When the power of the eternal memory is activated, it can invalidate the target's memory power.

Now, Lu Li's target is yesterday's doped body.


Yesterday's doped body, which was still struggling hard, suddenly felt the power on its body quickly fading, and a feeling of extreme discomfort came over it.

Blue arcs flashed across its body, and its body trembled slightly.

Then, yesterday's doped body directly turned back into Sudo Yukie.

Yesterday's memory that was fused into the body was also automatically ejected.

The power of eternity is the power of the target's memory that can invalidate.

After making it into an awakening card, Lu Li's use of the eternal power to invalidate the target's memory power is not limited to T1, even T2 will be affected.

This is an advantage since the awakening card.

Of course, the influence between T1 and T2 memory is definitely different.

Lu Li had considered another thing before, that is, to obtain all the T2 memories later, make them into awakening cards, and then merge them with his existing awakening cards.

After the two corresponding awakening cards are merged, they will definitely be able to exert more powerful power.

I just don't know whether the T2 memory has been made yet. Even if it hasn't been made yet, it shouldn't be too far off.

Seeing herself turned back into a human, Sudo Xuehui's eyes were full of shock.

"How could it be?!"

She couldn't understand why she turned back into a human for no reason.

"What did you do to me? Why can't I use the power of the memory?!"

Sudo Xuehui stared at Lu Li angrily, her eyes full of the flame of revenge.

She wanted to kill the guy in front of her, but unfortunately, she was not strong enough!

The enemy was right in front of her, but she couldn't even touch him.

She didn't even have a chance for revenge, so you can imagine how uncomfortable she felt.

"You can guess what I did."

Lu Li didn't intend to explain to her. He hooked his finger lightly, and the memory of yesterday that fell on the ground flew automatically into his hand.

After so long, Lu Li had already fully mastered the power of converting the memory into an awakening card.

The conversion process was very fast, and there was no need to consider how much the earth data was.

A black light flashed on his finger, and Lu Li pressed his finger on yesterday's memory.

The next second, in Sudo Xuehui's surprised eyes, yesterday's memory directly turned into the corresponding awakening card.

"How could it be?! My... memory?!"

Sudo Xuehui, who witnessed this situation with her own eyes, could not accept that she had lost the power of memory inexplicably for a while.

Sudo Xuehui, who was already familiar with the power of memory, did not understand what Lu Li had done to turn the memory into a card.

After Lu Li did this, it meant that the connection between Sudo Xuehui and the memory was disconnected.

The memory connection port disappeared directly.

A feeling of fainting came over Sudo Xuehui, and she closed her eyes and fainted.

Yesterday's memory, like other memories, has side effects, but the side effects of yesterday's memory are slightly greater.

Once the connection between the memory and the user is cut off, the user will lose part of the memory.

As for what the lost part of the memory is, it is unclear.


W immediately pressed the button on the hilt while rushing towards the Queen's dopants.

"Prism! Maximum. Drive!"

A powerful energy condensed on the Prism Holy Sword. W's purpose was simple, which was to break the protective barrier of the Queen's dopants.

·· ··Please give me flowers·· ·······

The Queen's dopants without a protective barrier could never withstand the joint attack of W and the police.


W shouted and instantly slashed out the Prism Holy Sword in his hand.


The Queen's dopants, who had already noticed W's small movements, certainly would not give him a chance to break the defense.

With both hands raised in front of him, the Queen's dopants suddenly burst out with a powerful and invisible force.

Boom! !

This invisible force collided with the powerful force of the Prism Holy Sword, and waves of colorful energy spread out to the surroundings.

"This is not the power of the memory! Could it be... that this comes from her?!"

When Philip was competing in this power contest, he clearly noticed that this power was unusual.


Through the comparison of the Earth database, the Queen's memory should not have these powers.

In other words, this is not the power of the Queen's memory itself, but perhaps it comes from her.

"Shotaro, be careful, our opponent... is very special!"

Even if Philip did not say it, Shotaro Zuo had also noticed the abnormality.

"I know!"

W used the Radiant Holy Shield to press down on the Prism Holy Sword, trying to rely on strength to break through the defense of this invisible power.

