"Director, where is the left man?"

Terui Ryu saw that the surroundings were empty and did not find Shotarou Zuo.

"Up there!"

As he said that, Yashuzi quickly raised his finger and pointed to a building.

On the top of the building, Shotaro Zuo was waving in the air.

The next second, I saw Shotaro Zuo jump directly from the rooftop of the top floor and insert the ace memory in the air.

Phillip just didn't have time to think so much and immediately inserted the blast memory into the dual drive.

At this moment, Philip still couldn't figure out why the dopant from yesterday kept guiding them.

What is the other party’s purpose?

Jumping down from the rooftop was obviously so that Shotaro Zuo, who was repeating the action today, would also jump down from the rooftop.

The purpose of the other party's doing this is to ensure that W appears.

To put it bluntly, all of this... is within the other party's plan.

Previously, he guided Zuo Shotaro to the rooftop, and then jumped to guide Zuo Shotaro to transform, all in order to achieve the repeated actions today.

There was no way Phillip could just watch Zuo Shotaro fall and could only passively transform.

What a plan!

Even if they are forced to transform into W, they have already considered it so clearly. What is the dopant planning? !

Phillip hasn't been able to figure this out yet.

Now we can only let Zuo Shotaro act, and then we can see what the other party's purpose is.

At the same time, the lecture in the auditorium has begun.

Lu Li sat in the first row below, quietly watching Sonosaki Saeko's speech above.

I have to say that in terms of aura, Sonosaki Saeko has never lost to anyone.

Now that she has become the only queen in the museum, she has an even more powerful aura than before.

There were no seats under the stage, and when everyone saw Sono Saki Saeko talking eloquently above, their eyes showed admiration.

After all, it was of course a pleasure to have such an outstanding entrepreneur right in front of them and explain some things to them so kindly.

Sonosaki Wakana stood quietly behind her sister. Her eyes looked at Lu Li from time to time, her eyes seemed to be full of dissatisfaction.

She didn't really want to stand on it, but she had no choice. She had to learn this from her sister, and at the same time, she had to adapt in advance to giving these speeches and the like.

PS: Thanks————17723.. for the 588VIP points! .

Chapter 177 Killing with a borrowed knife, the Queen’s debut, driven by the fiery extreme control

As the second daughter of the family, she will have to be involved in the company's affairs sooner or later.

Now that I am already in the company, I naturally have to learn everything I need to learn.

Seeing such a small look, which seemed to be filled with a trace of sadness, the corners of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly.

As if she noticed Lu Li smiling, Sonosaki Wakana puffed her cheeks slightly and glared at Lu Li.

That look seemed to be saying, I'm already like this, and you don't even want to help me, that's too much!

The eyes of everyone in the audience were mainly focused on Sono Saki Saeko, and no one noticed the eye contact and small movements between Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana.

The speech still continues.

Lu Li supported his head with his right hand, looked straight ahead, and murmured to himself.

"It should be... coming soon."

No one knew what he was talking about, and no one knew what was coming.

Of course, Mina, who was sitting next to her, heard Lu Li's whisper and was slightly confused.

In the end...who will come?

"Mr. Lu, do you have any orders?"

Hearing this, Lu Li suddenly remembered that Mina was now a qualified cadre.

Since she is already a cadre, she can take this opportunity to show off her strength.

Lu Li was still quite curious about how powerful Mina was now that she had transformed into a queen's doped body.

So he hooked his fingers lightly.

Seeing this action, Mina quickly lowered her head.

"Mina, you go out now. There will be a riot here later. It's just right to test your strength as a cadre."

Although she didn't know why Lu Li knew there would be a riot here, Mina didn't raise any questions.

She knew she didn't need to ask so many questions, just follow Lu Li's instructions and complete the task.

And he could use this opportunity to show his power to Lu Li.

She is no longer the weak Mina who needs protection from others.

Nodding immediately, Mina stood up slightly and walked to the side.

