"Huh? Philip, what are you talking about? What happened to me before?"

However, now is not the time to chat.

The huge fire python rushed over again, and Philip immediately reminded.

"Now is not the time to discuss these things, concentrate on dealing with the enemy! This time, the enemy we are facing is very strong."

Facing the flying fire python, W quickly took out the prism radiance.


The fire python with terrifying power hit the prism radiance fiercely, and the flames poured out crazily around.

If it weren't for the fact that the prism radiance itself was very powerful, W had also turned into an extreme form, otherwise it might not be able to withstand this terrifying impact.

The flames splashed around, and all the seats and the like that touched the flames were burned.

However, the Queen's doped body can easily control all the flames, and the flames on the seats that had just been ignited were instantly summoned back.

These summoned flames were reintegrated into the fire python.

Seeing the power and terrifying defense shown by the Queen's doped body, Lu Li nodded secretly.

It is indeed the memory that best fits Mina, and the power it exerts is indeed very powerful.

With this combat power, although it cannot completely match W's ultimate form, it can be 30% to 70% if it really comes to a winner.

The Queen's doped body accounts for 30%, and W accounts for 70%.

As time goes by, I am afraid that the probability of victory will decrease slightly.

In the ultimate form, W can compare the power of the target through the earth database and then find the best solution.

The Queen's doped body may still have a certain advantage now, but this advantage cannot be maintained for a long time.

To truly defeat W's ultimate form, it is probably difficult to do it with the current Queen's doped body.

The battle here has already begun, and yesterday's doped body certainly cannot be idle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, yesterday's doped body quickly approached Lu Li.

The weapon in his hand shot out a bunch of energy discs, which seemed to cut Lu Li into several pieces.

Without any extra movements, he raised his hand lightly, and a powerful force burst out instantly.

All the flying energy discs were stopped in mid-air by this terrifying force, and they could not move forward at all.


Yesterday's doped body was obviously a little bit unacceptable. Lu Li actually blocked his progress easily with his physical body.

Is he... really a human? !

How could a human do such a terrifying thing.

The power of yesterday's memory is only very special, but it is really not strong.

As long as it is not marked by yesterday's doped body, it will not be affected by the power of yesterday's memory at all.

The police saw that W, who was very difficult to deal with the fire python, would certainly not sit and wait for death, and immediately rushed to help.

As for Lu Li, he knew very well that he could not deal with it by himself.

If he could join forces with W, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Before that, he could not deal with Lu Li alone, and he had to help W defeat the Queen's doped body first.

Moreover, the police were very afraid of the two sisters, Sonozaki Saeko and Sonozaki Wakana. According to his estimation, the two sisters were probably also cadres of the organization.

Since they are cadres of the organization, it means they have great power. The two sisters have not intervened yet, but it does not mean that they will not intervene forever.

If the two sisters take action, it is likely to affect the situation of this battle.

At that time, he and W will fall into a completely passive situation. This battle... is very dangerous! .

Chapter 179 The power of eternal ineffectiveness, W: Am I flying?

The sudden joining of the police made it a little easier for W to deal with the terrifying fire python.

After some analysis, W came to a conclusion.

That is, the Queen's dopants that control the fire python should not have the power to control the flames.

According to the comparison of the Earth database, the Queen's dopants do not have too strong attack power, but only extremely terrifying defense.

The protective barrier built can withstand strong impacts, but it should not be able to control such a terrifying flame.

This caused the database comparison to fail, and the Queen's dopants and the data in the database were not the same.

However, W still found a way to break the terrifying protective barrier.

The protective barrier created by the Queen's doping body has extremely terrifying defensive power, and this protective barrier is almost 360 degrees without dead angles.

The defensive strength of each position of the protective barrier is the same, no place is too strong, and no place is weak.

The only way to break the barrier is this one.

That is to use a powerful force to break directly from the front.

As long as the attack power is strong enough, it can also break this protective barrier.

"Zhao Jing! Help me buy a little time!"

Hearing this, the police rider nodded slightly and immediately knew what to do.

He rushed up quickly and took the initiative to meet the terrifying fire python.

The fire python created by the extreme driving force of the blazing heat has a very strong attack power. Even the police rider with strong defense does not dare to confront it easily.

In this situation, it is best to use speed to restrain the opponent.

Thinking of this, the police rider immediately took out the trial memory.


Immediately transformed into the Judgment Form, in this form, he could easily dodge the attack of the Fire Python.

