It is human nature to do whatever it takes to avenge your family.

Unfortunately, this plan was destined to fail.

Seemingly noticing Lu Li's lost look, Sonosaki Wakana gently poked Lu Li's waist with her finger.


Hearing this, Lu Li came back to his senses and smiled slightly.

"Public speaking? In that case, then... let's go together."

Sonosaki Yueko was naturally very happy when she learned that Lu Li was going to attend a public lecture together.

However, Sonosaki Seiko didn't know yet that there was a plan waiting for her this time.

During this period of time, both Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana, under the guidance of Mina, became more and more capable of controlling their superpowers.

At the same time, after the two of them transformed into doped bodies, the superpowers they could exert became even more powerful.

The superposition of superpowers and memory power is not just as simple as one plus one equals two.

After the matter was discussed, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't wait to show off the super power she now controls.

"Brother-in-law! Look, look, I can control water easily now."

Before he finished speaking, Sono Saki Wakana gently hooked her fingers.

In the tea cup in the president's office, a stream of water slowly floated out, like a transparent rope, surrounding Sono Saki Wakana.

It was quite difficult to achieve this level. Lu Li could imagine that this girl was really working hard.

After rubbing her head gently, Lu Li smiled.

"It's amazing! In such a short period of time, he has been able to control his super powers to such an extent. It is already very powerful."

After receiving the compliment, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Sonosaki Wakana raised her neck slightly, looking proud.

"That's right!"

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Today will be the time for the speech, which will be in the morning.

So Sonosaki Saeko got up early in the morning to tidy up and dress up.

Afterwards, Lu Li and Sonosaki Yueko headed to the destination of the speech together.

When he arrived here and saw the familiar environment and layout, Lu Li became more sure of his thoughts.

Yes, this is where the plot takes place.

Meanwhile, over at the detective agency.

Shotaro Zuo was fine at first, but when the clock rang, he suddenly started talking to himself.

At first, Philip and Narumi Asukiko thought this guy was talking to himself, so they didn't pay much attention to it. However, when they heard the content of the conversation, they felt strange.

It's like... I heard it somewhere.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Phillip's mind, and he suddenly thought of what happened yesterday.

Isn't Shotaro Zuo looking like this the same way he was when he received the client yesterday?

Why would he repeat what he did yesterday?

Phillip was puzzled. He recalled the incident that Terui Ryu asked them to investigate before, and Phillip immediately merged the two incidents together.

Everything seems to make sense!

Whether it was those who had the accident before or the current Shotaro Zuo, they were all repeating what happened to them the day before.

That dopant from yesterday!

Phillip already understood that the matter must be related to the dopant they encountered yesterday.

At this time, Terui Ryuya rushed over immediately, ready to inquire about the progress of searching for clues.

As soon as he came in, he saw Shotaro Zuo talking to himself alone, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Who is this guy talking to? Why do you feel like you are gossiping?

"Philip, what's wrong with this guy on the left?"

Hearing this, Phillip put his right hand towards his chin, with strong curiosity and interest on his face.

"Terui, Shotaro, he is just repeating what happened yesterday."

"Repeat what happened yesterday?"

Suddenly, Terui Ryu, who had keen intuition, suddenly thought of why people who had been injured or had accidents before suddenly did some strange actions.

Eyes widened slightly, Terui Ryuu was a little surprised.

"Philip, could it be that those guys before were also..."

Phillip nodded slightly.

"Yes, the situations of those people before and the current Shotaro Zuo are very similar."

Noticing the two people who were still discussing, Narumi Asukiko quickly reminded them.

"Hey! Stop talking about it, Shotaro is going out now!"

Afterwards, the three of them followed Shotaro Zuo and left the detective agency.

Shotaro Zuo, who repeated yesterday's action and got on the bike, suddenly shouted behind him.

"Yashuzi, you guy, get in the car quickly!"


It was Narumi Asukiko's turn to be confused.

For a moment, she didn't know what to do, how to deal with this matter.

"Xiao Yashuzi, you get in the car first, Ryu Terui and I are in the same car." Philip agreed immediately.

"oh oh!"

Narumi Asukiko stopped struggling and hesitating and quickly got on the motorcycle.