Next, she didn't need to do anything else, the only thing she had to do was wait quietly.

Wait for a commotion to break out inside the auditorium, then it will be her time to show off.

Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana on the stage naturally noticed Mina who suddenly stood up and left.

Although the two of them didn't know what Lu Li had just said to Mina, they knew that there must be something arranged for Mina to do.

Just like yesterday, after a chase, W came to the auditorium where a lecture was being held.

Terui Ryuu and Narumi Asukiko, who came after them, saw the posters erected outside at a glance.

"Excellent entrepreneur... Sonosaki Saeko... giving a speech at this place today?!"

Narumi Asukiko was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that someone would give a speech here today.

Unlike the surprised Akiko Narumi, Ryu Terui felt that this matter was not that simple when he saw the poster of Saeko Sonosaki.

Is everything just a coincidence?

Or... was it premeditated!

He didn't have much time to think about it now. W had already rushed in, and he had to rush over to prevent ordinary citizens from getting hurt.

"Director! Hurry up, there must be a lot of ordinary people inside now. If they get hurt by W, the consequences can be imagined.

I'm afraid that by then, W will become a criminal that everyone will shout and beat!"

After saying that, Ryu Terui rushed in first.

On the way in, he immediately took out the acceleration drive and acceleration memory.



Akiko Narumi was left standing there in a daze.


She was already imagining in her mind that W would be shouted and beaten by everyone.

Once that situation really happened, I'm afraid W would not be able to protect the city anymore.

Without time to think too much, Ming Hai Ya Shuzi also hurried to the auditorium.

When the speech was going on for a certain period, the originally closed door was directly knocked open by external force.

When everyone was listening attentively, they were suddenly interrupted and focused their eyes on the door.

They all wanted to see who was disturbing them.

Maybe they were shocked when they saw the figure at the door.

"Is it W?!"

"It's Kamen Rider?!"

"But why did Kamen Rider come to this place? Are there monsters here?"

"There shouldn't be, there's no trouble here."

"Hey, hey, hey! That Kamen Rider is coming towards us!"

W, who was standing at the door, shouted at the empty aisle.

"Stop! Don't run!"

W immediately took out the two memory sticks, Fiery and Metal, to switch forms.



W, who switched to the hot metal form, immediately took out the metal iron rod behind him, and the people around were scared.

W was seen waving the iron rod in his hand, here and there, and those ordinary people who were a little slower were probably hit.

They couldn't figure out what was going on, why did Kamen Rider seem to be crazy.

Someone suddenly shouted.

"Run! Kamen Rider hurt someone!"

"Run, don't block me!"



The crowd of people who came to listen to the speech scattered like birds and beasts, and no one was willing to stay here.

And W was still approaching the podium little by little.

Standing on the stage, Sonosaki Wakana blocked Sonosaki Saeko.

"Sister, what's wrong with Kamen Rider? Does he really have a target to attack?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes flashed with a trace of thought. She didn't expect why W would become like this.

In a corner of the auditorium, Sudo Yukie, who was watching this situation, smiled slightly.

Her plan will be accomplished soon.

"Sonozaki Saeko, let me see... what decision you will make!

I am really curious whether you will transform and fight, or be killed by W."

Even though she didn't know who hurt her brother, since the company was where her brother worked, she could only seek revenge on the company.

As the president of the company, Sonozaki Saeko was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Everything was just as she planned, and it was not going too smoothly.

The power of yesterday's memory, once used well, will have an extremely powerful effect.

It can even be easy to kill someone with a borrowed knife, just like W now.

Of course, Sudo Yukie also knew that doing so might damage W's reputation in Fuuto.

However, in order to avenge her brother, she didn't care no matter how heavy the price was or how serious the consequences were.

Her brother was the most important person to her in this world. Now that her most important person was gone, there was nothing to cherish.

Compared to the chaos in the auditorium, Lu Li, who was sitting in the front row, was still sitting there quietly.

Everything seemed to have nothing to do with her.

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