Then Shotaro Zuo's rebuttal was heard.

"Hey! Yashuko! Don't talk nonsense, I just admired them, but I never really did anything. Don't frame me!"

"Huh? Them?! Good for you! Look, you admitted it yourself!"

"How can I admit it? Don't talk nonsense!"

The joy between the two instantly brought Philip back to his senses.

Seeing the happy and vibrant detective agency, Philip also abandoned the troubles in his mind.

In the current situation, we can only take one step at a time.

What to do specifically depends on the situation.


Not long after, Lu Li came to the company again.

He disappeared for more than half a month and did not appear in the company. Many employees in the company were also discussing this matter.

After all, Lu Li is the general manager of the company. Although he doesn't usually take care of things, he usually comes to the company to take a look.

Now people suddenly stop coming, and many people are curious about what happened.

Some even speculated that their general manager, Mr. Lu Li, must have angered the president.

After all, they had seen so many beautiful women in close contact with Lu Li before. If they were Sono Saeko, they would probably be very angry.

But unexpectedly, Lu Li came back suddenly, and he looked exhausted all the way, which was completely different from what they thought.

The appearance of Lu Li made the rumors fall apart at once...

"I thought the general manager had been back for a while."

"Others said it was you, and even I thought so."

"Is there no conflict between the president and the general manager? It seems that some people have guessed wrong."

"Although the general manager doesn't usually manage things, he can manage the president obediently. How could he be bullied by the president?"

"That makes sense. We underestimated the general manager."


Although the discussions were very, very small, it was almost self-evident how sensitive Lu Li's ears were. He listened to everything everyone said.

He didn't take these people's discussions to heart at all.

However, Lu Li didn't like people gossiping behind his back, so he turned his head slightly and said to Mina.

"Mina, remember those people and fire them later. I don't like people who talk too much."

They were still talking about him in front of him, and although their voices were very low, he could hear them clearly.

Can such people be kept?


Even if these guys are still beneficial to the development of the company, for Lu Li, such people are everywhere.

As soon as she heard Lu Li's instructions, Mina instantly understood what she should do.

With a charming smile on her face, Mina promised.

"Mr. Lu, please rest assured, I have remembered them all, and I will ask them to pack up and leave immediately."

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded slightly and walked into the elevator.

Those who had discussed before had not yet realized that their good days were over.

Working in the company, the salary is much higher than outside, and the work is relatively easy.

But they didn't expect that they would be fired just because of a few gossips.

Of course, they were just some insignificant little characters, and Lu Li didn't take them to heart at all.

He did this just to make an example of them.

He didn't want anyone in the company to talk about him in the future, nor did he want to hear anyone gossiping about him.

If you come to work in the company, you should work hard, and the company doesn't keep idle people.

Soon, Lu Li came to the president's office.

When the secretary at the door saw Lu Li, he stood up respectfully.

"General Manager."

Lu Li had a good impression of this little secretary.

After all, before Mina came, she helped him deal with a lot of work.

Secretary: (bitter smile) Can I not deal with it? The old man in front of me is a hands-off boss, and he does all the work by himself.

Of course, some things can only be thought about, and the secretary didn't dare to say much.

He pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as Lu Li came, he saw the two sisters working hard.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Sonosaki Saeko had already guessed who it was.

There is only one person in the company who can open the door and walk in without knocking, and that is Lu Li.

This is a privilege that only Lu Li has, and no one else has it.

"Saeko, Wakana, I'm back."

Even though they had met once or twice during this period, Lu Li was naturally very happy when he saw them again.

After all, they had become each other's family without knowing it.

2.7 "Lu Li!"

Sonosaki Wakana stood up with a look of surprise on her face and threw herself into Lu Li's arms.

The action was so fast that Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but twitch her eyes.

She didn't expect that her sister would be so bold, knowing that she, the main wife, was still here.

"Brother-in-law! You are finally back. You don't know that I have a lot of time these days and I am busy with so many things.

