No matter which one it is, Lu Li will take it. He is not afraid of W's current form.

Chapter 171: Head-on confrontation! Quadruple Ultimate Drive VS Wild Wind!

Everything is just Shotaro Zuo's own fantasy.

Lu Li slowly put down his hands and pulled out the Wild Slasher from both sides of his thighs.

His wrists turned slightly, and the sharp sickle blade shone with cold light.

"Okay, that's all, it's time to finish the last job."

He didn't mind testing how strong W is now.

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li took the initiative to rush up.

W was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and immediately took out the exclusive weapon he had in the ultimate form - Prism Radiance.

Prism Radiance is an offensive and defensive weapon, which consists of a sword and a shield.

As a user, W naturally knows how to use Prism Radiance.

He immediately took out the Prism Memory and inserted it into the slot on the hilt.


After inserting the prism memory, you can extract the Prism Sword from the Prism Radiance.

The Prism Radiance can be transformed into two weapons, one is the Prism Sword, and the other is the Radiance Shield.

One for attack and one for defense, both weapons are very powerful.

W, holding two powerful weapons, directly confronted Lu Li.

Now, he may not necessarily lose to Lu Li!


The two sharp sickles of the Wild Slasher slashed on the Prism Sword and the Radiance Shield respectively, and the splashing fire suddenly appeared between the two.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!!"

The two figures shuttled back and forth and launched an attack quickly.

For a while, swords flashed and sparks flew.

It must be said that W, who has reached the ultimate form, has indeed improved his combat effectiveness a lot.

Especially now that W can analyze and retrieve the opponent's attack mode, so as to make effective responses.

It can also have unexpected effects against different enemies.

Although Lu Li's attack mode is not recorded in the Earth database, W can make an effective response through combat analysis.

After more than ten moves, W can barely cope with it from the beginning.

But later on, he gradually fell into a disadvantageous state.

"Philip, what's going on? Wasn't it fine just now? Why can't we stop it now?"

Sensing that the battle seemed to be getting subtle, Zuo Xiangtaro asked the doubts in his heart at the first time.

Being asked this question suddenly, Philip didn't know how to answer it for a while.

He should have analyzed Lu Li's combat mode, so that he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Lu Li's combat style has not changed, and it is still the same as before 22.

Then... there is only one possibility.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Lu Li has never used his full strength, just playing with W.

"How is it possible?!"

Philip, who came to this conclusion, couldn't accept it for a while.

Even W, who has reached the ultimate form, has no way to deal with Lu Li?

This is completely different from what expected. Lu Li actually has such a powerful power.


Even if Philip is really smart, he didn't think of these things at the beginning.

Now he suddenly reacted and realized the seriousness of the matter.

The two are now in a state of common consciousness. What Philip thinks of, Zuo Xiangtaro can almost know.

This is the effect of mental synchronization.

"Lu Li, this guy... didn't he use his full strength at the beginning?"

For some reason, Zuo Xiangtaro had a faint sense of fear in his heart.

He couldn't look directly at Lu Li.

The guy in front of him was too powerful, so powerful that it was terrifying.

Even W, who had become the ultimate form, could be dealt with calmly.

"Did you see it?"

Noticing that W actually had a faint fear in his heart, Lu Li noticed it at the first time.

Lu Li, who controls the soul and spiritual power, can easily detect Zuo Xiangtaro's mental changes.

"Shotaro! Are you... afraid?" Philip said in a deep voice when he noticed the fear in his mind at the first time.

It is a very wrong behavior to have fear in your heart when facing the enemy.

It is possible that he was defeated by the other party because of this fear.

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro took a deep breath and immediately suppressed the anxiety and fear in his heart.

"Okay! I will control it!"

Although he said so, the fear in his heart is not so easy to eliminate.

Even though he noticed that the fear in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart had not been eliminated, Philip did not continue to delve into this topic.

At this time, it is better to keep the mental synchronization of both parties and not to have any abnormalities.

Otherwise, it may cause W to cancel the transformation.

In any case, this situation must not happen now.