As long as his speed is too fast, he doesn't have to worry about being hit by the opponent.

The police rider turned into a blue afterimage, quickly dodging the attack of the Fire Python.

Taking this opportunity, W immediately took out the Prism Memory and inserted it into the hilt.


The Prism Radiance instantly turned into two weapons, the Prism Holy Sword and the Radiance Holy Shield.

Without the intervention of the Fire Python, W immediately rushed towards the Queen's Doppleganger.


Yesterday, the doppleganger suppressed the shock in her heart. She didn't understand how Lu Li blocked the energy disc she launched.

Now, she didn't have time to think so much.

Her heart was already filled with revenge and anger, and she almost lost the ability to think.

There was only one thought in her heart, and it was the only thought.

That was to kill Lu Li!

To avenge her brother Sudo Kirihiko with her own hands!

Even at such a distance, Lu Li could still feel the other party's hatred for him.

An awakening device emerged from his waist, and Lu Li took out the Eternal Memory Awakening Card.

"Change! Enteral!"

The awakening card in his hand slid over the awakening device, and Lu Li's body emitted a dazzling white light.

After the white light dissipated, a knight in pure white with a black cloak appeared in front of yesterday's mixed body.

Kamen Rider Eternal!

So far, the twenty-six Gaia memories required for Eternal to transform into the strongest form, except for the yesterday's memory in front of him, only the weather memory is left.

Lu Li was also looking forward to the appearance of Eternal transformed into the strongest form.

What he used was not the Lost Drive, but all the memories were converted into corresponding awakening cards.

The final form of Eternal transformed using the awakening device must be very different from the final form of Eternal transformed by Dao Keji.

Lu Li gently clenched his right hand.

The energy disc that was stagnant in mid-air turned into fragments in an instant.

"Go to hell!"

Yesterday's mixed body rushed over, raised her fist and hit Lu Li fiercely.

She didn't have any outstanding attack methods, and Lu Li didn't have her mark on him, so naturally he couldn't be affected by yesterday's power.

And even if he was marked, what would happen? Would Lu Li have no way to remove the mark?

The extreme memory has the ability to remove the mark of yesterday's memory, let alone Lu Li?

The invisible force blocked the attack of yesterday's memory, and her fist seemed to be imprisoned by some force, and there was no way to get closer.

The fist was only a few centimeters away from Lu Li's head.

But these few centimeters seemed to be an insurmountable gap, and there was no way to get closer.

"How could it be?!"

Yesterday's mixed body twisted her body vigorously, trying to fight back, but her body didn't move at all.

The invisible force perfectly suppressed her body, and she couldn't even move, just like a fixed model.

"Damn it!! Bastard!..."

Roaring unwillingly, the mixed body of yesterday felt that she was very incompetent at this moment, and couldn't even avenge her brother.

The enemy was clearly in front of her, and even only a few centimeters away from her fist, but she couldn't touch him.

She was so unwilling!

"Sudo Yukie, although I got rid of your brother, it was not me who took the initiative to cause trouble at the beginning.

Your brother Sudo Kirihiko couldn't bear the powerful power of the memory, fell into a state of rampage, and attacked me.

Do you think... I shouldn't fight back? But he started it first, and he died... I can only blame him for not knowing the limits."

Lu Li's voice came, but the mixed body of yesterday couldn't care so much now.

She only cared about how her brother died. Whoever started it was her enemy, regardless of the reason.

"You killed my brother, this is the fact!

I will definitely kill you with my own hands and avenge my brother!"

Her eyes had long been blinded by hatred, and she couldn't listen at all.

Of course, Lu Li didn't want the mixed body of yesterday to give up revenge on him.

It's just an enemy. One more or one less is not too much.

"You have great abilities and brains. If you can enter the organization, it's not a bad idea to become a cadre."

Lu Li admires Sudo Xuehui.

This is a very smart woman who knows how to plan and how to use others.

"Hmph! I don't care! Now... I just want you to die!!"

She roared at the top of her lungs.

Yesterday, the mixed body didn't think about anything else at all. The only thought was to avenge her brother.

Her brother died, and the only relative in the family was gone. She had to avenge her brother.

She was a very tactless woman. Lu Li shrugged slightly. Since the other party didn't know, forget it.

"I will... accept your power."

Lu Li took out the Eternal Memory Awakening Card again and swiped the Awakening Device Component.

"Enteral! Maximum. Drive!"

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