Alas! My sister pulls me here to do things every day. I don't mention how busy I am..."

Her little mouth kept talking, and it felt like her mouth was like a machine gun, firing all the time.

After hearing these words, Lu Li burst into laughter.

This girl obviously treated herself as an object of venting, and also wanted me to say good things to my sister.

At this time, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly heard a coughing sound behind her.


She was so familiar with her sister's voice.

Suddenly she realized that her sister hadn't hugged Lu Li intimately yet, but she was the first to hug Lu Li.


After coming to her senses, Sonosaki Wakana immediately pushed Lu Li away, looked at Sonosaki Saeko embarrassedly, and lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong.

"Sister, just now I... I was just... I was too happy and couldn't help it.

Don't mind! I... didn't want to complain about you, I just..."

This girl seemed to have completely lost the fearless and non-stop complaining look just now.

Since Sonosaki Ryubei was gone, the only person this girl was most afraid of was her sister Sonosaki Saeko.

Apart from that, she was really fearless.

After all, she has a powerful brother-in-law backing her up, so who else should she be afraid of?

As for why she is afraid of her sister, in addition to the habit she has had since childhood, another reason is that Lu Li is her brother-in-law, isn't he?

This shield is not useful at all when facing her sister.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from Mi~mang! .

Chapter 176 Wakana: It's okay to have a wrong idea! Time to be reset

Seeing her eccentric sister, Sonosaki Saeko shook her head helplessly and was too lazy to scold her.

How could she, as a sister, not know what kind of temper her sister has.

Walking forward, Sonosaki Saeko gently tidied Lu Li's clothes.

"Welcome back, dear."

After that, Sonosaki Saeko didn't care about Sonosaki Wakana and Mina next to her at all, and hugged Lu Li directly.

Then, the two of them kissed affectionately without paying attention to anyone else.

Good guy!

Sonozaki Wakana stared at the side, not blinking, and kept swallowing the sweet saliva.

In her heart, there was actually a trace of inexplicable desire.

If her sister was replaced by herself at this time, what would the scene be like?

Her mind unconsciously fell into fantasy.

This idea is very dangerous.

Sonozaki Wakana didn't notice that her thoughts had gone so far.

As for Mina, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes, but it was only envy, without any jealousy or resentment.

She knew that Sonozaki Saeko was Lu Li's first woman and also a very strong woman.

Compared with the other party, she was obviously much worse.

As long as she could be with Lu Li, even if she got a little love and occupied a little place in his heart, Mina would be satisfied.

It was Lu Li who saved her, gave her hope of life, and gave her freedom.

After successfully gaining freedom, she found that Lu Li was everything to her.

A minute later, Sonosaki Saeko felt a little breathless and gently pushed Lu Li away.

She looked at her sisters Wakana and Mina with a flushed face, and gently lifted her hair in a charming way.

"Dear, I will give a public speech tomorrow. Will you go with me then?"

When he heard this, Lu Li was slightly stunned.

Public speech?

It always felt a little familiar, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Li suddenly remembered something.

Sudo Yukie!

Yes, he remembered it.

In the plot, Sonosaki Saeko did give a speech, and that speech almost went wrong.

There was nothing wrong with the speech itself, but before the speech began, someone had planned it in advance.

This person was Sudo Yukie, the sister of Sudo Kirihiko, who was killed by her before.

Logically, she should not have found out who was related to Sudo Kirihiko's death.

But she definitely knew that Sudo Kirihiko worked in the company.

She didn't believe that someone suddenly disappeared inexplicably and had nothing to do with the company.

I'm afraid she would implement the plan as usual, using W to attack Sonosaki Saeko who was giving a speech.

In public, if Sonosaki Saeko transformed, the consequences would be imaginable.

But if she didn't transform, the attack of W controlled by yesterday's power would hit Sonosaki Saeko.

This woman was willing to do anything to avenge her brother.

Of course, Lu Li didn't think she did anything wrong.

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