"Sudou...is she Sudou Kirihiko's sister?"

Regarding the fact that Sudou Kirihiko has a sister, Sonosaki Saeko certainly knows a little bit about it. After all, she is an employee of the company.

Company employees have some information-related records and so on.

It's just that she has never met the other party's sister, and of course she has no interest in it.

I just didn't expect that Sudo Yukie would set up a series of plans to murder herself.

But whether it is Kirihiko Sudo or Yuki Sudo, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Is she that nasty guy's sister? Hey! Why are you planning to kill my sister?"

Sono Saki Wakana frowned slightly, feeling very puzzled.

She couldn't understand why Sudou Yukie suddenly did such a thing? What's the reason for this?

Hearing this, Sudou Yukie, who clenched his fists tightly, had resentment on his face.

"You ask me why I planned this? Why did I murder your sister? Aren't you the ones who killed my brother first?!

He worked in your company, but in the end he couldn't even find anyone.

My brother disappeared inexplicably. If you say that this matter has nothing to do with you, I will never believe it!

I am here this time to avenge my brother! "

Her voice was full of indifference, and she only had one thought in her mind right now, which was to avenge her brother.

Even though she didn't know who was the one who hurt her brother.


But she would blame all of this on the company's top leader, Sono Saki Saeko.

Regarding the matter of Sudou Kirihiko, Sonosaki Wakana didn't know what was going on.

But it was true that she had not seen this person for a long time, as if he had disappeared from the world.

The other party was an irrelevant person. He just disappeared when he disappeared. Sono Saki Wakana never cared about him.

Compared to Sonosaki Wakana, who knew nothing, Sonosaki Saeko, as the older sister, naturally knew much more.

She knew that Sudou Kirihiko was already dead.

He didn't die in the hands of others, but in the hands of Lu Li.

Lu Li had mentioned this matter to her before, solved Sudou Kirihiko, and successfully recovered the Nazca memory.

Sonosaki Saeko did not answer Sudo Yuki's question. She was not the kind of person who liked to compromise.

The other party has threatened her and even made a series of plans to kill her. Can she compromise?

Absolutely impossible!

Now, she is angry.

Not only did he interfere with his speech, he actually thought of using the power of memory to murder himself.


Just when Sonosaki Saeko was about to take out the forbidden memory and Gaia drive, Lu Li stopped her with a look.

The next second, Lu Li left his seat and turned around.

"Sudou Kirihiko, he... to be precise, he was killed by me."

Lu Li told Sudou Yukie the answer straightforwardly.

There was nothing to hide, he did it.

The only person to blame is Sudō Kirihiko himself. He failed to control the powerful power of Nazca Memory and launched an attack on himself.

Since he has launched an attack on himself, he will naturally have to pay a corresponding price.


Sudou Yukie, who heard the answer with her own ears, widened her eyes in disbelief.

She never expected that she would get the answer all of a sudden.

However, this answer is very cruel. Sudou Yuki's picture book still has a little hope in his heart.

His brother, Kirihiko Sudou, might really be fine and just missing.

But the sudden result instantly made her body go cold.

Brother... is really dead!

With these words echoing in her mind, Sudou Yukie's eyes were full of despair and loss. She didn't want to hear this answer the last thing, but she still got this result.

Sudou Yukie, whose steps were unsteady, staggered back a few steps.

She quickly used both hands to hold the chair beside her, which prevented her from falling down.

My brother is really gone, and the enemy who killed him is right in front of me.

Her eyes were full of anger, and the flames of revenge burned in her heart.


Sudou Yukie roared angrily and immediately took out yesterday's memory to transform.

She can no longer care about so much. The enemy who killed her brother is right in front of her. She must avenge her brother with her own hands.


Shrouded in a mass of data, Sudo Yukie has transformed into a dopant of yesterday.

The police cavalry and Narumi Yasukiko who had just rushed in from outside naturally saw this scene.

"Eh?! Isn't that the client lady from yesterday?!"

Narumi Asukiko was stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

Why is yesterday's client the same person as yesterday's dopant?

What is going on here?

Compared to Asukiko Narumi, who was full of surprise, the policeman didn't feel any surprise at all.

Especially when he saw Sono Saki Saeko and Sono Saki Wakana on the stage, as well as Lu Li standing in the audience, he had already figured out the ins and outs of everything.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with Philip's previous conjectures. All of this was a conspiracy against W.

Of course, it is not only a conspiracy against W, but also against the organization.

The other party just wants to use W's hand to launch an attack on the organization.