As for Philip, he sat directly on the back seat of Terui Ryu's motorcycle.

When I saw Shotaro Zuo riding his motorcycle away, it didn't look like he was sleepwalking at all.

At least to outsiders, Shotaro Zuo is a completely normal guy, and there seems to be nothing abnormal.

Not to mention, even if he is repeating what happened yesterday, this guy is really familiar with riding a bike.

"Terui! Let's catch up and see it quickly, don't miss it!"

Hearing this, Terui Ryu frowned slightly.

"Don't... question me!"


Then he turned the throttle and the motorcycle chased up at a high speed.

At any time, Terui Ryu didn't want others to question him.

Not long after, as expected, Shotaro Zuo came to the place where he looked for cats yesterday.

Then... Shotaro Zuo was seen lying on the ground imitating a cat.


It was exactly the same as yesterday's behavior, and even the movements were exactly the same.

The next scene was even more interesting. Shotaro Zuo roared at the empty place.


Then, Shotaro Zuo rushed directly into the air, as if he was chasing something.

He clearly had nothing in that place, and he was only chasing the air.

Seeing this scene, Terui Long immediately turned his attention to Philip.

"Philip, what should we do now?"

Even Philip could not think of a way to eliminate Zuo Xiangtaro's behavior of repeating yesterday.

Biting his finger, Philip suddenly thought of the extreme memory.

"Extreme! As long as we can get the extreme memory, we should be able to solve this trouble.


But when he mentioned the extreme memory, he suddenly stopped.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the extreme memory, but the extreme memory is not on their side now.

Since the last time the extreme memory was taken away by Lu Li, it has never appeared again.

When the incident happened during this period, Philip and Zuo Xiangtaro also reached complete harmony, but there was no way to summon the extreme memory, as if the extreme memory was trapped by some force.

So far, Philip has not thought of any way to rescue the extreme memory.

The main thing is that he doesn't know where the extreme memory is, so how to rescue it?

Hearing this, Terui Long immediately frowned.

He knew that after the last battle, the Extreme Memory was taken away by Lu Li.

There is a way to get the Extreme Memory back, but the premise is that you must face Lu Li directly.

After the previous analysis and some investigations, they already know that Lu Li has a very deep relationship with the Sonozaki family.

You have to know that it is the Sonozaki family, a celebrity in the Wind City, one of the most powerful families.

Lu Li is so close to the Sonozaki family, I am afraid that this family is not just a celebrity noble in the true sense, maybe... very complicated.

Maybe this family has a very deep relationship with the organization they have been exploring.

After this period of active investigation, Terui Ryu did get some information and intelligence.

Sonozaki Saeko, the eldest daughter of the Sonozaki family, is the current head of the Sonozaki family.

There is a very coincidental thing, that is, not long ago, the previous head of the Sonozaki family, Sonozaki Ryubei, suddenly died.

The time of death happened to be the time when they participated in the battle of the organization's internal strife.

Before, Terui Ryu had doubts in his heart, but his superiors did not allow him to continue investigating, otherwise he would be suspended.

There was no way, Terui Ryu could only compromise on the surface at that time, but he did not give up, and he was investigating behind the scenes.

It's a pity that there are too few things that can be found.

"Philip, after a series of investigations and analyses, I can conclude that the Sonozaki family may have an extraordinary relationship with the organization.

It is even possible that the Sonozaki family is the root of the organization. Regarding this matter, can you find information through the Earth Library?"

As soon as these words came out, Philip was stunned.

He never thought that Terui Ryu had already investigated so deeply and even touched the root of the organization.

He lowered his head slightly. He has the smartest mind in the world333. How could he not analyze such a simple thing?

But the problem is that he has been trying to make the best use of the Sonozaki family.

Because he himself is a member of the Sonozaki family.

He has not yet fully accepted this matter.

While waiting for Philip's answer, he suddenly heard a loud shout from Ming Hai Ajuko.

"Long! Philip! Come here quickly!"

Such an anxious call instantly interrupted the conversation between the two, and they ran over in a hurry.

When they came to Ming Hai Ajuko, they did not see the figure of Shotaro Sa.

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