Zhao Jinglong, who was standing aside, saw W who had now reached the extreme form, and felt a sense of power in his heart.

I always feel that W in this form has a mysterious and powerful feeling.

However, he did not think that he would be much weaker than the opponent.

The speed of the judgment form, at least in his opinion, is the fastest.

Covering his painful chest, Zhao Jinglong looked at the body with red and gold shining on the battlefield, and felt very unwilling.

He was hit by the opponent when he used the judgment form. After reacting, he realized that he did overestimate his combat power.

But it does not mean that his battle is over.

As long as he has not fallen and can continue to fight, he will never give up easily.

Witnessing the transformation to the ultimate form of W, Sonosaki Wakana slightly widened her eyes, her eyes full of disbelief.

"What is this...?!"

She had seen W before, but had never seen W in this form.

Is it a new form? But what is the other party's bird-like memory? I have never seen such a memory.

Even if she is not in the battlefield, Sonosaki Wakana can still feel that the current W has become completely different from before.

The momentum exuded is very powerful, and the most important thing is that it gives people an inexplicable feeling.

It is to stand in front of the other party, and there is a feeling that the other party knows everything about you.

If she only has this feeling for a moment, she will mistakenly think it is her own illusion, but if she has this feeling all the time, it cannot be an illusion.

Frowning slightly, Sonosaki Wakana bit her finger lightly and said.

"Tsk! What on earth is this guy?"

No matter what, W has always been the enemy of the museum. Since he is the enemy of the museum, he is naturally her enemy.

The enemy has become stronger, which is not a good thing for the organization.


At this time, W was still immersed in his current strange state.

"Pa 2.7 Pa Pa!"

Suddenly, a sound of applause came from the front.

W came back to his senses, but found that the person who was applauding was Lu Li.

Why would he applaud at this time?

What is the meaning of applause?

"Finally it's done, and it's worth my repeated reminders."

Lu Li's words confused W.

What does it mean to remind yourself many times?

And then, Philip suddenly remembered that Lu Li did remind the two people that they had not reached the synchronized state before, and he also mentioned the word "limit" in the previous battle.

Could it be that... Lu Li knew from the beginning that W could enter the extreme form through the extreme memory? !

But what is the meaning of doing this? What is the meaning of him helping W to become stronger?

For a moment, Philip fell into deep thought. He really couldn't understand why Lu Li did this.

Compared to Philip, Zuo Xiangtaro didn't believe this at all and directly refuted loudly.

"Humph! Lu Li, stop pretending here. We don't know the existence of the limit. How could you know?

Philip owns the Earth Library, but he doesn't know about this. Why do you say you know?

Could it be... Are you afraid? With our current strength, it is possible to defeat you!"

The powerful power in his body gave Zuo Xiangtaro an inexplicable confidence.

After hearing this, Lu Li almost laughed out loud on the spot.

Would he be afraid?

It was just W in the extreme form of the Gale Ace. Although it could have special abilities such as retrieving the opponent's attack mode from the Earth database, all this had a prerequisite, that is, the opponent must be in the record of the Earth database.

And even if it is recorded in the Earth database, so what?

As long as the power is strong enough and the method of dealing with it has been analyzed, it may not be possible to deal with it.

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