Good at killing people with a borrowed knife!

At this moment, the yesterday's doped body was completely overwhelmed by anger.

The enemy who killed her brother was right in front of her, and she must avenge her brother!

"Mr. Lu."

Seeing the yesterday's doped body rushing over, the Queen's doped body's first reaction was to protect Lu Li.

But Lu Li raised his arm slightly and blocked the Queen's doped body.

"No, just focus on dealing with W, I'll handle it."

The main reason why Lu Li came to this lecture was to wait for the memory of yesterday to be delivered to the door.

Now that the things have been delivered to the door, Lu Li certainly can't let it go.

Hearing what Lu Li said, the Queen's doped body also knew what he should do, and immediately nodded and concentrated on dealing with W.

At this time, W was still repeating the scene of yesterday, but the Queen's doped body he faced was very powerful.

Without using the extreme memory and being unable to remove the mark of yesterday's doped body, there is no way to defeat the Queen's doped body.

Having entered the CJX form before, Philip and Shotaro Zuo were able to fully reconcile in the shortest time and achieve a state of mental synchronization.

However, he had tried twice before and failed to summon the Extreme Memory. Philip thought that the Extreme Memory might be trapped.

But in the current state, he couldn't even fight without the Extreme Memory.

Philip couldn't care less at this time, and immediately cooperated with Zuo Xiangtaro to complete the mental synchronization and summon the Extreme Memory.


At this time, the Extreme Memory, which was far away in Lu Li's laboratory, was locked in a small cage.

Before, when Lu Li was in the laboratory, he not only used a small cage to imprison the Extreme Memory, but also used telekinesis to restrain its movements.

There was no possibility for the Extreme Memory to escape. During this period, it was summoned twice by W, but unfortunately the controlled Extreme Memory could not run away at all.

Now, the Extreme Memory was summoned again, but this time, Lu Li was not here, and lost the restraint of telekinesis.

The Extreme Memory itself contains very powerful power, and it is naturally impossible for a small cage to restrain it.


A burst of golden light emanated from his body, and the small cage that held the Extreme Memory was broken in an instant.

(ccch) The Extreme Memory, which successfully broke free from its restraints, flew out of the laboratory at the first time and rushed to its destination at a high speed.

It was so fast that only a faint golden light could be seen streaking across the sky.

The reason why the Extreme Memory was able to escape was entirely because Lu Li did not use other methods to trap it, otherwise, it would have no way to escape.

Lu Li had already completed his own Extreme Memory and made a corresponding awakening card, so the Extreme Memory made by Shroud was naturally useless.

There are still many things in the future that are related to W. If W does not even have the power of the Extreme Memory, his combat effectiveness will probably be very weak.

Judging from the current situation, W still has a place to use.

The Extreme Memory quickly found the place where Philip was unconscious, immediately recovered his body, and quickly rushed to the auditorium.

Originally, Philip thought that there was no way to summon the Extreme Memory this time, but he felt the power of the Extreme Memory.

In response!

He felt incredible. He had tried it before, but he never got a response.

Now the Extreme Memory suddenly responded to him. Why?

Did the Extreme Memory come out by itself?

Or did Lu Li take the initiative to release the Extreme Memory?

This question lingered in his mind, and he didn't know what was going on for a while.

Then, the Extreme Memory appeared next to W.

When he saw the Extreme Memory appear, Lu Li didn't show any different expression at all.

He already knew that this would happen, and everything was expected.

Sonosaki Saeko had heard about the Extreme Memory before, and now she suddenly saw the Extreme Memory. She was very curious about how powerful the so-called W Extreme Form was.

Is it really as her sister said before?

She can even fight back and forth with Lu Li. She really wants to try it.

After the Extreme Memory came, the W dual drive closed automatically.

The next second, the Extreme Memory was directly inserted into the dual drive of W.

Philip immediately used mental intervention to intervene in Zuo Xiangtaro, and W opened the Extreme Memory.

Like the colorful aurora, W was slowly torn apart from the middle.

Under the extreme power, the mark that the dopant had put on W yesterday was also removed by the extreme power.

When the mark of the dopant disappeared yesterday, Shotaro Zuo's consciousness finally returned to the present.

When Shotaro Zuo woke up and found out where he was and the enemy he was facing, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

How did he appear in this place inexplicably? Isn't this the auditorium yesterday?

Why do I feel like I don't know anything? It's like I just slept.

Feeling that Shotaro Zuo's consciousness returned to normal, Philip was relieved.

"Shotaro, you finally woke up."

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