And Wan Deng Xue Shi had already recruited several good subordinates as cadres at that time. It was obviously impossible to accomplish it overnight.

It is understandable that the other party has started to lay out the plan from now on.

According to Lu Li's analysis, Jingsaka Shen Hong Lang may have joined the Rifengdu and become one of its cadres.

If that is the case, then things will be interesting.

However, Lu Li currently does not know how to go to Rifengdu.

Although there is a way to go to Rifengdu in Fengdu Detective, it is not clear where that place is and whether it exists now.

Lu Li himself does not have the power to directly break the barrier between Fengdu and Rifengdu.

In other words, Lu Li has no way to deal with Rifengdu for the time being.

But he is not in a hurry. Jingsaka Shen Hong Lang is not a guy who can hold back.

That guy has an extreme desire for power and a huge ambition. Can Wan Deng Xue Shi really suppress him?

At least Lu Li does not think so.

Jingsaka Shenhonglang is not a guy who is willing to be inferior to others. Even if he has joined Lifengdu now, it does not mean that he will definitely submit to Wandeng Xueshi.

Playing with fire is no big deal, but playing with fire and getting burned is not fun.

Even an old fox like the old man can't control Jingsaka Shenhonglang, let alone Wandeng Xueshi.

I'm afraid that the reason why the other party protects Jingsaka Shenhonglang is probably because Lifengdu lacks cadres at present.

Recovering some powerful guys to serve as cadres can help Lifengdu become stronger.

Lu Li doesn't care about all this.

He only knows one thing, Jingsaka Shenhonglang is now very afraid of his existence, and he will definitely think of various ways to become stronger.

And Lu Li knows the other party's way to become stronger.

During this period, the other party appeared in Fengdu from time to time, but soon disappeared, probably to find the owner of the memory.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of the star of the end! Shi.

Chapter 175 Memory Fusion Plan! Sister, I can't help it!

The purpose is naturally to obtain the power of other memories.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, Lu Li will never let Jingzaka Shenhonglang go.

Waiting for the other party to appear next time, it is just right to try the power of the limit.

It is a great honor for that guy to send Jingzaka Shenhonglang away with the power of the limit.

Then, Lu Li made the extreme memory into a corresponding awakening card.

Slightly different from other memory awakening cards, the awakening card of the extreme memory is an awakening card with a color close to gold.

It is a bit similar to the awakening card that Lu Li completed the transformation after using Kng.form.

After using the extreme awakening card, Lu Li will be able to directly access the Earth database like W extreme form.

In addition to making extreme memories here these days, Lu Li is also trying another thing.

That is to find a way to merge the power of different memories.

For example, find a way to merge the power of fear memory and utopia memory to make it a more powerful memory.

Lu Li simply didn't care about the single fear memory, or the Utopia memory, or the Quetzalcoatl memory and the Nazca memory.

Although the power of the golden advanced memory is very good, Lu Li is not very interested in just a single golden advanced memory.

But if these golden advanced specific data can be integrated together and merged into a new golden memory, the power displayed may not be so simple.

Lu Li, who has the smartest brain in the world, started trying as soon as possible.

In the spare time of making the extreme memory, he began to think of ways to merge the power of the two memories.

Of course, the experiment would not be so smooth at the beginning, and Lu Li had already made plans for failure.

But after many experiments, Lu Li keenly discovered a problem.

In order to merge the power of the two memories, the first thing that must be considered is whether the capacity of the memory "333" itself is enough.

Golden advanced memory often represents a huge amount of earth data, and there is no problem with the capacity of one memory to accommodate the corresponding data.

But if it accommodates the data of more than two memories, there will be problems.

The capacity problem is in front of him, and Lu Li has to solve this problem first.

Only by manufacturing a newer version of memory and increasing its capacity can it be possible to integrate more earth data.

But to manufacture a memory with a higher data capacity is itself a difficult task.

Lu Li has not made much progress for a while, and this matter needs to be done slowly.

Having been in the laboratory for such a long time, it is time for Lu Li to go out.

Not long after leaving the laboratory, Lu Li came to the road and saw a car waiting for him.

He was naturally familiar with this car, which was arranged for him by Sono Saeko.

Suddenly, the door of the back seat of the car slowly opened, and a beautiful woman in a white suit walked down from it.

The person who came was Mina.

As Lu Li's secretary and assistant, Mina mainly helped him solve some work issues and was on call at any time.

Before leaving the laboratory, Lu Li specifically called Mina and asked her to pick him up.

So this is what happened now.

Mina came over immediately and shouted excitedly.

"Mr. Lu!"

During this period, she has been looking forward to seeing Lu Li again.