Philip keenly noticed one thing. Lu Li took great pains to help W become the current extreme form, and he definitely had his purpose.

As for what the purpose is now, Philip has not figured it out for a while.

However, it is certain that Lu Li's purpose must be related to W.

Immediately insert the prism memory in your hand into the extreme slot of the prism holy sword, and press the button of the prism holy sword at the same time.

"Prism! Maximum.Drive! (Prism Ultimate Drive)"

There is no reliance on the power of extreme driving to break the current deadlock.

The prism holy sword is blooming with dazzling light, colorful and looks very dazzling.


W quickly approached Lu Li and instantly slashed down the Prismatic Holy Sword.


Facing the menacing Ultimate Drive, Lu Li suddenly merged the two sickles in his hands.

Wild Slasher - Awakening Bow Mode!

Without using the power of any awakening card, Lu Li casually swung Wild Slasher.

The shining sword collided with the wild slasher, and terrifying energy instantly enveloped the surroundings.


The ground shook for a moment, and obvious cracks appeared on the concrete ground at the center of the collision between the two.

And the spider web-like cracks are still extending in all directions.

The ultimate drive unleashed by the Prismatic Holy Sword is truly powerful.

Lu Li, who only relied on his own strength to resist, was also repelled by this powerful force.

However, Lu Li was not repelled, but pushed away by this powerful force.

There were two obvious traces left on the ground, which were traces of sliding out.

It's not that Lu Li can't resist this force, it's just that the ground can't support him to resist this force.

Terui Ryu, who was relatively close to the battlefield, was already very reluctant to stand.

He was hit by this energy burst again and was instantly knocked to the ground.


Terui Ryuu couldn't help but let out a groan as he was knocked upside down.

People are sitting at home, and pots come from heaven.

He didn't do anything at all, he just watched here. Unexpectedly, he was also affected by the energy shock.

Compared to Terui Ryu who looked very embarrassed, Sonosaki Wakana, who had been far away from the battlefield from the beginning, just felt a strong wind coming.

"Land from."

Seeing the battle with the terrifying energy explosion, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Although she knew that Lu Li had such great strength, it didn't mean that Lu Li was necessarily invincible.

In addition, W suddenly became stronger just now, so it is reasonable for her to be worried.

But when she saw that Lu Li, who had been pushed back and slid out, was safe and sound, she silently breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't particularly care about the outcome of this battle. What she really cared about was Lu Li's safety.

Now she also understood why Lu Li asked him to retreat temporarily in the beginning.

This battle is no longer something she can intervene in. It would only be dangerous to join this battle rashly.

Lu Li stopped and waved his hand gently. He had just used his own strength to catch W's ultimate drive.

Anyone else would have regarded him as a lunatic.

You know, that is the ultimate driver!

Even the ordinary ultimate drive is very powerful, not to mention the ultimate drive in W ultimate form, the power is even more terrifying.

But even this extreme drive was blocked by Lu Li.

"Yes, the strength has become stronger, and the power of the ultimate drive is also quite good.

But... it's not enough! Your strength is not strong enough. With this strength, there is no way you can hurt me. "

This was not a boast. Lu Li, who had been gradually integrating the power of all the undead creatures, now uses the wild form to directly integrate the power of the undead creatures with red hearts. His overall strength has already been improved by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, Lu Li did not use the power of reflecting moths just now, and he is not using the power of restoring camels now.

The W ultimate form is indeed very strong, but compared with Lu Li in the wild Kallis form, there is still a big gap.

"How can it be?!"

Seeing that Lu Li was the power of his identity, he couldn't bear the Prism Ultimate Drive. W couldn't accept it for a while.

No matter who it is, they probably won't be able to accept the current situation.

What kind of guy was he facing? He was able to withstand the ultimate drive without seeming to be injured.

It would be fine if his ultimate drive was interrupted midway, but the other party hit him head-on!


Unable to understand!

The fear in Zuo Shotaro's heart gradually intensified.

Now he felt more and more that the Lu Li in front of him was an invincible monster.

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