Compared with the previous ease, the Queen's dopants also felt a sense of oppression at this moment.

The opponent is very strong!

Since obtaining the Queen's memory, this is the first time she has encountered such a difficult opponent.

The body slid back slightly, and the Queen's dopants looked to the side from time to time.

Not only does she have to deal with W, but she also needs to control the fire python to deal with the police cavalry. She is multitasking and cannot concentrate on dealing with either of the two.

... ... ...

Gritting her teeth, the Queen's doped body stepped on the ground, stopping its retreat.

She... won't lose here!

Now that you have decided to follow Lu Li, you naturally need to show your worth.


A purple light flashed in his eyes, and a bolt of thunder appeared out of thin air.


Only a roar was heard, and the thunder instantly hit W on the back.


Faced with this sudden sneak attack, they were still evenly matched. Because of the sudden thunder, W almost dropped the Prism Holy Sword in his hand.

Feeling the pressure on his hand lighten, the Queen's Doped Body immediately increased its telekinesis and suppressed W immediately.

He only felt a huge force coming, and W was blown away by the powerful telekinesis on the spot.

Here, seeing Sudou Yukie unconscious, Lu Li stopped paying attention to her.

At this time, the power of the Eternal Ultimate Drive had reached its extreme, and Lu Li's right leg was gathering very powerful energy.

What we have to do now is to release this powerful force.

The target is naturally W and the police cavalry who are currently fighting.

At this moment, Lu Li happened to see W being blasted away. Isn't this a good target?

Taking a step forward, Lu Li jumped into the air.

The white warrior spun rapidly in the air, and the blue flames on his body burned like real things.

The body suddenly turned into a blue whirlwind, quickly approaching W who was blown away.


W didn't even have time to react before he felt a terrifying force coming.

The most important thing is that when W felt this power, W's body suddenly became difficult to move.

Phillip could clearly feel a sense of fear erupting in Zuo Shotaro's heart.

It was precisely because of this sense of fear that he had no intention of resisting at all.

The next second, the blue whirlwind hit W fiercely, and the powerful force allowed W to experience a second flight.



A heartbreaking scream came.


W was directly blasted out of the ceiling by powerful force.

Yes, a big hole was smashed into the ceiling of the auditorium.

As for W, I don’t know where he flew to long ago.

Narumi Asukiko stared in shock as a hole broke in the ceiling above her head.

"This...this...what the hell?!"

She couldn't understand, hadn't W already transformed into its ultimate form?

According to what Phillip said before, even if he can defeat Lu Li, he won't lose so quickly.

But the result seems to be unsatisfactory.

Even the seemingly strong dopant was not defeated, and it was even directly knocked away by Lu Li twice, breaking through the ceiling of the auditorium in an instant.

Now, no one knows where they are flying to.

The blue cyclone landed smoothly.

Lu Li casually waved the eternal ceremonial robe behind him, looking domineering.

On the podium, Sonosaki Saeko saw Lu Li in this form for the first time.

The pure white warrior wears a black robe, and the white crown on his head is like a king.

He exudes the aura of a king who dominates the world. This is her Sono Saki Saeko's man.

Powerful, unparalleled existence!

Just now, she also noticed Lu Li's power to convert memories into awakening cards.

She didn't expect that the memory could actually help Lu Li. The corners of Sonosaki's mouth raised slightly. She was very happy.

Chapter 180 Police Cavalry: If you can’t beat him, then run away, that’s right! different side effects

As long as she could help Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko didn't care what she had to do.

The reason why I can have everything now and become the only queen of the museum is because of Lu Li's presence.

Because of Lu Li, she became who she is now.

Therefore, no matter what Lu Li needs, Sonosaki Saeko will do her best to achieve it as long as she can do it.

Similar to her sister Sono Saki Wakana's mood, Sono Saki Wakana was naturally very happy when she saw Lu Li showing off his power.

However, a question suddenly arose in Sonosaki Wakana's mind.

"Sister, why didn't Lu Li solve W at once? He should be able to solve it easily with his strength."

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