As for the reason, of course, it is to show Lu Li the power she has gained now.

She is no longer the same as before.

At this moment, Mina has the strength of a cadre, which is far beyond her previous self.

"Mina, long time no see."

Walking forward, Lu Li hugged Mina.

Although this girl usually behaves very respectfully, Lu Li does not treat her as an outsider at all.

Mina was suddenly hugged, and her first reaction was to be stunned.

But when she reacted, she was filled with infinite ecstasy.

In any case, she did not expect that Lu Li would hug her as soon as he came out.

This made her feel that all her efforts were worthwhile. Only by becoming stronger and making herself stronger can she follow Lu Li in the true sense.

"Okay, I've almost finished my work here, let's go back to the company first."


Then, the two of them got on a special plane and headed for the company.


On the other side.

After completing all the guidance, the impurity from yesterday immediately retreated, and her goal had been achieved.

From now on, Kamen Rider W, the guardian of Fuuto, has become her puppet.

Now she doesn't need to do anything else, just wait quietly and watch all these events happen quietly tomorrow.

When she left, Sudo Yukie smiled and glanced at Shotaro Sae.

Even though she knew how much trouble this would bring to Kamen Rider, she still chose to do it.

Didn't Kamen Rider have to protect Fuuto? Didn't he have to protect all the people in Fuuto? Why did his brother disappear without a trace?

Who can give him an explanation?

Sudo Yukie can't live that long now. She only thinks about one thing in her heart, that is, revenge for her brother.

In the past, when she talked to her brother on the phone, she felt that her brother always seemed to have something on his mind, and he didn't want to tell her anything about the company.

Since then, she has begun to pay attention to the company's situation silently.

Her brother suddenly disappeared inexplicably, maybe it had a lot to do with the company.

No matter what, she has to find a way to avenge her brother now.

The first target is naturally the manager of the company, Sonosaki Saeko!

There was a dangerous cold light in her eyes, and she first targeted Sonosaki Saeko.

"Sonosaki Saeko! I will definitely kill you and avenge my brother personally!"

The voice was cold, and Sudo Yukie had prepared this plan early.

There will be no problem with this plan. Even if Sonosaki Saeko doesn't die tomorrow, she will lose a layer of skin, at least she will be very embarrassed.


Back to the detective agency.

At this moment, Zuo Shoutaro is still immersed in the gratitude of the beautiful girl, Sudo Yukie.

Compared to Shotaro Zuo, Philip felt that this matter seemed a bit unreasonable.

Since completing the evolution, Philip's senses have become more and more acute.

For some reason, when he transformed just now, he felt that the impurity seemed to be deliberately guiding.

But if you want to talk about evidence, there is no evidence at all, it's just his feeling.

"Shotaro, you should be a little more careful. I feel that this woman is not that simple."

However, Shotaro Zuo did not respond at all, closing his eyes and looking full of enjoyment.

Philip, who saw this scene, patted his forehead helplessly.

This partner is good in everything, but when he sees a beautiful girl, especially after being praised by the other party, he can't help himself.

Sure enough, Shotaro, a single tough guy, is probably... thinking about love.

For some reason, Philip felt very uncomfortable in his heart when he thought that there might be another woman around Shotaro Zuo in the future.

It was as if something important in his life was suddenly taken away by another person, and he felt very uncomfortable.

If possible, he didn't want Shotaro Zuo to find a wife in the future.

What are women and wives? Partners are the most important!

Shaking his head vigorously, Philip dispelled all the things in his mind. Why did he suddenly think of these inexplicable things?

At this time, Philip recalled that Lu Li took away the extreme memory more than half a month ago.

The extreme memory has not returned so far.

In the previous time, he also encountered a doping body. He and Zuo Xiangtaro also reached a state of complete mental synchronization, but the extreme memory has not come yet.

This made him a little worried. What is the situation of the extreme memory? Will there be any problems with it?

But when he thought of Lu Li's means, he gave up this idea.

Lu Li suddenly took away the extreme memory question at that time. He must have done something, but he couldn't guess what he did.

But he was keen and noticed something, maybe it was related to W's extreme evolution.

The other party... Did he want the power of the limit?

About this point, he can only think so now.

I just hope that there is nothing wrong with the extreme memory, otherwise, W will not be able to complete the extreme evolution.

The enemies are becoming more and more difficult to deal with, and the strength of the mixed bodies encountered is getting stronger and stronger. The power of the extreme is indispensable in future battles.

At this time, the voice of Ming Hai Yashuzi came from the side.

"Za Shotaro, you pervert! You only met once and had contact with him, but you are still obsessed with the client."

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